We need to get out of here.

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I woke up with a thumping headache I crashed as soon as I hit the pillow god its now 10:00AM i overslept. 

I slumped out of bed put on my slippers and went to the kitchen because I was actually starving it was shocking.

"Morning sweetheart" I was greeted by Wanda who put a glass into my hand with green muck in it.  I looked at her confused. "Hangover cure! Pretend it's a shot and down it." She commanded in her serious mom voice it was always so cute. 

"Yes mom" I chuckled so did she. I downed the drink and surprising it wasn't that bad. "Thank you" "No problem" "Wanda?" I asked. "Yeah y/n" "Do you want to go out for coffee like a girl date" I asked hoping she'd say yes because dam we have some shit to catch up on.

"Sure I'd love too what time" She replied. "In about 30 minutes!" I smiled "Done meet you in the car!" "Great" I said going back to my room to get ready.

But of course the universe had other plans because on my way back to my room I was greeted with a hard chest. "Ow-" "Sorry doll you okay?" He checked me for a bruise. "Piss off Barnes." I said almost walking away but then he grabbed my arm. 

"Why are you pissed at me! I tried to prevent your whole kidnapping!" "It's not that I'm pissed about!!" I hissed back pulling my arm out of his grasp and walking back to my room. 

I was about to get there when i was slammed into a wall. "What. Is. Your. Problem. Y/n." Ooo shit first name.. 

"You." I replied dryly. However him being inches away from my did my my heart skip multiple beats so if I was being dry up there is because I was too busy being wet down there...

"Old news." He replied. My breathing increased. "Am I making you nervous doll?" He said playfully. No just wet. I thought but didn't say.

He's a wanker he never told me we knew each other previously so he doesn't get to play happy friends. 

Just like that I pushed him away with my magic stormed into my room and slammed the door shut.


"So what brings us here we rarely ever do this whats up" Wanda broke the silence. "Okay first off it's because were always busy and second of all I may have found a book that says were meant to destroy the world.." I said nervously. 

She spat out her coffee.

"WH- what" She lowered her voice. "I know.." "What are you on about" "So in my time at hydra I may have found some info on me that basically also links back to you. Apparently your destined to be the Scarlett Witch and I'm meant to be The Enchantress." 

Wanda sat there shocked then I showed her the book. "Fun right?" My voice was all over the place I couldn't tell what she was thinking...

"We tell no one."  She said closing and handing the book back to me. "But-" "No buts Y/n if this gets out god knows what will happen. Keep it under wraps for now well deal with this later." Wanda said in her mom voice. I didn't listen to a lot of people but Wanda was someone you didn't want to get on the bad side off...


"Alright now that were all here and alive-ish since we've been through shit the past couple of months I've arranged a trip. Ladys and others.. Were going.. to COSTA RICA all funded by me obviously." Tony said smirking. 

"This should be fun" I said breaking the silence because no one said nothing. "Thank you y/n!" Replied Tony.

"When do we leave?" Asked Rogers. "Literally tomorrow 7AM. So go pack then go to bed It's good to have everyone in one piece!" Tony added before leaving. 

The avengers continued to chatter while i walked back to my room but then.

"Hey Y/n!" shouted a prick from the other end of the corridor, I knew who it was so started walking faster. "Y/N!" I heard again. I ignored and was about to open my door to my room.

*SLAM AGAIN* this guy- 

"Get off." I demanded. "Make me." He replied. "What Barnes." "Did you not hear me calling?" "I did I just don't care." "Why." "Why not." He tightened his grip on my throat.

"That doesn't scare me" I said inches away from him. "I know" "So why'd you do it" "Because I know how to make you nervous doll.. I'm hoping thats enough to make you break and tell me why the fuck you've been off every since you came back" "What makes you think you make me nervous." I hissed.

"1. Your shaking. 2. Your hearts beating faster I can basically hear it. 3. Your breathing a lot heavier than normal." Fuck.

"Global warming darling" I replied trying not to seem nervous *RING RING* His phone went off. "Fine keep your walls I'll bring them down soon enough" He replied letting me go. "You have friends??" I asked shocked. He flipped me off and went into his room and so did i. 

Fuck he's hot. 


I'm drained packing took the actual piss I'm not even joking. Anyway finally done!! Thank god

On that note I showered and got ready for bed and went to sleep..

A/N: I'M SO SORRY my posting is acc all over the place I didn't realise how draining school actually is- But yeah If you want to see Y/n n bucky do anything lmkk and I'll tag you when the parts posted!

ALSO if you find any word mistakes I'm so sorry I don't see them when writing! For some reason theres always something that doesn't make sense but if you come across one just try make it make sense in your head 

SOULMATES Winter soldier x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now