Wait WHAT You two? And you didn't tell me!. DAY 6

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"Right now that it's out there that Lady Y/n and Barnes are together Oh and the Lovely Natasha and Steve I t-"

*My wine glass dropped out of my hand* everyone's eyes averted to me.

"Wait what... You two? *I pointed at Nat then Steve squinting my eyes* AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!" *EVERYONE LOOKED OVER TO THE PAIR SITTING TOGETHER LOOKING DOWN*. "Thor when was this." I asked with my eyes still fixed on them.

"Well I found out just around the time I saw you and Barnes in the gym". Thor replied "Oh wait was it a secret? I thought we were all coming out.." he added with a hint of sorriness in his voice

"I'm with you till the line my ass." Bucky said coldly taking a sip of his whisky. "Looks like everyone's full of secrets today" Tony said sarcastically still in shock.

"Listen we were going to tell you but then.. Well I don't know!" Confessed Rogers. "That's cold popsicle." I added.

"Okay I did not see that one coming." Sam replied.

"Okay clearly this night is odd. Any other skeletons in the closet.?" Asked  Vision.

"Yeah just one.." Replied Wanda to what Vision looked at her confused. "You and I Vis.."  

"Awwwhh" I said in awe. "So barnes is with my sister and you with my son.."  Asked Tony. "Don't make it weird Stark." replied wanda. 

"OKAY ANYONE ELSE?" everyone said no . "Great congrats to all the couples I think now we all need fucking therapy after that!" I let out "Now lets bloody eat." I said followed by everyone sitting down and eating.

After a while everyone finished eating and went back to there rooms. I had just finished taking my makeup and jewellery off when Barnes walked in. "Well that was crazy.." He said walking up to me standing behind me. "I know god that was so unexpected I can't even wrap my head around it." I replied. "To be fair though it was kind of predictable." He said as he helped take off my necklace.

"Don't think I forgot about earlier..." he whispered down my neck as his hands traced down to my waist.

He gripped my waste with his metal hand and pulled me even closer to him, he started planting soft kisses down my neck until he reached my dress. He sighed before untying the not on the back of my dress and pulled it off me and onto the floor. He scooped me up and took me to the bed where he gently placed me down. He parted my legs with his hand. "Wait right here." He said coldly as he reached for the draw next to my head and grabbed something metal. The room was dark so it took me a minute to figure it out but then.. I slightly gasped when I felt the metal around my wrist and the click of a lock. I knew. With a wide smirk plastered on my face I said. "Handcuffs." he only replied with a quick kiss before tying my other hand to the bed.

He went down to where he split my legs previously and pulled my under wear right off. He rubbed his fingers up and down my clit in a slow motion that sent shivers up my body. He teased for a bit before shoving his 2 metal fingers right inside me. "Fuck sake." I accidentally let out due to his unexpected thrust into me. 

"Faster" I demanded in need for his touch. "Whats the magic word Doll." he smugly said "I'm close now fuck off." *he slowed down* "Incorrect." "Please?" "nope try again* *his rhythm got even slower* "please james go faster" "not what i was looking for but since you asked nicely." *he went faster* "fuck me" I let out as I orgasmed all over his fingers. 

"If you insist." in no time he removed his pants and  shirt to where he was fully naked.  seconds later wasting no time he slides into me..

I'll let you kids imagine the rest C;

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