S2: Dawn of a New Day

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"Soldier. Your first assignment. Destroy your old life make everyone realise that your gone and never coming back" Agent Green commanded. "Understood." I said emotionless.

Buckys POV

I got onto the Jet I had about 3 hours to get there, therefore i made a plan of where she was last seen and who she was with.


I got onto the Jet I had about 3 hours to get there, therefore I made a plan get to the compound blow some shit up hurt someone people because I feel murderous and return.

Buckys POV 

When I landed I went straight to the Exclusives building where she last was and to my surprise the place was vacant.. 


When I landed I realised I had my powers back finally. Makes it easier to kill. I walked into the compound and to my surprise everyone was sitting in one place perfect. I threw the first grenade in threw an open window. 



I flew in threw the window to see everyone was surprisingly still intact. "Y/n??" The redhead said running up to me as I landed. "Motus." i cast a spell to throw her across the room. "The hell!" exclaimed the blonde one as he ran over to the red head. 

"I did some research on the way. So I'm assuming the blonde one's Captain America. Mr Goat tee over here must be Iron man. Redhead black widow. Emo the witch. The robots the AI.  And thats the whole freak family." 

"something's telling me this isn't our Y/n.."  said nat. "Why does everyone keep calling me that" I said rolling my eyes. "What should we call you then.." Asked Cap "Summers Song darling That's if you live."

"Right so i need to cause some chaos then i'll be out ur hair. 

"Bruciare Supe Terran Faciedo ignis Ga pramuim" i caste a spell to blow up the building "Don't look for me I don't want to be found. Byeeee" I said in a sing song voice as the building blazed on fire i flew out and made my way back home.


All the clues lead me to this warehouse that was cleaned out but in one of the rooms i found something... her necklace. the one I gave her on the night I asked her... god i hope she's okay.

I called Steve but he didn't pick up so I left a message "I'm on my way home.. I couldn't find her."  I said quietly..

and with that I made my way back home. 

"THE FUCK." i yelled when I saw the compound half standing and medics n FBI everywhere. I looked around fractionally for someone i knew and I saw Steve.

"What the hell happened!" I asked impatiently. "Bucky I need you to sit down before I tell you." said Steve who looked pretty banged up. 

So i sat and he proceeded to talk. "Y/n came to us... she blew up the compound, threw Nat across the room with her mind and then told us not to look for her because she doesn't want to be found. It gets worse... She doesn't know who Y/n is.." 

"No. Don't you dare say that name." i said in disbelief

"She called herself Summers song." Steve let out slowly.


"Look around Buck. Nat's in the ICU... Tony's got a broken arm.. If it wasn't for Wanda stopping the building from crushing us we'd all be dead. I think its time to let her go..." suggested Steve.

"How could you even suggest that." I said pissed off. "If it was you she'd stop at nothing to get you back to normal. How quickly you are to give up on her. The people she considers family, that shows a lot. You really fucking think Tony will give up on his sister, Nat and Wanda sure as hell wont neither will I for that matter." I finished out of breath.

"Okay! I get it I was stupid to suggest that your right I don't know what I was thinking it's just earlier her eyes... The way she was acting.. Shes dangerous!" Steve spat out.

"So am I." I replied dryly. "We've faced evil far worse than this get a grip!." I calmly exclaimed.

"I'm finding my girlfriend and bringing her home. end of." 

A/N: Oh hey besties how we doing. Everyone still here? Honestly looks like Old Capsicles a bit scared. I don't blame him. Anywhoos stay tuned my lovelies x 

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