God help me

175 3 20

It was nightmare after nightmare last night. I barely slept, which is annoying considering I have to spend a month with someone who I hate.

I'm going to be civil, and act like nothing happened. It's the only way to tolerate him. God help me this is going to be torture.

"Alright you two, You undercover in Miami for a month. Your names are Elijah and Hayley Smith. Your cover story is that you've come to Miami for a vacation, You will befriend and infiltrate there lives. Find out where the trade will be made, and you will intercept it, and then only will you return. Copy?"  Fury said giving us the whole run down. 

"Mhm." I said no making any eye contact with Bucky. "Right so what's up with the names..." he asked confused. "Your named after my favourite show's couple deal with it." Fury dismissed. He handed us our passports before continuing. "The plane will be here in 20. Say your goodbyes and get ready to leave." he said before walking away.

"Y/NNN" yelled Pietro as he sped into the room. "Heyy" i said giving him a hug. "ughhh I just got you back! Do you have to go." he asked sadly. "I don't want to leave either trust me. The month will be over before you know it!" I reassured. 

He was about to say something, but then pulled me to the side. "Are you sure you're okay to go with him?" he said quietly.

"Don't worry about me I'll be fine." I said placing my hand on his shoulder. "Everything will be just fine." I said as the plane arrived. 

Bucky started loading the bags onto the plane and I said my goodbyes. 

With that we got onto the plane, and off to Miami we went.


Bucky and I didn't really speak the whole plane ride over. I put my headphones on to cancel him out, well everything really.

When we arrived we had the car waiting which we drove to a rented house where we moved our stuff in and it was now about 16:04.

"hey" I said walking down the stairs to see buck on the couch. "Hi" he replied. god this was awkward.

"I'm going to head to the grocery store it's about 20 minutes away, do you want to come?" I asked grabbing the car keys. 

"Uh sure." he said getting up and following me. We were about to leave when I stopped us. I turned to face him than began.

"Listen. You don't like me, and I don't like you. However if were to get this over with as soon as possible we can't be awkward about it. 

What happened last night.. Drop it. What's done is done. From the moment we leave this door were a normal happy couple. Are we clear?" I asked.

"Yeah. Crystal." he replied. "Great!" I said changing my tone to a more happy one. I grabbed his hand and opened the door.

"Mmm babe?" Bucky asked pulling me back by my arm and turning me to face him. By now we were in the middle of the front garden.

"Your not driving." he said. "Why nottt" i whined. "Because honey-" he said brushing my hair behind my ear. "Last time you crashed into a lamp post." he smiled.

this bitch.  

"Okayy, but that was like one timeee" i said playfully. "Plus you don't know where were going." i added.

"This is why were perfect. I drive you tell me where to go." he replied holding me by my waist. "Okay fine only because you like being told what to do." I winked with a huge smirk on my face. 


"Okay fine only because you like being told what to do." she winked while having a huge smirk on her face.

such a stark.

I opened the car door for her and then went into the drivers seat. "Right so where are we going?" i asked. 

"Straight down this road then 2 rights and 3 left then another right and it should be on your left." she replied looking at her phone. With that we began our journey to the grocery store.


We were driving there when all of a sudden my head went slightly fuzzy. I rolled the window down to get some fresh air. A couple of minuets later i felt a little better. We arrived at the store and as Bucky was looking for a place to park. 

That's when I heard it.. That's when I saw it.

"Hello Y/n did you miss me?"

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