I told you I don't need saving.

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"Okay so now that everyone's relaxed an sat down." Thor began.. "After some digging about Y/n I found that she links back to my sister Hela the goodness of death, but not to fear she's dead!" Thor reassured. "What does that make Y/n then?" Asked Natasha "And how is that possible if she's related to Tony who's a human.." added Nat.

"Well she's obviously adopted I think that parts for certain I think we figured that out when she started glowing." Wanda added. "Did Hydra not give her powers?" Asked Barnes. 

"Lady Wanda is correct it would explain everything. I think Hydra had her kidnapped to turn her into a weapon because she had powers." Said Thor.

"Tony? Any smartass comebacks?" Nat questioned looking over at Tony. "Yeahhh she's adopted I was there when they signed the papers." "You didn't think to tell us that! Or her for that matter!"  Barnes hissed. By now everyone was starring at Tony. 

"Okay here's what I know." Tony started


One morning...


*HOWARD:* Maria there's someone at the door could you get it?

*MARIA:* Yeah sure one second! 

Maria opened the door to see a little baby girl in a casket with a note saying *take me* well this is odd she thought. It was cold so she brought the little girl in.

*MARIA:* Honey! I think you should come see this.

*HOWARD:* What the- 

He walked in to see a baby girl in Marias hands.

*HOWARD:* Who's this where'd she come from.

*MARIA:* I have no idea I opened the door and she was here with a note saying take me. Can we keep her shes so cute!

Y/n cooed at her 

*HOWARD:* Maria I don't think its smart. 

But maria pleaded until he said yes. 


"So after that they introduced her to me I didn't really care that much at the time then we wen't to get the legal documents and then well you know the rest." Tony finished 

"Did you ever find out where she came from?" Asked Nat. "Nope" replied tony 


As I flew out the burning building still trying to get the hand of flying I assumed it would be a long time before I reached home so I got out a book that I found in the hydra based that was under the my name.. odd.

The book was called "The Dark Hold" Scripts on the spine of the book translated to "The Book of the dammed." Oh that's nice. i thought. 

I turned to the page that had a chapter devoted to the Scarlett witch. Which I don't know why it reminded me of Wanda... I'll have to talk to her about that later.

I was flicking through until a page that was glowing green caught my eye. "Enchantress.. The Goddess of Chaos.." 

Seemed a bit aimed if you ask me. 

It seems that this book claims I have the power to literally dominate the world. 

I began to read off the page 

"The goddess has no need for incantations but may use for more power.. It's all in there mind for the majority. There magic has no bounds or limits any thing is possible if they concentrate hard enough.

They have healing powers like no other creature that has walked the earth.

The Enchantress is not forged she's born the opposite of the scarlet witch.

Resurrection c-"

I slammed the book closed I didn't want to read anymore...

Okay if I have unlimited power surly teleportation can work because If I have to fly ANYMORE IN THIS DRESS AND HEELS on god. Someones dying when I get back.

I opened the book again too see if there was anything else on my magic or even spells that could help and I found the jackpot. "Bingo." 

"Phasmatos lacus Avengers compound." 


"Wait so Thor is Y/ns related to your sister what does that make her" Asked Vision. But before Thor could answer a green cloud of light appeared. 

"The Goddess of Chaos darling." Y/n said looking to all of them after teleporting in. "Thank god hun!" Nat said running up to y/n and hugging her. "I'm okay nat" Y/n added "I know."  Nat said smiling. 

"Right guys well do all the sappy hellos later i'm going to bed." Y/n took one look at Bucky before scoffing and going upstairs to bed. 

A/N: Short chapter for once thank god 

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