Okay. I'm going to love you and leave you.

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"I love you.." 

I smile as he tucks my hair behind my ear as he towers over me. 

"I love you.." I reply cupping his face into my hands before pulling him down into a passionate kiss. His lips softly brush mine as we both savour every moment with each other because we know it will be our last for a little while.

He pulls away and looks at me. "god i'm going to miss you so much." he says with a sad smile. "Me too James." I say smiling.

"Before you go.." he says pulling me up as he gets off the bed and walks towards his draw. "I found this a little while after you went missing months ago." he says as he pulls out my necklace he brought me when we went to costa rica for the first time.

"You found it..." I say as he puts it on me. "I though't i'd never see it again.." i say softly "I found it when I thought i'd never see you again. It was at one of Hydras old bases.." he says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'll be here when you get back." he says snuggling his face into the nook of my neck.  I nod gently and then slowly pull away..

"I have to go say bye to the others my stuffs already packed i'm leaving in 20." i say holding his hand. "Okay." he says letting me go.

Once I leave his room I head to Tony's. I knock on the door. "Brother?" i call. "Come in" he replys.

"Heyyy" I say seeing him in a suit. "You look dashing where you going." i ask curiously. "A date with pepper." he replies "What about you were are you off.."

"London." i reply with a sorry look. "Again?" he sighs. "Can't I convince you to stay? You know I'm getting old you're going to have to take care of me" he says trying to guilt me. "Nice try Stark Pepper can look after you." I say with a smirk. "Ugh ur such a stark." he mumbles "I know" I say proudly.

"Fine. but take care okay?" he says pulling me into a hug. "I will you two brother." I hug him back and then leave to say bye to the others.

Once I meet the others I tell them i'm leaving. "Again girll you just got back" Nat says disappointedly. "Oh leave her well miss you but have fun" Wanda saying giving me a hug. then so does nat. "So popsicle. Thanks for earlier." I say giving him a hug. "Of course. text me whenever you need me okay kiddo?" he says messing up my hair. "Whatever rogers" i say jokingly. "Right guys looks like i'm going to love you and leave you" i say walking off blowing them air kisses.

I head off the airplane hanger where i meet Barnes. "You know I'm kinda wishing i put up more of a fight for you to stay." he says as we stand in front of the plane. "You know you would of still lost." I say confidently. "Oh yeah miss cocky." he says sassily. "More miss confident but whatever" I say sarcastically. 

"Soooo what are we." I say as we stand moments away from being separated "Well doll what do you want us to be." he says holding my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. "I want you to be my boyfriend." I say straight forwardly "Good then I'm your boyfriend." he says pulling my closer to him.

"I love you." i say giving him a soft long passionate kiss. "I love you" he says as i pull away from him.. 

I start to walk away and I don't look back. I know if I do I'd want nothing more but to run back into his arms.. So instead I keep my pace and I get onto the plane and take a seat..


I watch as she walks away.. She doesn't look back which is good because I would of put her back  into the dam car even if she was kicking and screaming and took her back to the compound. Instead she kept her pace and got onto the plane.

I stood there with a dumb smile just watching her be happy was enough for me.. I pull the necklace she got me. And I hold it in my hand. 


As I sit down I remember the necklace he got me. I pull the necklace out from under my shirt and I hold it in my hand as I wait for take off.

Moments later the plane started to take off.


Moments later the plane started to take off. 

It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would... I put my hand in my pocket as I started to walk back to the car. Just then I feel a piece of paper. I pull it out and unfold it to see y/ns handwriting. *You thought there'd be something on here? Nah I just wanted to mess w you. I love you though.* is scribbled onto the note. 

I roll my eyes and click my tongue

"Such a stark" I say to myself as I get into the car and drive home...

                                                                            THE END...



You didn't think that was the end of the story did you?


I just want to take the time to thank every one of you who have supported me through this journey.. the ones who have been here since day one, and the people who have newly joined bucky and y/ns love story.

You all mean the world. Mainly because you deal with my many spelling and grammar mistakes and no one calls me out for it THANK YOU YALL R THE BEST. it's fine as long as the story line FLOWS AM I RIGHT HEHE 

Gosh I am so exited for season 3 it's going to be fun to write. I have endless opportunities. NEW CHARACTERS. OLD CHARACTERS. WOOOOOOO. 

stay tuned my lovelies. 

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