The Meet.

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A week had gone by since Bucky and I had arrived. We spent our days together setting up for the mission and enjoying the alone time we had. Everything was perfect, but we can't lose perspective on why were here.

Bucky and I had just came from the grocery store when we parked up to our house noticing the new couple who were unpacking a truck.

I looked at Bucky who looked at me. Instantly we understood each other. Stood before us Mr and Mrs Walker.

Bucky and I got out the car and he went to grab the grocery's I walked up to the door but before I could unlock it my eyes locked with Mrs Walker. "Oh hey there! Are yall new to town?" I say with a friendly voice. 

"Yeah were your new neighbours" She replys with a smile. "How wonderful! Well were so lucky to have yall I'm Hayley. This is my husband Elijah." I say motioning to Bucky. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." he says to the couple "Yall too!" the wife reply's  "So when did yall get here." she asks. 

"Oh about a week ago! Were here for 2 months while our house in Georgia gets rennovated. How about yall!" I ask with a pep in my voice. 

"Oh were only here for a month." she replys. "Well I'm sure well get along just great!" I say all happy. "Oh what were your names again?" I add. 

"Oh forgive us where are our manners." she says before continuing "I'm Abby Walker, this is my husband Terry walker." she finishes with a warm smile. 

"Well it was lovely meeting yall I hope to see you around soon! Also welcome to the neighbourhood!" I say before walking inside where bucky is. 

I lock the door and make sure the house is sound proof. "They seem normal." I say meeting bucky in the kitchen where he's putting the food away.

"Well they are trained professionals." he replys. "God i dont wanna do this." i say sitting on the counter. "I know doll but we have too. Believe me I don't want you anywhere near hydra." he sighs. 

"Just got to make it through the month." i say pulling him into a hug.

"Just a month." he replies quietly. 


also I am so sorry if I spell smth wrong or smth doesn't make sense my dumbass writes this at 3AM my brains fried forgive me 

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