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There she stood... 

"I-" I stood there stunned I stuttered over my words I had no idea what to say... 

"Nat.." A moment of silence occurred "Y/n... is it you.." she hesitantly asked.. "Y-yeah it's me..." I said quietly as I looked down. 

Immediately she closed the gap between us and wrapped her arms around me. I was shocked. I just burst out crying.. "Nat I'm so sorry. I- ju.. i-" she stopped me. "Y/n Stark. Listen to me. None of that. Was your fault. None of it. I'm so happy your back." she said squeezing me again.

"I'm happy your not dead!" I exclaimed. "Oh honey please you may be strong but don't forget I taught you everything you know!" She chuckled which lead into a little chuckle leaving me.

"So now your back how are we celebrating" she asked curiously. "Nat I'm leaving." i replied. "WHAT why." she asked concerned

"I can't stay here.. i need to go or a bit and figure somethings out.." i answered. "God y/n they really did a number on you... That's okay then I will always be here for you. Have you told Barnes???" she asked curiously.

"I- uh... broke up with him.." i confessed. "Now why the bloody hell would you do that!" she said punching me in the arm.

"Owie, and because relationships are the last thing on my mind Nat my ledger is dripping with red... I have to control it I need to become stable and normal. I need to feel like myself... Right now i'm drowning I can't drag him with me.." 

"God okay... Have you told Tony..." she questioned. 

"Nope..." i replied. "Alright go pack. I'll tell him to make the arrangements and to come see you" she said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you nat love you." i said softly. "Love you too" she replied before going to find him. 

I went back to my room and packed.. An hour later Tony came to my room.

"Alright so are you sure I can't persuade you to stay." he asked giving  me a side eye. 

"mhm" i replied dryly as I did a mental list of the things i needed. "Okay your car to the airport leaves in an hour. The driver will pick you up at the airport after your flight and escort you back to London safely." he finished. 

"Thanks big bro." "No worries kiddo. I have a meeting but I guess this is goodbye." he said squeezing me.

"Okay before I forget Fury is going to send you some leads to Hydra bases and just other things and missions so you may get called in if we need you." he confessed.

"Totally alright what else am I gonna do there."

"Alright be safe!" he said before leaving.. I decided to check on Buck before I left... I went to his room and knocked but his door was open so i kind of just walked in. "Barnes??" I called to my surprise he was standing right behind me.

I turn to see him in nothing but a towel. 

"Can I help you." he asked his voice cold.. His eyes were red. but dark. His hair framed his face perfectly as water droplets trickled down his chest..

"My eyes are up here." he reminded me getting my attention. "Right. uhm." I cleared my throat.. "I wanted to make sure there was no bad blood between us.." i confessed. 

"That depends are you still leaving?" he questioned. "In 30 mins." I replied. "Then yes there's plenty." he said simply. 

"Bucky..." I started but was cut of, "No don't Bucky me." he said with his back towards me while putting a shirt on. 

He threw it over his head before he continued. "These past few weeks have been fucking hell! Waking up without you in my arms. Sleeping without you. Wondering if you were fucking alive and safe or not! And now when your finally back your leaving me all over again!" he exclaimed. 

His anger was justified but.. "Your anger is valid but I have to." i tried to reason with him. But just then he dropped his towel. "Seriously." i said staring into his eyes. 

"What you interrupted my shower deal with it." he said sassily. "Lock your door next time." i hissed back.

"You have no fucking idea what it was like. You forgot everything. You didn't have to live with our memories, everything we'd been through!" he finished.

I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off. "Go fuck off to London. I'm not going to wait for you this time." He said angrily before storming out the room. 


No cause why was that kind of hot... really y/n that's where you mind wonders after you crush the love of your life.

I snap myself out of my thoughts. Well fuck him then not my problem he's a man child. 

I load my bags into the car 

"Sweetheart leaving without saying goodbye?" Wanda's sweet voice came from behind me "In fact I was coming to see you." I replied giving her a massive hug. "Be careful love Vision sends his regards. He had to do something.

"No worries ill see you later" i replied 

Stood behind her was Steve. "Hey Capsicle." i joked. "God I missed that stupid nickname." he replied laughing. 

"Now now language Mr rogers" i teased. He rolled his eyes. "Be safe" he commanded. "Yes sir! Keep Barnes out of trouble for me.." 

"He's not coming to say bye?" steve asked concerningly. "Nah I broke up with him and then we had a fight." 

"Oh god. I'll look after him don't worry.." "Thank you I better get going  byeeee" I gave him a squeeze before saying my final goodbyes getting into my car and leaving for the airport...

A/N sooo guys what do we think.

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