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An hour after my outburst I sat in my room remembering everything I did. The kills the damage.. the torture... Him... 

I used to know Bucky back then we'd go on missions together but that was about it.. 


"If your Tony, Steve, Nat, Wanda or a human I don't wanna know!" I yelled at the door I heard a chuckle from the other side "Well it's a good thing I'm none of the above doll." He opened my door and closed it before he came over to me.

He scanned my face to see sign of hate or resentment but he saw nothing. "I don't know what your thinking but I'm sorry." 

"You killed my parent's kidnapped me where i was imprisoned for 10 years." I lifted his chin up with my hand as he looked down. "And yet your not the one i'm mad at" He looked up at me. "Your not mad?" he asked "No a wise OLD man once told me whatever you were back then doesn't hold anything compared to who you are now." I said smiling. 

I hate to admit but... I don't think I hate Bucky anymore. 

"Thank you" he said looking at me. I just smiled and nodded. 

"How are you handling the whole magic thing. "  "If i'm being honest I don't want to be here I don't remember how to control it and I don't know who i'm going to hurt with it." "Stop." He said picking up my hand and kissing my palms. "Your going to get through this and no ones getting hurt." 

"What if I have another outburst this time it could kill." "I think I have a solution for that." He said. "Wait here ill be back in like an hour." before i could say anything he had left. 

"Hey kiddo.." Tony walked into my room. "Get out." I said holding my voice trying not to sound angry. "I don't want to hear it right now I need space." "Y/n." "Get.Out.Now." My voice changed into a Russian accent and my eyes were glowing green. 

And he left he even shut the door behind him. That was a first.

"hey yn its nat and wanda we just want to talk.." I heart Nat say softly with my powers I opened the door and they came in.

"Hi" I said.. "Hey" they both said before sitting down.. "Look were r-" "Stop your forgiven" "Wait what?" "You heard me you two are my girls and my brothers an ass I'm only mad at him. I don't understand whats going on and I think if he'd told me the truth maybe I wouldn't be in this position I would of learned how to control it and take down hydra if it came to it. " 

"But now instead I'm in my bedroom lost and being the most dangerous person to the people that i love." I said with a frown. 

"Baby girl were not going to let anything happen okay another outburst and I'll contain it your not the only magical one here I can help you, in fact your assessments tomorrow. Were already figuring out how to find out what you can do and train you. Wanda explained.

"Assessment?" I asked "Ohhh yeah don't worry you'll see tomorrow!" Nat said before both of them getting up and leaving the room. 


I looked down at my phone to see a text from Bucky when did he even get my number.

CYBORG: "Meet me out back now." 

ME: "That sounds awfully like a hook up offer.

CYBORG: "In your dreams now cmon." 

I rolled my eyes put on my shoes and went downstairs and outside where i was met by Buck.

"What are we doing out here there's nothing for miles.." "Exactly" he said handing me a box. 

"Whats all this?" "The people you killed" "wha-" "Look i thought that you read through them have a cry and then scream again this time channel your rage and focus centre all your energy into one place and then make something pretty out of it. Then you can burn all these files and finally let go." 

"Why are you doing this." "Doing what?" "Helping me you hate me" "Because I know what it's like to be blamed for deaths you were forced to commit. Now just do it I'll be behind you the whole time." 

I read through all the names.. the familys... the news articles covered up by hydra saying it was an earthquake everything.. 

"Barnes go inside" "Are we really still on second name basis you'd think I would of earned a bucky by now" I chuckled. "James" I smiled at him "Go inside." Hearing his first name must have shocked him or something because he stood there not moving. "I'm not kidding I dont know if i can contain it!" "You can and you will I trust you now do it." He commanded

With that I scattered the files all over the ground . I focused let out another scream this time Instead of releasing all the power I contained it into a huge circle around me I brought all the energy into a ball into my hands molded it then shot it up into the air. 

A swarm of green butterfly's appeared they flew all around us i started giggling 


She started giggling and I think my heart melted. I hated everything about her once upon a time, but now I find myself protecting her from anything trying to help.. 


I don't know when he brought my wall's down but i'm glad he did. 

I don't know when she brought my wall's down but i'm glad she did. They both thought to themselves as they stood together watching the butterfly's fly away. 

She was about to walk away when "Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked "What? Oh the files" "Come on concentrate look at the paper and imagine its catching fire." And thats what she did the papers lit and we both watched them burn to a crisp just before she puts the fire out the same way she lit it. 

"How'd you know so much about magic?" I asked him. "Because I'm the one who helped you control it the first time." I replied. 

"I'll tell you more about that tomorrow for now I think you should go rest." I told her softly. "Okay I trust you" I said to him as we both walked back to the compound. 

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