Not again...

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I take the picture's and I tell Diaz to follow me. "Gather the A team meet me in the meeting room in 5 Oh and tell them I want everything they know about these deaths." I command heading straight to the meeting room. 

When I get there I hang every single picture of the victims up on a massive cork board just as I finish the team start coming in and they all sit around the table.

"Thank you all for coming. Now I need to know everything about each victim. Lets start with this man." I say pointing at the first picture. An hour later we have the names of every victim, where they were killed, how were they killed, now we only need the why."




 VICTOR WARREN - AGE: 34 - KILLED: Berlin - BY: Gun shot to head. Hydra symbol burnt into hand

FACTS: No children. Not married.  


SARAH HARRISON - AGE: 32 - KILLED: Denver - BY: Gun shot to head. Hydra symbol burnt into hand - FACTS: No children. Not married.


JEFFERY LEE - AGE: 35 - KILLED: Rio - BY: Gun shot to head. Hydra symbol burnt into hand 

FACTS: No children. Not married.

I look at the file in front of me.. All these victims there all unmarried no children and middle aged...  

I pull out my phone and start typing


ME: *How quickly can you get down here?*

NICK FUZZY: *Well your lucky i'm in the neighbourhood* 

ME: *Good come to HQ asap.*

NICK FUZZY left you on read.

A half hour later Fury walks into the office. "Now Stark this better be good I'm a busy man" he says sitting down on the couch

"Activate privacy mode."  I say into the remote. Blinds fall down and the room becomes sound proof.

"Someones strategically killing of ex Hydra agents."  I say coldly "And your complaining about that?" he says  folding his arms. He had a point.. "Something feels off about these kills. It's like someone wants us to know. Whoever's killing them there leaving bodies all around the world." I say turning on the inground projector.

"Look. Berlin. Denver. Rio. Tokyo. Georgia." I say pointing at all the killings. "It's like there trying to stay off our radar.. These locations there spread out across the globe.." I add..

"But whoever this is.. there not being discreet." he says also looking at the hologram.. "Leave it." he says sharply. "Leave it? Dir-" I start but was cut off. "Go home. get some rest i'll have my men look into it and i'll update you soon" he says before walking out. "I-" 

The day escapes me and it's now about 5PM. After a long day at work I get out and get into my car and start to head home. I'm driving in my car when my phone starts to ring.



"Hey.." I say quietly answering the phone "Hey" he replies sounding a lot happier than i do.. "Everything okay?" he asks concernedly. "Uhm... yeah" i say as tears start to fill my eyes so I pull over.

"Y/n I can tell when something up even over the phone what's happened." he said sounding worried. "I-.. uhm." i say trying to talk but my voice breaks.. "Doll.. is the car pulled over?" he says quickly. "mhm" i reply quietly.

"Okay.. so tell me whats happened.." he says softly.. "it's stupid but uh i think hydra might be back.. it's just that it brings up everything... I think it's all gonna happen again... The agents get me and turn me back into what i was.. we separate... the nightmares come back..." I say wiping the tears off my face.

"God I wish I was there with you.. I know it's hard but you can't let it bother you. I promise nothing like that will happen again. So now, tell me how is hydra back." he says softly and calmly 

"Ex hydra agents are being killed and the Hydra symbol is being left on there hand." i say. "Isn't that a good thing?" he says calmly.

"You know fury said the same thing." i say suspiciously. "Well there all middle aged people with no family's y/n so it's not like they'll be missed." he says reassuringly 

"That is true.." i say when I realise i'm being dumb.. wait.

i never told him there ages.. or that they didn't have family's... 

"Buck.. I never told you any of that.. How did you know.." I say confused... "You didn't?.." he said sounding suspicous

"Oh right Fury told me he sent me an text to be careful since hydra's back." he said covering up his tracks.

"But you sa-" "Babe I've got to go Steve calling love you bye-" *CALL ENDED*

what the fuck just happened.

A/N: uhm okay so. I don't entirely know where i'm going with this... well see. 

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