I guess were just going to kiss and make up.

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He pulled away but kept his hands on my back. "So is she gone?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "Hm who?" i asked confused then i remembered. "Oh yeah right." I cleared my throat. He chuckled pushing my hair behind my ear. "Do I make you nervous?" he asked cockily. "Sometimes." i said embarrassingly hiding my face in his neck.

"God your adorable." he said as I stopped hiding. "Uh I will have you know I'm a trained super smart super hot killer." I said with my arms folded. To which he laughed .rude. 

"I know.. It turns me on." he whispered into my ear making me blush. "Mmmhm shush." I said trying to hide my blushing.

We both sat there staring at each other until *BOOM*

Both of our heads snapped to the sound and a massive fire emerged from the stove. "I THOUGHT YOU TURNED THAT OFF." I panicked getting off bucky!

"SAME!" he said running for the fire extinguisher. Seconds later he put out the fire and I started laughing.

"I don't think almost blowing up is something to laugh about." he said seriously. "No it's not that, it's remember in Costa Rica when we burnt some pancakes and we were panicking about it and y'all were just like put the dam fire out." i said wiping my tears of laughter.

"You remember that?" Bucky's face lit up as he came closer. My hands cupped his face. "I remember everything." I admitted.

"It took some time.., but eventually it all came back." I smiled. He kissed my hands and picked me up, and he put me on the counter. He then stood between my thighs then I wrapped my legs around him.

"So dinners fucked." I said sadly. "Hmmm why don't we order food." he suggested. "Ooo we could." I replied "So what do you fancy." he asked. "You." I said mocking him from earlier.

"Hey watch it. For the moment your sitting on that counter. You forget how easily it is for me to bend you over it." he said with that stupid smirk on his face. 

I pushed my tongue against my mouth trying to prevent my smile. "Mk soo when do those Agents get here?" I asked. "Not for a week why." he asked curiously. 

"Well if were not in any danger... and we have some time before our mission... why not make it a vacation. Like we can turn tonight into a movie night." I say smiling.

"I love that idea. Hm mkay well I'm surprising you with food. Can you guess what it is?" he asked. "Uhh Pizza??" i asked. "Yeah how'd you know." he replied. "I just guessed." I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "Okay i'm going to go shower and get ready for bed. Could you order the food?"

"Of course." he replied. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and I hoped off the counter and headed straight through the bathroom. I showered and did my skincare then jumped into some comfy PJ's 

When I went back downstairs a half our later I saw candles lit, The sofa turned into a bed with a load of blankets and pillows.

"Surprise." he said standing behind me. "James.. It's perfect." I said turning around and giving him a massive hug.


"Suddenly I love that stupid name." He said picking me up and spinning me around. When he put me down the door knocked. Quickly I grabbed a knife.

"Y/n.." bucky said concerned. "It's the pizza guy." he said coming up to me and taking the knife from out of my hand and setting it down. He opened the door got the pizza payed the guy and set them on the counter. I remained in the same position i was in.

I was in shock. why did i do that. was I scared something would ruin this moment. is it her taking over. 

"Doll." he said calmly pulling me out of my thoughts. "I don't know why I did that." i replied "It's okay.. come here." he said pulling me into a hug.

"I think you did that because part of you is still there. Some part of you is still scared, scared of hydra. Therefore your on edge. Plus her appearances isn't making it easier." he said truthfully rubbing circles on my back.

"What if she takes over." I asked slightly scared. "She wont." he reassured. "How can you be so sure." I asked him. "If she did. I'd get you back, no matter what it takes." he said planting a kiss on my forehead.  

I gave him a kiss and sat on the sofa. He brought the food and we got comfy picked a good movie. Then we ate and cuddled through it.

A/N; Yall I chatted shit. I may allow them to be happy for a while. The roller coaster has stabilised. For now.

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