Last Day In Paradise.. Or is it.. DAY 7

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As morning approached the sun invaded our room, the shadows danced around the room while the cool breeze graced the curtains. I turned around to the man next to me who was fast asleep. His brown hair glistened in the sunlight like moonlight illuminates a lake at night. I slowly crept out of bed trying not to make a sound. I then walked out to our balcony which to my surprise was boiling hot. 

I stared out into the distance admiring the view of the clear blue ocean and white sand with small islands if you really focused. It was beautiful until..

*BUZZ BUZZ* I heard from my phone which was still on my bedside table. Just when I was about to ignore it, it went off again. Barnes flinched to the sound of my phone going off I thought it might wake him up if it was to go off again so I went inside to get it then came back out and shut the door.

*NICK FUZZY* :Y/n we got a situation. Meet me at the beach asap. 

ME: Copy that.

I threw on whatever I could find and was down at the beach in minutes where I saw Furry waiting. "Finally." he said before handing me a file. "I was quick" i said rolling my eyes opening the file. "What am I looking at." I said staring at a list of people with there locations. 

"Hydra agent's under cover ones. Ms Stark your not going home today. I've had your gear shipped here" *he handed me a birthday bag*  I opened the bag to see my suit, guns, grenades "Great what''s my mission".

"Assassination. I need you to track these people down and kill them. Then and only then you can come back. If you need any more weapons equipment or rides let me know."


I took the file and bag back to my room where to my surprise bucky was still asleep or so I thought.

I opened the closet stashing the guns and file but just as I shut the door I saw a tall man that I knew all to well standing right behind it. 

"So I wake up to you gone... and now your being shady." he said in a cool tone but curious at the same time 

"I'm not being shady you just startled me.." I stated before going closer to him, wrapping my arm around his neck and placing a kiss on his lips.

"Mhhhh mkay your forgiven  but whats in the closet." he asked curiously "Nothing you need to worry about" I reassured. "Y/n.." he pushed. "James. There's nothing to worry about it's nothing." 

"If it's nothing then show me." He demanded. "No let's go eat." i tried to change the subject but before I could even walk away form the closet he picked me up threw me on the bed the n opened the door where he saw and took out the  bag.

"Why do you have your gear." He asked confused. "Look I don't want you to worry. But I'm not exactly going home tonight." "What do you mean your not going home tonight." "Fury. He's put me on a mission here." "What's the mission and who's it with." he asked with a hint of anger in his voice. 

"Assassination. Just me" "Is he crazy. It's suicide." "I guess your just going to have to trust me." "It's not you I don't trust it's the fact that these people are highly skilled hydra agents. We all know your past with Hydra." 

"I'll be fine I can handle myself." "i- just.. .be careful okay." "I will it's fineee" 



"Uhh why do we have to leave paradise today." Wanda said anoyed. "Agreed I could get use to seeing shirtless men." nat added.

"Girl i'm telling Steve."

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