Family N- Nvm Not PG 13 - DAY 6

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Yellow...Blue...Green...Orange...Purple and red. Those six colours going round and round flashing in my head as I laid there asleep. 

In those colours stood a figure, one I couldn't quite put my finger on until I felt empty...chaos..pain.

My eyes shot open as I jolted up out of bed. As I caught my breath I looked over to Barnes who was fast asleep. I sat up in bed for a little bit trying to think what the hell that was.. 

I then glanced over to the clock that read 4:42AM. "Y/n..? Are you okay?" I heard Bucky say with a tired strained morning voice "Oh yeah totally." I whispered still shaken up from the dream. "I know when your lying darling." He said cockily as he sat up and pulled me into a hug.

"What was it this time" He said looking down at me. "Rainbow." I dryly replied before looking up to him. "You got mentally tortured by a rainbow?" he said confused. "Yup." 

"Continue..." he added. "Well colours flashed people actually person was seen and pain was felt to sum it up." "If it wasn't painful it would of been pretty." I added.

"Odd." he replied. "Very." "You think it's something to take seriously?" he continued. "I have no idea but it's not good so probably." 

"We should probably get some rest it's late." I said before cuddling up to bucky. "Goodnight" He quietly said as he got comfy.

On that note we drifted off to sleep.

Later on that day...

"Alright morons Tony as requested a family meal later tonight and asked me to inform you all." Thor announced as we were all chatting in the living room but Tony probably setting up for tonight's festivities.

"WAIT y/n did what??" Sam asked as Nat was telling old story's from when I was young.  "We really don't have to" I tried to end the conversation as it was just going to end badly for me when barnes had to put his trap in it. "Oh I think we do Nat continue." "Piss of cyborg." I hissed  out before Nat continued.

"Right so as I was saying when she was 6 she used to run around the compound while wearing nothing but a scarf while running away from Tony who was chasing her because she kept stealing his arc reactors it was the funniest thing" Nat finished as they all burst out laughing 

"Sounds like Y/n" Sam added. "Okay thank you everyone! I think were done with old me storys" I let out longingly. 

"I mean Y/n's right we should probably get ready." Steve said getting ready. "Steve did you just say I'm right?" I said looking over at him with a huge smile plastered on my face. As he heard the look of regret was painted onto his. "I wanna take it back-" He started. "Too late no take backs!" I said as i ran back to my room so he couldn't take it back

"Dam you Stark!" Steve yelled as he watched me run into my room.

I laughed to myself as I shut the door. Running away from Steve was always fun. I went into my wardrobe where I found a white floral dress which was perfect for dinner I paired it with white heels. As I thought of what jewellery to pair with the outfit the door swung open.

"Heyy" I said turning around to face Bucky. I shut the door with a wave of my hand before running up to give and planting a kiss on his lips.

"Someones in a good mood" he said tucking my hair behind my ear with his right hand. "Well messing with Steve will do that to you" I smiled as I admired his face. 

"Alright i'm going to shower see you in 20" He kissed me on the forehead before he went into the bathroom.

In that 20 mins I did my hair and makeup and I put my dress on but I couldn't quite do the zip up. 

As I couldn't reach the zip Bucky walked out of the bathroom in a towel. It was hard not to stare like cmon this guy has a six pack chiselled abs and huge muscles and his skin as glowing it was perfection.

I was stunned by the man infront of me until he cleared his throat. "My eye's are up here Doll" He said with a smirk on his face before adding. "Need help?" 

"Mhm" I replied turning around as he came up behind my to do my zip. I moved my hair to the front before he zipped me up. 

I stood in front of the mirror as he inches behind me making me a little nervous. "...You know Stark's probably not going to be done for a while..meaning me and you can have some fun. I know that dress would look a lot better on the floor." He whispered in my ear before gently kissing my neck and moving his way to my collerbone.

I let out a pleasurable sigh. "It's daylight too risky everyone's awake.." I said slowly as I enjoyed the feel of his lips trace my body. "Even more fun then. Let's play a game.. Try not to make any noise.." he proposed. 

"What's the punishment." I asked. I knew it was a mistake because he looked up and gave me the cockiest grin. "Loser has to tell the team were together." "Fuck sake." I let out. 

"Language Doll honestly I think I'm going to have to sort you out right now." without another word he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. 

"Put me down!!" I laughed while being upside down. "Sure." He said before throwing me on to the bed and hovering over me. 

"Ever played cops and criminals?" he asked. "Nope" I replied. He reached over to the side draw where he pulled out handcuffs. I'm in for it. 

He then cuffed me to the bed leaving my legs free. I was about to say something when he put his finger on my mouth shushing me. "No noise remember." he said cockily but quietly. 

He started at my ankles slowing kissing his way up. As he got to my inner thy he could tell that I was already wet for him. Each kiss was an unignorable fluttery sensation that I couldn't let a single peep out.

I  was snapped out of my thoughts to the feel of his cold metal hand on my panties. He then pushed them aside as he started to rub my clit causing my back to arch. I threw my head back as I felt his two fingers enter me. "F-" I was about to let out a moan when I remembered the bet so I bit onto my tongue. 

Every second he went faster and faster until I organised onto his hand. I could tell silent sex was killing him but that fact alone was enough to motivate me. 

He pulled his finger out and I watched as he dropped his towel. He then towered over me planting kisses all over my body and caressing every part of me.

I then felt him pull my panties down my legs and onto the floor. Suddenly I felt his huge erection on the side of my leg that almost made me gasp. I thought I was safe until he rubbed my entrance with his dick causing all kind of sensations to flow through me. I don't know how I was holding anything in.

I thought that act was hard to follow but nope that was the easy part, seconds later his dick inside of my as he thrusted in and out of me as if we were on a fast carousel. Up and down my whole body shaking as I held in every moan that came. 

He was hell bent on getting something out of me as he was relentless. After we both came we were exhausted. 

"Fuck you Stark" he finally let out after a couple of seconds. "Well you just did.. I'd say round two but I don't think you could keep up." I smugly said before regretting my words as i was flipped onto my stomach witch bucky towering over me. "Still think your ol-" I was inturupted by the sensation of a cold metal hand around my throat

"Now doll the problem here.. Is that you think I'm old *his grip tightened* So tonight your going to meet me in here and i'm going to show you otherwise." He whispered down my neck before planting a kiss on my head getting up and going into the bathroom.


I was left there speechless. I think I have daddy issues...


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