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"Status report?" I asked my co-worker while striding down the corridor to my next meeting. "We don't know.." he hesitantly replied. I stopped in my tracks. "What do you mean you don't know?" I asked hiding my furious tone.

"He went off the grid last night." he finally spoke. "Why wasn't I notified." I said my fingers pressed on the bridge of my nose. "We thought we'd be able to handle it and find him.." he shamefully said.

"There's no *I* in team you know. Next time alert me immediately I don't care what time of day it is." I exhaled then took a deep breath. "Right I want Unit 1 on tracking Agent Brown's whereabouts ASAP. Move this to our number 1 priority." I said over coms. "And I need a SWAT team around the perimeter." I commanded into my ear piece.

"I'm sorry" my co-worker frantically said. I placed my hand on his shoulder in reassurance and gave him a soft smile. "You were just trying to be independent which is great, but not at the expense of another life. Okay?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"Now go get yourself home you haven't slept all night. Directors orders!" I commanded walking down the corridor to my meeting.

In these past three months since.. well her. I started working for Fury, I took my old job back being a researcher. A month in he promoted me to a private investigator.. Another month in he had to continue traveling leaving me in charge of the London Base. Hence Director. It's been amazing so freeing... 

In the first month I was a wreck... As it went by it felt like time was against me I heard every second tick.. It felt like the world was passing me by at a faster rate one I couldn't keep up with. The second month the nightmares stopped and I could finally look at myself in the mirror without feeling sick. Sick of what I did.. It turned my stomach to know how many people I killed... But no matter. It's all done now.

I was released from my thoughts as I walked into my meeting surprisingly to see no one... I checked my watch to see if I was on time or late.. Turns out I was early. There was an eerie sense to the room.. I knew I wasn't alone. I placed down my laptop and binders slipping the gun out from my back holster.

The door in front of me inched open I hid behind it with my gun inched towards the door. I was ready for who ever this was. I refrained from using my powers, because it reminded me of too much.. Which my Combat skill loved as I increased in capability. I can thank Nat for that.

In walked in a face all to well. "FURY?" I yelled and he jumped back. "Y/N? I'M OLD YOU CAN'T DO THAT." he yelled back.

"Your the one who came in all fucking ghost face! i said tucking my gun back into my holster. "You do realise you've crashed my very important meeting." I continued. 

"The meeting is going to have to wait.." he started. "It's happening again." he finished. "It can't be. I finished it off 2 months ago." i protested. "There's nothing there anymore Hydra is gone. I made sure of it." I said confidently. 

"Not exactly it survived. I'm sorry but you have to come with me back to New York." he looked at me to see my reaction.. 

I did not want to go back there for at least a year I was finally settled here. "What about HQ." I asked. "Hill said she'd cover it while you were out." he replied. "One of my guys are missing I can't just leav-" before I could finish one of my officers from the SWAT team walked in.

"Sorry Director Stark? Agent Browns been recovered and will be returning back to base in t-minus 20." he finished with his head poking through the door.

"I'll be there when he comes back if he is able get a full debriefing and statement." I requested sternly. "Will do ma'am." he replied closing the door behind him.

"I guess your guy has been found. The plane leaves at 5. Finish your lose ends and go home pack and meet met at the hanger." he commanded before leaving me utterly speechless. 

I didn't have time to see Agent Brown as the clock ticked. I sent an email to my co-worker Jules to send me the full debrief once it was processed.

I went home packed the basic things and headed straight for the hanger. 

A/N: Am I the only one who loves Director Stark... like c'mon that shits attractive as fuck... c;

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