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"RISE N SHINE Y/N!" i heard Pietro scream while he opened the curtains revealing a bright light that just happened to be the sunlight not Jesus. Fucking hell when I say the light was bright. It was bright. 

"The frick do you want speedo." I hissed angrily because the cow woke me up. "Hey! Hey!" He shot his hands in the air in defence. "Don't shoot the messenger Tony told me to and I quote. To come and wake your ass out of bed by all means necessary" He said using the quoting motion. 

"Well you can tell Tony we all know that the ONLY reason he sent YOU to wake me up is because he knows that if he came and I woke up grumpy WHICH I AM! And decided to magically whoop his ass well your the only person to get out quick enough before the magic could even touch you so you've been used." I said pouting 

"Touche sister." I heard Tony say through the Friday intercom. "Hello brother " I said smirking. "I don't know why your smirking you have a long day ahead and I ain't making it easy." He stated "Oh please I think you should be saying that to yourself your the ones going to get your arses kicked I could do anything out there so if I were you i'd be EXTRA nice to me." 

"Whatever get dressed you look horrible." "rude." 


"Alright alright i'm here. What's first." I asked. "What's with the boxing ring." "Oh you'll soon see" Said Tony. I didn't like that he was being cagey and it was never a sign of something good..

"Don't worry well take it easy on you" Nat slyly said while walking in all suited up. "Y'all really aren't playing around.." "Nope" I heard from the corner of the room where Bucky stood.

"Gosh are you always in corners?" "Yes." "Oh so your like a creep?" I said with a worried look. He rolled his eyes and I chuckled. 

"Okay first test simple. Get in the ring Y/n." Tony said firmly. I'm shitting myself. I got into the ring where there was a 2 tables, one with a apple on the other plain. I looked at him for information but I got nothing. 

"What do you want me to do lift it?" I asked Tony. 

Tony said nothing. None of them did. "Hello??" "Why aren't you idiots speaking did you forget how to?" nothing. not even a whimper they said nothing. "Okay listen I'm not a mind read- ohhh I see. You want me to read your mind to find out what you want me to do..  then do it. Say less."

I took on look at Tony focused stared into his eyes and concentrated once I was ready I waved my hand in the air  releasing green power surges onto and around my hand. "Lift the apple and put it onto the other table" I read from Tony's mind. 

"Surprise surprise i was right. You can talk now." I simply said. "Took you long enough. "Buck said leaning against the wall. "No one asked." i hissed.  

I turned around and focused on the apple with a few seconds of concentration I lifted the apple I was a bit shaky at first but after a couple of tries transferring the apple from one table to another I was basically a natural. 

Wanda then walks into the room "How's she doing" "She's been floating an apple for 10 minutes i'm bored." Bucky said "I'm right here you know." I said to them both standing behind me. 

"But I do agree I've mastered telekinesis." I proudly stated. "Of an apple." Wanda added. I looked at her confused.

"Tony get in the ring." Wanda said as she climbed in. "Why me." He asked looking just as confused as I was. "Don't worry." she said suspiciously.. 

"Okay.." He cautiously as he got in. 

"Right y/n lift him up." Wanda commanded which I don't mind she's hot. "mkay stay still robot." I focused on Tony imaging picking him up in my head then put my hands forward and let me magic surround him until it consumed him then tried to lift him no luck. It was like trying to lift Mijonlir. Impossible. 

I looked to Wanda who said "Not so easy is it. You see an apple is light in mass so its an easy to object to lift but to lift something bigger.. you have to have a strong mind set and it requires a lot of focusing. You have to block everything else out focus on just the thing then it will work." 

I listened to Wanda I focused cleared my mind and tried again but nothing. 

"Wanda. It wont work." "Have you cleared your head.?" "Yes." "Are you imagining?" "Yes." "Are yo-" "YES" I was clearly getting frustrated. "Okay.. Why don't we take 5.." She said walking out the ring. I was about to get out when 

"Seriously but you were so confident with the apple" I heard bucky say with a sarcastic confused face. "What happened? Tony to big for little y/n to focus on?" He added mockingly. 

I lifted my hand into the air locking my eyes on bucky imagining my magic lifting him so high into the air I was sure he'd see god. I was that mad. To my surprise he was actually in the air.. 

"Yo I say my bad.." I said putting Bucky down but he was smirking. "What?" He said nothing. "Ugh fuck this screw privacy." I invaded his mind and saw he set me up. I put my middle finger up and left.

I spent the rest of the day In my room lifting objects of all sizes until i was sure I could without doubt lift anything I had to by 18:00. 

"Miss stark." Friday spoke over the intercom. "Yes Friday?" "Mr stark asked me to declare it is now dinner time." "Okay thank you Friday." I went to the dinner table to see everyone from before. 

"Where's everyone else?" I say as we start to eat. "Bruce is off in Syria working on some gamma project he'll be back for the party tho. The rest are on a mission. You exited for tomorrow?" 

"You mean more magic torture? Always!" I said sarcastically. They all laughed as we ate. 

"Y/n please could you pass the salt?" Nat asked. "Sure" I said using my power to lift the salt and take it to her placing it next to her. "So you mastered telekinesis congrats sis" Tony said "Yeah its actually easy you just need to focus" I said looking at Wanda smiling. 

Bucky scoffs "Want to go for round 2? I can throw ur ass into the air leave you there this time?" "You mean round 3 doll." 

A/N: Hey so sorry for delays in posting I've been dealing with funeral things so been very busy recently if the story lines a bit off please let me know or if there's any confusion let me know i'll clear it up but yeah thanks for being patience bare with me 

ALSO omd sorry if things don't make sense like sometimes the wording might be off it's because I write these at like 2am while i'm dead but I do try go over them in the day and fix them xx

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