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>Thursday...I think...

Light's were bright... My body was stiff. My mind conscious while i lay there lifeless. The sound of chattering men echoed the room as I left myself being lifted and put into the back of a van. fuck

My eyes were forced open by the flash of a bright light in my face.. "What-..the hell." i said confused. "See kid your smart but not that smart we caught on to what you were doing when you killed two of our men within an hour. We assumed you'd target me next so we set you up! Surprise!!" Greens voice vibrated through my head like a headache.

"What do you want from me." i asked weakly as I was still bleeding out. "Oh nothing from this version of you but don't worry we will fix that very soon." he replied. "The bloody hell does that mean." I asked but before I could get an answer i was injected and then.. it went.. dark.


"Bucky relax. I'm sure she's fine!" Steve tried to reassure me but I had a gut feeling something was off very off. "Steve someones not right man you know her past with Hydra what if they set her up and use this as another hostage opportunity!" I let out. "I wont let her go through that again she's been through enough." i added. "It's only been 2 days since she's texted I'm sure she is fine just doing a very good undercover job." Steve said calmly sitting me down. 

"Okay fine i'll let it go for now." i said there was nothing I could do at the minute but wait..

ME: Hey Doll how's everything over there?                      9:25AM Delivered. 

ME: Please tell me your safe it's been a while..              13:04PM Delivered.



ME: Hello Nick I was hoping you could tell us where y/n is?

NICK: I actually have no idea.. I've got some Agents down there searching for her..

ME: What are you on about? You lost her??

NICK: Her tracker got cut off and she wont pick up her radio I think something bad's happened.

ME: God. Does Tony know?

NICK: Yes I told him as soon as I found out 

ME: Keep us updated.

NICK: Okay.

God what do I do I can't tell bucky he is going to flip. I need to find tony. *Meeting in the Meeting room being held now everyone make your way its a code red.* Friday announced through the speakers "Perfect timing" I said to myself.

When i got to the meeting room everyone was there I sat down and waited or Tony to begin. However when I scanned the room Bucky was missing that's odd.

"Thank you all for coming. I have some news and it's not the best." Tony began before taking a deep breath. "My sister is missing we think hydra took her." he finished. 

"When." asked Wanda. "We don't know Fury lost her signal last night. "Wait why isn't Barnes here." asked Nat. "He's out and I don't really want him to know he will flip." replied Tony.

"Stark that's his girlfriend." protested Wanda. "I know I know. But its a likely chance we will find her before he ever has to find out I've got Friday scanning every camera over there." 

"So what can we do from here why not send us down there." I asked. 

"Too risky plus we can't go until no one else can do anything were the last option." stark answered. 

For the next 5 minutes everyone sat in silence with no clue what to say.


When I finally woke from my induced sleep I was strapped down to a metal chair with some big metal thing towering over my head I tried to escape I tried to use my powers but nothing came out i-      i was hopeless.

"I wouldn't try that if I were you" A female doctor said while walking in. "What do you want with me." I asked. "We want the old you" she replied. "Old me? Hun i'm going to have to ask you to elaborate" 

"The old you. The you that would kill entire villages towns and cities just like we ordered you to." she replied 

"No.. you can't turn me into that." i said in disbelief they were trying to turn me into her again.. Summers song... 

"We can and we have unlocked the means to do so, therefore sit tight love not long now. Also don't try to use your powers your in magical time out for a while.." she said while walking out.

"Bitch." i said under my breath. On the bright side my wound was treated. However I'm kidnapped again. 



After I came home from my walk I checked my phone still nothing. When I got back to my room I saw the door was already opened... "Hello?" I asked walking in to my surprise I saw Wanda sitting on my bed. 

"Hey.. can we talk." she asked in a serious voice. "Uh yeah sure of course." i smiled while shutting the door and sitting by her. "What's up" I asked.

"Your not meant to know this.. but you deserve to so here we go." she started.. then took a deep breath. "Wanda you scaring me." i said nervously.

"Y/n.. has been taken my Hydra." she finally let out. "I knew it." "wait what?" "I was telling steve I had a bad feeling but he told me it was nothing!" I said frustrated.

"She went off the grid last night as she went to take out the last guy on her hitlist." Wanda finished. "I'm so sorry." she added. "Who knows." "everyone.." 

Perfect everyone but me. "Okay so whats the plan when are we going to get her?" i asked. 

"Were not.. Fury has us on stand by hes got his men down there trying to find her-" "How the hell are his men meant to find her." 

"I don't know but if they can't then how are we meant to." What wanda said made sense but then it clicked. "Your both witches. Of some book of the dammed." i said. "Where are you going with this?" she asked. "Is there nothing about a locater spell? Or teleportation?" I asked curiously. 

"Y/n has used teleportation before but I don't think she can use her powers because if she could she'd be home by now.." Wanda said sadly



"Wait what are you doing??? Hey! Don't touch me." I said in disgust as they strapped me down tighter and put some thing in my mouth.

"mmHHMMGHMM" i muffled. "What darling? I can't understand you." Said green. "Alrighty lets get started. Okay so Y/n this thing is going to fry your brain and scramble your memories and soon youll become a lovely little killer for me to use as my personal slave cool?" 


He turned on the machine and fuck it hurt I tried yelling but that thing was in my mouth so only muffles came out. 10 minutes later they turned it off.

"Who is James Buchanan Barnes to you?" Asked Green as he took  that thing out my mouth. "My boyfriend." "WRONG UP THE VOLTS PUT A LONGER TIMER." He yelled to the people behind the panel as he put that thing back in my mouth.

They increased the power that only made me shriek in pain. i got dizzy everything felt different and it hurt. 

20 minutes later "Who is James Buchanan Barnes." he asked yet again. "i.. uhh my boyfriend" "NO OH MY DAYS STUBBORN OR WHAT UPPER THE VOLTS TO 75 SET THE TIME FOR 30 MINS shes strong she can take it." 

"No please I can-" he put it back in my mouth and turned the machine back on and I screamed in pain.

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