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"Your going to sit here. and WATCH." He spat as he pressed play on the TV. My arms and legs were tired to the chair. My eyes forced upon the TV. "Stop." I said weakly. They had given me enough sedative that I was awake but barely. All that played on the screen was the screams.. the deafening sound of a bullets piercing my target skin.. There cries for merci.. "no no.. please.." I sobbed as I watched everything I supressed come back..

Suddenly my body jolted up. My eyes rapidly opened but tears streamed down my face. I was all sweaty and gross. "Y/n??" I heard someone call from my right side. I turned to look and I saw Tony..

"Hey kiddo.. you scared me." he said pulling me into a hug sounding out of breath. I turned to the door to see Barnes in the doorway.. As soon as I made eye contact he rolled his eyes and walked away...

"Are you still having nightmares?" Tony asked concerned. "It stopped... for 2 months." i replied taking a breath before continuing. "It's this place... it brings it all back." i confessed. Tony paused for a second. "Do you want me to buy you a house somewhere else in New York?" he said dead seriously. I chuckled "Only you would suggest that. No, it's okay it's only for a little while.." I reassured. "Hey can you stay here tonight.. I think I need my big brother." I said wiping the tears of my face with my hoodie. "Of course." he replied.

With that we both fell asleep.

I woke up alone the clock read 7:02AM. "Good Morning Director Stark. All avengers should report to the common room at 8 on the dot." Friday announced as I got out of bed. 

I turned the shower on and let all of last nights memories wash of from me.. When I got out of the shower I put on black trousers with a halter neck black top. Even though we were coming to the end of December the compound was boiling! So my lack of coverage was justified.

I put on a pair of black work heels and left for the common room. When I walked in only Tony was there. "Someones eager." he mentioned "The sooner we get this done the sooner i can leave." I stated. 

"Right. I'm going to pretend that didn't sting." he brushed off and handed me a file "Whats this?" I asked opening it. "Your mission." he said as the door swung open. In walked the team and they all sat down.

So did Tony.

He gave me a look saying go ahead. 

"Alright. So about 2 months ago Fury and I searched the world for hydra. We took down all there operations. But clearly as they always do. They survived." I said putting the couple on the board.

"Mr and Mrs Walker. Mr Walker is an X hydra agent but he stands on business and is there advocate he's normally used as the escape goat. His wife married in she had a clear past until she met him and now there basically like Mr and Misses Smith. He's trained her to be deadly. Currently they live in France. They have all of Hydras file on a computer chip however they aren't allowed to access it. I-" I stopped as Barnes cut in.

"How is any of this relevant?" he asked impatiently. "Sorry is this meeting not important to u? Do you have somewhere else to be?" I replied with less anger more authority. "Yes actually a hot date." he said smugly

Those words hit my chest. moving on.

"Okay" Furry interrupted.

"For now your all dismissed." I said as everyone stood up. "Barnes sit." I commanded. "No." he replied. "I wasn't asking." I say as my tone of voice deepened. 

He sat back down and I started. "The fucks your problem." I asked standing in front of him. "You." he replied. "I don't want to be here as much as you don't want me to be here. So suck it up and stop acting like a child before I give you something to sulk about." I threatened. "Well next time Director put more clothes on. Maybe then I can pay attention." he snapped back.

I walked towards him leaning both hands on the arm of his chairs closing him in. "Well next time, remember my eyes are up here sergeant. I thought they taught you how to concentrate in primary school. Guess not." I said sarcastically.

I moved away from his chair and he immediately stood up asserting his dominance. "Your dismissed." i  commanded. He took another step closer. "You wouldn't want to miss your hot date." I said with a smile. I picked up my stuff and left the room.

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