We like fire. DAY 7

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"Alright ass hats round up." I motioned over for the group to come sit in a circle around the fire. "I have some news.." I began slowly. "As you all know your going home tomorrow however.. While your all on your flight back home I'm going to be in a car driving to a safe house. I have some things to do for Fury and just wanted to let you all know." I finished. Everyone paused before Nat spoke.

"Wait your doing it alone? Whats the mission?" she questioned. "Simple assignation of a couple hydra agents... heh" i said with a half smile. 

"You can't do that alone are you mad." stepped in wanda. "That's what I said!" Added James in an annoyed voice. "Okay everyone relax I will be fine there's something else I have to tell you, something we should have a long time ago". 

"Wanda and I aren't normal witches as you know or even if there was such a thing were not even close." before I continued I pulled out the dark hold.

"This my lovely avengers is the Dark Hold. It's filled with everything about me and everything about Wanda. 

According to this dusty thing were both meant to destroy the world. Wanda is supposed to be known as the Scarlet Witch and I... The Enchantress Goddess  of Chaos. If you date back to my birth we all know I'm adopted, but where I came from was always kept a mystery until I found this book. Took a while but I deciphered it.  My half sister is the goddess of death Hela."

I paused to look at tho before continuing. "So that makes Thor my kind of brother. We have the same dads just different mom. I know it's confusing I barely understand it myself." 

"Wait so your dad is his dad?" asked Steve. "Yeah pretty much." I responded.  "So your royalty?" asked Nat. "I guess so but don't worry Thor I'm not after the throne that's all yours." 

Thor let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness for that."

"But yeah I just thought I'd share as you guys are my family and I love you all. Sorry Wanda I know you said to keep it on the low." I said with regret.

"It's okay my love." she replied with a warm smile. "Wait wonder twin why didn't you want the rest of us knowing." Tony asked in a suspicious tone.

"I.. I think that I thought if everyone found out we were built for destruction we'd be outcasts or that you would... Be afraid I guess.." She confessed looking to the ground before continuing. "But now I realise that i can't control other's fear, only my own." 

"Wise words." I added. 

"Right now that the doom and gloom is all over whats to say we head back and pack." suggested steve.

"Uhhhh grandpa your so old" I joked. "I am not old I know what WTF means." he said boldly. "Oh yeah capsicle gowon." I pushed.

"It means well that's fantastic." as soon as the words left his mouth everyone started laughing.

"What." He asked as he looked around to see everyone laughing.  "Wtf Steve." I said bursting out with laughter.

"Alright kiddo's packing time." said tony getting up and heading to his room. 

Minutes later we all arrived in our rooms all of us packing to go home but me packing for my next mission.

After we finished packing I layed down onto my bed just as James came out the shower. "Hey" he said softly. I could tell something was troubling him so i asked. "What's the matter." I asked concerned. 

"I don't know maybe it's the fact my girlfriend is going on a suicide mission." He said sitting down beside me looking down. "I'm going to  be fine i've gone on tons of missions." "And you've been kidnapped. on loads of missions." he added.

"Cold." I replied. "The whole point of an assassination is that they wont see me coming my love it's going to be okay" I promise. 

"Okay make a deal. When you get back you and I a date that I plan." he proposed. "Done." I said in a heartbeat.

A small smile lit on his face just before I motioned him to come over to me and lie down. He layed on my chest as I begun to play with his hair to which he fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of my blaring alarm.  "Good morning.." I heard a sleepy voice from my chest. "Good Morning my love." I replied. "Are you ready." I asked. "To leave you? Never."he responded. "Only for a little while we have a date remember." Just hearing the word date plastered a smile onto his gorgeous face that I loved to see. 


Everyone said there goodbyes. The gang was off to the airport just as I was off to a safe house. Project assassination is a go. 


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