Good Morning! DAY 2

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I woke up due to the sun pierced through the curtains illuminating the room, it was extravagant to look at so I wasn't complaining until it hit me.

Shit. I thought to myself as I looked down at my chest to see knocked out James Buchanan Barnes laying on it 

"Good Morning Doll" he said in a sleepy voice. "Morning did I wake you?" "No you didn't i've been up for an hour" He replied "Right" I replied back bluntly 

"Thank you for last night.." He said finally breaking the silence. His morning voice was killing me it was so cute. "Your welcome" I said nervously without realising I was nervous.

What was he doing to me. Double shit  

"I'm going to go get ready to hit the gym  wanna come?" I said slipping out of bed grabbing some workout clothes and heading into the bathroom. 

"Your going to work out now? It's 7AM" He said while getting out of bed. "Oh come on you should know the Early bird always catches the worm." I said smirking. 

"Oh and Tony's pissed at me I'm trying to avoid him" I added "Why's he pissed?" "Uh I just left the house for hours last night and told no one where I went." I said nervously laughing. 

He sighed and slapped his hand onto his forehead. "Whatt it was no big deal I'm finee" I said opening the  bathroom door and coming out in a black work out fit. 

"Lets not judge okay?" I said grabbing my water bottle. "I'm not just be careful" He said getting into the bathroom. 

I smiled to myself "So meet you there?" i asked through the door. "Yeah I'll be 10 minutes" He replied. I left the room and quietly made my way to the gym that was sound proof. Which was kind of smart. 


I wrapped my hands before staring at the punching bags. At first I started off light but as it went on I got lost in thought and started punching it 10 times harder. 

I couldn't help but think about the deal I made with Bucky last night "No more secretes" yet I'm keeping a really big one about me and Wanda possibly destroying the world. I don't know why I feel guilty but I do. Ugh stupid fucking emotions. 

On that last punch I almost ripped a whole in the bag. 

"Woah what did that bag do to you" I heard a deep voice say from the doorway. I snapped out of thought and looked over to Barnes who was stood leaning against the doorframe. 

"Just letting of some steam" I gave a smile but I didn't really mean it. "You ready?" I asked "Oh yeah I'm not going easy on you" "I don't expect you to" I simply said.

We both got onto the mat "First on the floor?" I proposed "Done" 

As we began fighting I heard him ask me "So what's on your mind" "Nothing" I replied. "Tell that to the punching bag and your panic attack last night." I went of my guard on that last part and he got me in a headlock. 

"I don't know what your taking about" I tried playing it off cool "Really then why'd you just slip up?" He said with that smartass tone. I elbowed him to the groin flipped his arm over and kicking him in the back so he was on his knees on the floor.

"You really wanna play this game? Okay done. What was your nightmare about" I said still twisting his arm. 

He pulled me down my back against the mat with him towering over me "Don't worry about it" 

I flipped us over so that I was straddling him "Too late already worried" I said towering over him. 

"I swear you hated me less then 24hrs ago" He said us still in that position. 

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