S3: Welcome Back!

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...LONDON.... 6:29AM


 Cyborg ❤  : * Good Morning sweetheart 

Me: *you woke me up.*

Cyborg ❤: *Yes well that was the point of the message.

Me: *go away it's too early.*

Cyborg ❤ *Well actually it's 1AM here. But its 6AM for you and you have work at 8 so doll get your ass up and get it to work.*

Me: *Okay love youuu now goodnight i'll ring you when i'm on my way home from work.*

Cyborg ❤ *Goodnight Love you too. And don't go back to sleep!*

- you left cyborg ❤ on read

7:59... LONDON... SHIELD HQ 

It's been about 2 months since I've moved back here it's March now and everything is perfect. My amazing boyfriend has been so supportive and sweet.. I mean given the fact that he is 5 hours behind in time zones which makes communication a little tricky but we manage just fine. 

Things are good here. Shield's HQ is running better than ever I get a long with everyone and everyone loves me. obviously.

 I walk into my office and set my things down. I log into the computer to see what needs to be done when someone knocks on the door.

"Director Stark?" I hear as someone walks in. "Diaz what can I do for you." I ask looking over my computer. "There's something you need to see.." he says with a worried tone. 

"Come in." I say gesturing him to take a seat. He hands me and envelope enclosed with photos of people dead.

"What am I looking at." I say as I stand up and spread the photos out on my desk. "People who have suffered violent deaths." he said slowly.. "Okay, do we have any idea where it started and who's done it?" I ask confused looking at the photos..

"The deaths date back about a month.. that's when the deaths started happening.. As for who... we don't know, but at the crime scene of every death is a symbol burnt into the palm of every victim.." He says as he takes out another picture..

My eye's widen.. There it was again. No matter what I do to escape my past it always catches up with me.. "Hydra." I say letting out a long sigh.


A/N : LADY'S AND GENTLEMEN WELCOME TO SEASON 3! YES I KNOW WERE ALL SICK OF HYDRA BUT I PROMISE THIS IS THE LAST SEASON WITH HYDRA. Let's not forget the Y/n's dream from costa rica hasn't been mentioned just yet... hehe stay tuned x 

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