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I went back to my room where I crashed onto my bed and fell asleep for the rest of the evening. 


*Yawning and stretching my arms* I reached over to my phone checking the time. It was only 10 might as well get up. With that I got up took it real slow going to the shower grabbed my towel and showered 

I got into a casual comfy outfit just some black joggers and a comfy cropped hoodie.

I walked out my room I saw Bucky's door open but no Bucky. Why did I care anyway. Better question why did he care on the mission. It doesn't make sense.. Hes horrible in the compound but concerned on missions. Maybe it was just that one mission who knows oh well i'm hungry.

I walked into the kitchen to see Wanda cooking. "Good Morning Sunshine I made you some Pancakes with a side of strawberries and a splog of whipped cream.!" "Wanda! You shouldn't have thank you so much!" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to go sit down and eat.

"Hey kiddo!" I turn to see Tony "Looking sharp this morning brother its a good look" "Well recent events haven't been the greatest so I'm thinking this causes for a party." "Oh god seriously Tony." Nat said while walking in from the lift with Steve and Buck. 

Bucky and I glance at each other at the same time but both look away

Sam smirks at Steve as he rolls his eyes.

"C'mon a party celebrating my return!" *no response* "You guys are all kill joys. Fine well have the party in 3 weeks when people will be healed" he looks over at me. "Oh how kind of you" I say sarcastically putting my plate in the dishwasher and going back upstairs. 

*Knock knock* "Come in" I say while trying to figure out what to do. "Hey y/n" "Nat Whats up?" "Girl we need to talk. Buckys 100% got a thing for you" If I was drinking water i would of spit it out. "No he doesn't your being ridiculous." "Oh i'm being ridiculous? Honey you were unconscious okay you did not see the way he carried you out the building as soon as you got shot"  "He carried me out..?" "Yeah.." " I should probably go thank him" "Gowon then." I left my room and knocked on buckys door.. 


I walked into the living room to see Steve and Sam chilling on the sofa with Wanda. "Oo Nat come sit we have something to discuss" wanda said "okay" I sat down " So whats up" 

"Is it just me that's feeling some tension between y/n and bucky.?" asked sam. "No way she wouldn't go for him.. would she.." said wanda. "Sam and I have a bet if they get together I owe him 20 dollars but if they don't I get 20 dollars." Steve explained. "So are you team Cap or Team Sam girls?" asked sam. "Oh i'm with sam on this one" I said thoes 2 are getting suspicious. "Wanda what about you?" I asked. "I think I'm team cap." "Alright lets see" i said 


He opened his door, he leaned against the door frame in a black top and jeans staring down at me. I think he was trying to be intimidating but it wasn't working..

"Can I help you? Or have you stole my thing with starring now?" He asked. "Oh i uhm.. Right i'll just get the point Nat told me you carried me out of the building." 

"Yeah correct congrats you don't have amnesia." he said sarcastically. "Look don't be an arse I just wanted to say thank you." "Great you said it" He then closed the door. I was in shock how rude- oh well fuck him I went back into my room and that was it for a while. 

*3:23AM*   * FLASHBACK*

Younger y/n: "Mommy??? I heard a loud noise what happened!"

Mom: "Nothing honey just a bit of car trouble it will be okay"

Younger y/n: "i'm not that silly mommy your bleeding and the cars in a tree!" 

Mom: "Baby girl listen. What's about to happen might frighten you but its alright you can handle it in a second when i say your going to open the door on your side and your going to run through the woods not on the roads until you find someone when you do ring this number *she gives you a piece of paper* and stay with them!"

Younger y/n: "why can't i go on roads and no I not gonna leave you, you need medical attention its bleeding! Dad tell mommy! ... Daddy? d-dad?.. DAD? MOMMY WHY WONT DAD RESPOND."

Mom: "Hes asleep its okay its okay  *she shushes me* Lets think of it as this your playing hide and seek but you can't let anyone find you. You have to find a phone put that number in and stay with him okay. Please listen and go." 

Younger y/n: "Okay mommy but will I ever see you again..? 

Mom: "Not for a very long time honey so you better come back with good story's and live a full life okay? GO NOW!" 

I left the car and ran through the woods only then i heard a scream i looked behind and saw my mom being chocked by someone I couldn't make out who I just heard "RUN Y/N" so that i did I ran through the woods for what felt like hours really it was 5 minutes.

I bumped into something that wasn't a tree but a man... the same one that was just hurting my mom I looked at him closer but then- 


*FUCK* i wake up in a pile of my own sweat skin ice cold get there's sweat dripping of me. My hearts beating so fast. I think I just had a night mare.. fucking hell that was awful. Why'd it seem so real it doesn't make sense.. Trying to piece the dream together I ended up falling back asleep but this time no dream.. just darkness..

A/N: SPOILER AHEAD. Okay so sorry the story lines all over the place at the moment so for people who may be a bit lost every since her encounter with hydra she has been having dreams about her past. Memories that she has supressed because of the trauma but after seeing hydra again and being in there base it's triggered something and it's only a matter of time before she realises Bucky killed her parents as the winter soldier so yay drama! Y/n no ordinary human either so stay tuned for that!

SOULMATES Winter soldier x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now