The Reckoning

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....Opperation - Eliminate threat...  Threat identified.... Avengers. 

The next day Y/n sent a text to tony anonymously.

*Anonymous: You want me Stark. Come get me. Germany tomorrow aircraft hanger at noon don't be late..* 

Assuming he got my message i prepared for our battle. I thought I had severed my links to my old life apparently not. How annoying.

Noon came all too soon. When I arrived I saw the whole team there. Perfect. Nat was missing probably because of her state I put her in no doubt. This will do.

"Your late." Stark said. "Fashionably so." I replied coldly. "What do you want with me." I added. "Well Y/n that's a bit cryptic." he replied.

"That's not my name." I said slightly annoyed. "It was." Tony said slightly disappointedly. "Summers song now right.?" asked captain america. "Summers song/sadness which ever sounds more evil." I said with a smirk. 

"I notice you don't have nat... send her my regards. Also wheres the Winter soldier." i ask curiously i notice as hes not there.

"Why do you care." asked Steve. I ignored his bluntness and moved on. "Who's this cutie." I asked looking at the spider guy. 

"Uhhh my names Peter Par- Oh uh i mean spiderman ma'am." he said nervously

"Really stark. You brought a child to an adult fight." i said dryly. "Why are you here Y/n. You've been of radar this whole time why make contact now." Asked Tony curiously but cautiously before continuing. "What do you want..." 

"What i want stark. is for you all to die." I say while using my magic to drop a building onto them with very little effort.

The fight than began. Wanda countered my move by holding up the building with her magic. Cap threw his shield but i caught it and sent it right back which knocked him off his feet. 

Tony came at me with his stupid suit which i just shut off. Should leave me some time before he reboots it back online.

The boy i didn't really wanna hurt but his fault i guess. So i just threw Tony into him. Then sam came out of with his dam wings almost made me fall over but i just used my magic to get rid of him. then cap came out of thin fucking air and started physically fighting me. Luckily i'm skilled in combat so he was knocked in seconds. I needed them all into a building so i could collapse it and kill them that didn't seem likely so i decided to fuck that plan. Ill start ticking my list starting with arrows. 

"Cmon bow n sticks is that all you can do." I say snarkly to provoke him to which i took his arrows snapped then and threw him into a building. One down several to go. Parasites.

Next was sam. I crushed his wings he couldn't fly anymore dumped a car onto him which it then exploded. Another done.

I continued fighting with the rest countering there punches and kicks. avoiding there shots and sending it right back they all were knocked and I was about to finish them off when he appeared. 

"Summer." a cold voice that sent shivers up my spine I turned around curiously. There stood the Winter Soldier... in his hydra uniform and everything. "Soldier." I started speaking to him in Russian *Who sent you.* I asked curiously. *Hydra.* he said coldly. *They sent you to help with my mission* i questioned. *Correct* he replied *Then tie these lot up so i can find Wanda get her and Kill them.* i commanded. 

I was so confused where the hell he came from but whatever this was exhausting. So sure help was needed. 

As he tied them up I searched the property for Wanda nothing. I was about to use her friends as bait when my chains were attached to my hands. "The fuck." i said trying to get them off. Wanda appeared right in front of me out of thin air. Fucking invisibility spells. 

I swiped her leg and put my foot on her neck. "Take these off or I'll kill you." I threatened. "You'll kill me either way." she said acceptingly in her sokovian accent. "I can't do magic why." i questioned. "Magical handcuffed spelled to disable ones magic." she said proudly. 

"Solider get rid of her and kill her with the rest and god take these off me." I commanded but he just stood there. "Are you tone deaf comply." he didn't say anything he just slowly shook his head. Realisation hit. he turned. I pressed my walkie talkie "Winter solider compromised send back up. Over." 

"We don't have control over the winter solider any more that can't be possible he's not with us." base reported back to me. "You never sent him?" I questioned in Russian. "No over." they replied. "Disengage back up. over" i said pissed. "Copy" 

"Sorry doll how else was I going to get you in." he said smugly taking off his mask. "This is all a set up." I say finally realising i walked into a trap. 

"Mhm" he said injecting something into my neck 

Instantly everything went black. 

Fuck now this is a hostage situation.

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