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"Hello Y/n did you miss me?" 

It can't be it's not physically possible, but there she was. Sitting in the back seat of the car. Summers song.

I don't know what psychotic break i'm going through, but this bitch needs to leave. Bucky parked the car and got out as he turned the engine of he came around to my side to open my door. Meanwhile.

"Why are you here." I said quietly looking in the rear view mirror. "Where did you come from." i added. "Ugh so many questions. If you must know I'm a figment of your imagination, and no i'm not leaving." she replied.

"Why." I asked. "Because honey, part of you wishes you were still me, you miss killing the thrill when you took someones life. We can do it all again. So here's my offer. Let me take over and we can start having some real fun." she said smirking.

"No never again now lea-" 

"Hayley?" Barnes said standing with my car door open. "Y-yeah?" i replied trying to play it off. "Who are you talking to.." he asked. I looked at the back seat and no one was there... "Nobody." I replied grabbing my bag, and getting out the car. 

"You sure?" he asked concernedly "mhm" I replied brushing it off. I took his hand in mine and we walked into the grocery store.

Maybe i'm hallucinating because i'm tired or something. I ignored recent events and diverted my attention to shopping.

"Okay so. We need bread, milk, eggs, you know the normal things. Oo and what do you fancy tonight." I asked putting the items into the trolley. "You." he said with a smirk on his face. 

I rolled my eyes. "Right food wise." i said seriously. "Hmmm i have no idea." he replied. "Okay, then how about I surprise you." i said with a smile.

"Knock yourself out." he replied.

"Okay well then well nee-" I froze looking behind Barnes. There she was again. This time she walked past the isle making direct eye contact with me. I forgot Barnes was there and he turned around and saw no one.

"Babe?" he said snapping me out of my trance. "Yeah." i replied but before he could say anything I cut him off. "Nothing everything's fine. Uhm we need pasta. TO THE ITALIANS!" i said leaving the isle changing the subject.

After shopping we got back into the car and drove home. When we arrived we took the bags out of the car and brought them back into the house.

"Right then. I'm going to start on dinner." I said entering the kitchen. "Need any help?" he offered. "Nah all good." I replied "Okay I'm going to go shower." he replied going upstairs.


"Y/nnnn have you considered my offer yet." she said making me jump out of instinct I grabbed a knife. "Oh that wont work honey I'm not really here" she added. "I'm not doing it this. I don't know why or how your here. But you need to crawl back to whatever hole you came out of." i demanded. 

"Ugh but it could be so fun... also honey this is a two way door. God so rude for what." she replied.

"I don't want you here!" I yelled. "Just go." 


"...whatever hole you came out of!" I heard Y/n demand as I was coming into the kitchen. Then I stopped and hid behind the door. Who was she talking to... I peaked around the corner and saw no one but her.

Her back was towards me then she continued.

"I don't want you here!" she yelled. "Just go." she said angrily. I looked in her hand and saw a knife.

SOULMATES Winter soldier x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now