Should we tell them.? Shit they know. DAY 6

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A couple hours went by after bucky and I.. uhh.. well you know!  Thankfully Stark took his time because that gave me a little while to clean up after the recent activities. 

We all sat around the dinner table waiting for Tony who was fashionably late. 

"Thank you for waiting but alas I have arrived before we eat I'd like us all to raise a toast!" Tony said excitedly. We all raised our glasses then Tony began.

"I'd like to thank everyone here for your contribution and dedication towards this team. I understand babysitting Y/n can't be easy!" He motioned over to my while making that degrading comment. "Fuck you too stark" I returned with a huge smile on face.

"Ah the Lovely y/n.. *he paused then continued* Anyway as I was saying I appreciate all of you, and I am so glad you all are my family. Now enough of the sadness lets eat!" he sat down as we all put our glasses down and we began to eat.

A little later were all talking but I got bored of the convo so I accidentally zoned out forgetting there's a telepath in the room.

"Isn't that right Y/n?" asked tony "Y/n?" he repeated. "Anyone home..?" no reply. He paused before looking over to wanda. "Read her." Wanda nodded her head and looked inside my head.

Little did they know I was day dreaming about Barnes...

"EW Y/N STARK!!!! NOT AT THE DINNER TABLE" Wanda exclaimed in disgust. "WANDA! NOT COOL. " I yelled in response to her mind searching.

"What did you see" Nat asked with a smirk on her face..

We were bound to get found out so I looked over to bucky and he gave me the go ahead tell them look.

As I was about to announce our relationship Thor walks in. "Sorry I'm late!! What are we talking about" he asked curiously.

"Well I think Y/n and Bucky were going to tell us some news.." Replied Wanda after seeing the exchanged looks between Buck and I. "Oh have they finally told you there together?" Asked thor.

"THOR!" I exclaimed as everyone turned to us. "I'm sorry- WHAT" exaggerated Tony who had a furious look on his face as if he was about to kill us. "Now now Stark don't be rash!" Thor said with a worried look on his face. "Zip it point break. How long." 

"Brother lis-" I was interupted. "No Y/n. How long." "Since like the other day..." "ON OUR TRIP?" "Yeh..." "Right under our bloody noses." *Tony put rubbed the bridge of his nose trying to process the information." 

"You know what as you should girl! Kind of pissed you didn't tell me being one of your best friends an all but I see you." Added Nat with a huge smile on her face. 

"Yeah Buck what the hell happened to *steve put his quotation fingers up* I'm with you till the end of the line." Replied Steve giving a pissed look.

"My bad bro honestly it just happened we got caught up in the moment!" Bucky defended. "Finally no more secrets!" Let out Wanda with a sigh of relief. "YOU KNEW?" asked Tony. "Yeah my bad but Y/n's always been my favorite stark.." Wanda said looking away taking a sip from her drink. As I blew a kiss at her.

"HA STEVE GIMMIE MY MONEY!" Randomly shouted Sam. "Come on everyone pay up! I told you these fools were hooking up." Added sam "You betted on us??" I said in confusion. "Yeh man y'all are too predictable."  he replied with a smug grin as Steve and Wanda handed there money over. "Yeahh I aint Cinderella no more bitches!" Sam exclaimed happily. "LANGUAGE" Let out Steve. "Sorry instinct.." he then later replied

"Right now that it's out there that Y/n and Barnes are together and so are Steve and the lovely Natasha are also dating. I think we should celebrate!."

"Wait what...." 


A/N: How we feeling about this one guys everyone still here? 

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