I hate you but goodnight. DAY 1

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A/N: A little quick something for youse  

I don't know how long I was out but when I got back it was dark. On my way back there was something peaceful about walking back at night. It was quiet in fact silent i had always admired that about the night. It always allowed me to think not the mention the calming of the ocean waves hitting against the headlands. 

When I got back I was greeted by an angry Tony stark. "Where have you been" "Out " I replied walking past and going to my room. "This isn't over young lady" I ignored and went into my room I entered slowly in case Bucky was sleeping which he was.

He looked so cute when he slept- wait what am I saying the hell cmon Y/n you hate him focus. I got some pjs out of my suit case as I didn't completely unpack earlier I went into the bathroom and and changed and washed my face and brushed my teeth once I was done I was about to get into bed when Bucky started mumbling and shaking. 

"Bucky?" I asked but no reply I started to get concerned. He started breathing heavier but by then I already knew what was happening. Nightmare. Before I could process anything I found myself by his side. 

"N-no leave her... stop..dont hurt her.. please" His voice broken at that last part. 

"Hey bucky it's not real its just a dream no ones hurt I promise" I said as I gently shook him awake. Suddenly he woke up in a panic

"Hey its okay I'm here your okay" I reassured him while pulling him into a hug. "Y/n?" "Yeah buck i'm here" "I'm sorry" "Don't be" I pulled away as he was a bit calmer. I got up to go grab some water and handed it to him. I then sat down next to him and began to rub his back

"Do you want to talk about it?" "Not much to talk about" He said placing the water down.  Oh fuck am I really about to do this..

I moved back into his bed and got comfy. "Buck?" "Hm?" "Come here" I said motioning him over. He looked at me confused. "Trust me" I tapped my hand on my chest signalling him to put his head there. "I'm not a dog" He said mockingly obviously trying to imitate me from before. "Never said you were now come" I said pulling him down to me.

I began to stroke his hair with one hand and rub his arm with the other. "I'm sorry" I started. "for what?" he asked "For being an ass these past couple of days" "And I'm sorry for lying" He replied. "How about this no more secrets from now on" He added. "Deal" I said smiling. 

He looked up "Where'd you go earlier" He said in a sleepy voice. "Just out" "You looked troubled" he replied. "Is that you way of telling me I look tired?" I joked 

"Absolutely not you didn't come back for hours are you okay?" He said almost concerned. "Don't worry about me I was at the beach I'll take you there it's beautiful i was just clearing my head." I reassured him. "But all I do is worry about you" 

This man is killing me 

Don't ask what possessed me to do so but I gave him a kiss on the forehead and continued to play with his hair.

"I thought you hated me" "Oh I still hate you just a lot less" I teased "Sooo you don't hate me" "Lets not push it" "Yes ma'am!" He gave me a little solute.  

"Stop being cute I'm trying be mad at you" I said laughing "Ohh but it makes you laugh" He chuckled. 

"Right well keep it up and maybe I wont be mad" "Done." he said quickly 

"Okay go to sleep now" I was about to get up "wait please don't leave" he said in his sleepy voice. I couldn't resist. "Fine"

I laid back down continued to stroke his hair and just like that we fell asleep.

A/N : I hope you enjoyed this little scene would u consider it fluff? Maybe who knows 

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