What a crazy night.. DAY 3

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"ughhh "I groaned as my eyes opened to the bright lit room. I fished around for my phone to look at the time and to my surprise it was only 9:00AM. 

As I tried to regain my memory of last night which was a total blur the door opened and in walked Barnes. "Oh good your awake!" He said in a cheery voice.. I looked at him confused what was he so happy about. "Good news! Visions making hang over smoothies!" He said his smile reaching ear to ear. "Repeat what you just said" I said to him with my hungover voice. "Visions making hang over smoothies! Ohhhh right.." He said realising what he said. "An android making human substances." I said as he chuckled nervously. 

"I see your concern but I requested that Wanda try before I served!" We heard Vision say as he came through scaring the life out of me.  "JESUS VIS- I thought Wanda talked to you about using doors!" "Apologies Miss stark" He said handing me the drink. "Drop the formalities Vision I'm basically you Aunt" "Your right Miss- I mean Y/n!"  "Thank you vision for the drink." "Your Welcome! I'll use the door this time" The android let out a nervous chuckle before leaving the room.

"You seem sober" I turned to Bucky. "Super soldier remember." "Ah right.." And then it hit me. "Hey did I do anything weird or crazy last night?" I asked trying to remember last nights events. "Well you asked me to dance and when I said no you got with some random guy but other than that nope" he explained. "Sounds like me." I said making him laugh.

"Why did you ask me to dance?" he asked looking straight at my face with those ocean blue eyes  and a giant smirk on his face. I knew exactly what he was doing and what he was implying. Instead of being a grown up and owning up to my feelings I chose the other option.

"Just." I replied sipping my smoothie. "It's actually not that bad" I said trying to change the subject but this smartass had to be... well.. smart!

"Don't change the subject" By now he had a giant smirk on his face. "Well... I- uhh I just.. " So much for playing it cool Y/n!.

"You looked lonely!" I managed to spit out and gave me a confused look. "Lonely?" He asked "Yeah that's what I said.." "How I was with all the guys." He paused for a second. "I think your lying." 

"I have no idea what your talking about" I said placing my drink on the nightstand and walking over to the window.

Barnes get's up and come behind me, I see his reflection in the glass so I turn around to face him. But he get's closer and "Does this make you feel anything?" He asks "No" I lied it did- He took a step closer. "This?" He asked again. "...No" He took one more step closer he towered over me, we were practically one.  "Then why did i take longer to reply." 

The butterflies were going crazy in my stomach. I got myself together and looked up into his eyes. "Maybe your crazy James who knows" After a moment he leant down and got close to my face. His brown hair sparkled in the sunlight as his skin glowed and his eyes outstood the rest of his features. James Buchanan Barnes was a fine specimen at the least. 

He turned his head to my ear put his hand by my head leaning against the window and whispered "Crazy for you doll.." he pulled away and walked towards the door and left 

"Hes definitely crazy" I said to myself as I went into the bathroom and changed into some comfy clothes as I was still in yesterday's outfit. 


I walked into the living room where I was greeted by everyone. "So what's the plan for today" I asked. "Do absolutely nothing" Replied Tony. "I like that idea" i replied  "Me too" Added Pietro. "Yeah I think your all too hungover for activities.." Steve said a bit worried. 

"Actually visions hang over cure seems to be taking effect" I said looking at Vision who looked some what proud. 

"Anyway you guys have fun with whatever your doing I'll be off the grid for a while so don't be worried but text if you need me!" I said before getting up and going back to my room.


"Where's she going.." Tony said to Wanda and Nat. "Don't look at me I'm not the telepath" Nat put her hands up in surrender. "And I have no idea she can handle herself though maybe she wants some me time.." Wanda suggested. 

Bucky walks into the room. 

"Okay why does Y/n have her: *I'm up to something* look on her face" He asked the group. "I don't know man she said she was going to be off the grid for the day" replied Sam.

"That sounds odd.." Buck added. "Yeah well that's Y/n for us." Steve finished.


I got back to my room I showered then threw a white top with some jeans paired with white small heels. I knew exactly what I was going to do with this day. I grabbed my Slytherin canvas bag which I filled with a note book, my pencil case, the dark hold.., and my white flip flops for later. 

I picked up my white wireless headphones and played my bad bitch playlist. After these couple of days I needed it. After putting the headphones on grabbed my water bottle and headed for the kitchen to fill up my bottle with water ice and lemons because why not.

I went through the living room where all the avengers still were they looked at me I waved to them and I left. On our way here I saw a Library that was pretty close to where we were staying. When I got there I went to the highest floor away from everyone and got out my stuff.

I opened the dark hold to see what else it had about me in there and holy shit it was shocking.. 

I have some sort of connection to the goddess of Death who'm I believe is Thor's sister... Then it hit me. Dam I'm so adopted. Too clarify i opened my phone and went straight to messages.

ME: Seriously brother.

IRON ASS: I thought you were going off grid.

ME: I am I just need info.

IRON ASS: Great on what?

ME: Am I adopted? 

IRON ASS: Y/n listen..

ME: Yes or know Tony.

IRON ASS: Why don't you come back and well talk.

ME: Stark.

IRON ASS: Fine yes.

ME: Okay thanks! 



"What in the world-" Tony said to himself. "Everything okay Stark?" asked Steve slightly concerned everyone looked at Tony. "Y/n just asked if she was adopted.." Tony replied.. "Did you not tell her!??!" Added Nat, "I forgot!" Tony snapped back. "How does a genius forget these things!" Hissed Nat.

"Is she mad?" Asked Steve. "I can't tell" replied Tony. "Why is she even asking that" Pietro asked confused. "I have no idea it can't be good though.." Tony replied nervous. Then realisation hit Wanda and everyone noticed. 

"Wanda?" asked Bucky. "Uhh yeah.." She sounded sus. "Do you know something" asked Barnes. "No I just have to go make a phone call." She said nervously before getting up and going outside.

"Vision what's going on with your girl." Sam started "His girl?" Interrupted Steve. "Oh honey" Nat began patting steve on the back. "I'm lost." Steve added. "It's obvious them two have a thing" nat explained. "Yeah now back to vision whats up with wanda" Sam continued. "I know just as much as you do pal." Vision confessed.


As I was writing notes I got a call * ❤Wanda❤ * I answered to a Mom wanda. oh shit

"What are you doing Y/n?" She snapped. "Nothing what do you mean" I defended. "Don't tell me you brought that thing with you!" She said worried. "Okay maybe I did so what it's just a book!" i protested. "A dangerous book Y/n!" "Listen Wandz I know what I'm doing it's okay." I finished. "You better know what your doing." She said firmly. "I do love you" "Love you too." "Bye" "Bye" 

God that was scary.

I spent a solid 6 hours at the Library studying every inch of that book and I think I finally figured out what and who I am I just now need to figure out why.. 

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