The un-doing

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The next day I was transferred to a bedroom. However the walls were impenetrable the glass was unbreakable so I traded one cell for another. Although they had a really good closet.. I pulled out the darkest thing I could find and put it on. The magical shafts restraining my powers were taken off and replaced with anti magic pills. I should be thanking Wanda for that. 

I walked around the room.. A strange sense of familiarity as I traced my fingers over the chest of drawers... Weird

No matter my focus was on getting out of here. Hydra have a tracker in me so no doubt they have found me by now and are sending agents. 

As I looked around the doors were opened.

"Ah humming bird! Come with me" said the peppy voice of Tony Stark. "It's Summers song or is old age giving you amnesia?" I said snarky before ignoring his gestured hand and following the guards to a lab. 

I walked in to see Banner and Barnes. "Oh look its green bean and tin can. To what do I owe the displeasure?" I say smugly. 

"Sit." a single word left Barnes mouth. His tone cold as ice. "Or what?" I tested.  Barnes eye's darkened what was baby blue was now midnight.. he took a couple massive strides up to my harshly grabbed my arm and pulled me to the chair and sat me down. 

Immediately restraints were automatically tied to my body. You know a simple please would of sufficed." I scoffed. "Kinky much. Restraints necessary?" I shuffled in my seat since they where so tight around my wrists and ankles. 

They all ignored me once again. Honestly so rude! 

Banner placed some weird thing with wires on my head. "This gives us a live feed into her brain." he answered my question without even knowing.

"And why do we need this?" I asked annoyed. it was ugly. 

"To get your stubborn ass back to someone we care about."  Barnes spat out. He wasn't in the best of moods clearly. 

"Summer stay very still." Banner commanded. I looked around confused. "Wait." Bucky interrupted. He walked behind me and covered my eyes with his hand. "Trust me." he whispered into my ear."

"How do I trust you, you literally brought me he-" I shrieked. I was cut off by the feeling of a large metal rod plunged into my arm into my vein. Heat coursed through my body as i repelled against the chair. The needle was pulled out.

Pain vibrated through my body.. "I'm going to fucking kill you all." I chuckled in a threatening way.  


"I'm going to fucking kill you all" she let out a laugh which was quite threatening. "No your not." Tony insisted.

Her veins were glowing red throughout her body.. Her eyes shone green. Her powers were activated again I guess distress trumps suppression. Those pills should of worked for the next hour.  

Her screams filled the room as the serum took effect. God my heart sunk with every scream. Every ounce of my body was itching for me to leave the room. I couldn't take it. I knew I had to stay.. I had to know if it had worked or not.."

Momentarily later she had calmed down.. Sweat bubbles trickled down her forehead as she let out exhausted breaths. 

"Y/n-" I was cut of to the sound of the blaring alarm. INTRUDER ALERT SERVERAL AGENTS HAVE STORMED THE LOWER LEVEL. Friday announced as the lights all turned red.

"We need to get her out of here!" I commanded  "No. There's no time. We have to get to them  before they get her. " Tony said. 

"Lock this room. Banner stay with her secure the room. Barnes your with me." he added. I hesitated... I couldn't lose her again but I had to keep her safe. I left with Tony grabbed my gear and headed straight to the floor below. 

"All Avengers get to the lower level. Be careful and Fully armed, take them out by whatever means necessary." Tony commanded over coms.

I took the stairs where I was met with Steve.

Wanda and Vision burst in through the glass windows and Stark being classy came through elevators. 

The elevator dinged and out he came. "Pizzas here!" He said as he started shooting the Agents. That was our signal. We burst through the stair well doors. Steve started punching I started shooting. 

Hydra agents were dropping like flies but there were over 100 of them. Give us the girl and this wont end badly." Rumlow protested. "No shes mine and I don't share." I snapped back before breaking his knee and throwing him out the window.

We had almost got rid of them all when more arrived. "Oh give us a bloody break." Steve exhaled out of breath. "Language cap!" Tony said somehow still sarcastic than ever. 

Seconds later Wanda was shot to the floor with an electric wire around her zapping her. She fell unconscious. There tech was a step up to what it was. They had a staff that they stabbed vision with that he didn't heal from he fell to the floor..


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