The Awakening.

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"It's done." I said say walking into Agent Greens base with a strong Russian accent . "Good. I need you focused. New mission Germany has some lose ends I need you to tie them up."He replied. 

"Who do I have to kill." I asked as if it was a normal day to day casual chat. "Potentially no one.. oh who am I kidding everyone. I'll send you a list. Get going." 


I walked out of the base onto the helicopter. I was alone with my thoughts although I felt numb like there was nothing... My brains foggy it's weird almost like somethings missing... All i can remember is my previous missions. Nothing more nothing less. Maybe it's just nerves as I'm going back out on the field after being in ice, Once I start killing it will be fine.

I strapped myself in and off we went to Germany. 


There I was sitting in the ICU waiting for Nat to wake up. She got knocked out, but doctors assure she will be fine. 

"Slept yet?" said Tony as he walked out into the hallway. "No, you?" I replied eyes on the glass window. "No." he said quietly. 

"We'll get her back." he added. "I know." i replied. "Whats the plan Stark." I added. "Got a lead. She's going to be in Germany tomorrow. Undercover at a Charity ball, I assume those scums have got her on assassination work." He said under his breath.

"So we go get her tomorrow." I replied quietly. "She wont come willingly. Memories or not she's still stubborn." Stark added. "Well she is a Stark." I said snarky which lead to a slight chuckle from Tony. 

"I'll gather a team." he said before leaving



"2 Mins until landing Miss Song." the pilot announced.  From here I had to get to the hotel change into a dress to blend in and then assassinate the main benefactor Geroge Atwell.

3 Hours later.


"Thank you all for coming. Now i'm going to cut the crap. Y/N Stark as we know her.. my sister. Has been brainwashed by Hydra I didn't think it was possible but it's clear they have evolved over the past years. 

She now goes as Summers Song. If you thought Y/n was dangerous shes worse." Tony paused. "Yes peter?" 

"But isn't she the same person so how can one version be more dangerous?" Peter asked innocently. 

"God stark you brought a kid into it-" Steve said disappointingly while walking into the new debriefing room.

"We need all the help we can get here. Were not going to Disney Land. " Stark replied to steve sarcastically before answering Peters question.

"Fair point kid. The difference is Y/N knows us and would never use her powers on us. Summers song sees us as a threat that has to be taken care off such as the attack on the compound there making her forget her old life." Stark answered.

"Ah." Peter dryly replied.

"Right continuing. She'll be at a Ball later tonight at 8PM sources have intercepted and informed me that she will be trying to Kill a man named Geroge I don't know why but we can use that to trap her." Stark finished. 

"Okay enough said. Avengers. suit up." Steve ended. 

It was 19:01. Everyone was getting ready we had Peter dressed as a security guard. Steve and Tony waiting in a van ready to bust in and get her. Wanda was with Nat she said she'd join us once Nat had awoke. And then there's me I go in and try get her to come willingly. 

God I need this to work. 


I'm  standing outside the gates to the Ball in a long green dress with a detachable train to make it easier if things went side ways. My gun tucked away on my thigh as the vile of poison tucked in my bra. I had 1 shot i wasn't fucking it up.

I entered the ball all eyes on me as usual, I walked past another hydra agent who was in place to make sure everything went smoothly. That's when i saw my him. "Target acquired permission to engage" I said over the radio.

"Copy." An agent said. With that I approached the bar where the man was. "Hey there miss you look like you could use a drink." he said with a grin. I puked on the inside. "Only if you'll have one with me." I gave him a flirtatious smile. He ordered the drinks but  before they could arrive he was swept away with a phone call. 

"Apologies don't go anywhere." he said with a sly smile. "I wont" I answered. This was my chance I took the vile out of my bra and poured it into his drink. 

 Before the man could come back I could feel a burning gaze on my back it felt somehow familiar. I felt him stand next to me. "Doll" he said. I looked at him with no expression who was this man. "Do I know you?" i said dryly. "Not anymore." He replied with a hint of pain in his voice. "Well then looks like we have no business together. Leave me" i said dismissively I couldn't have him fucking up my plan. 

"Can't I buy you a drink?" he says smugly. "Can't you see I already have one metal arm keep moving." I said in an annoyed tone as I sipped my drink.


"Can't you see I already have one metal arm" she said sounding annoyed. How the fuck did she know..

Before I could say anything she started. 

"Oh darling you'd be astonished with the things I know" she said getting up with the guys drink off to find him.

I stood there like an idiot as I watched her walk away. I forgot she can read though


*How the fuck did she know* I heard his thoughts they basically echoed across the room. Jesus this guy needs help. 

"Oh darling you'd be astonished with the things I know" I say giving him a little smirk before walking off with the other guys drink. It's weird that guy shows up and I feel.. better. 

who is he.

A/N: How dare he interrupt our assassination attempt honestly. 

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