Sightseeing. DAY 3

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CYBORG: Where are you.

ME: Up your ass.

CYBORG: Y/n.. You've been out for hours.

ME: I know I was there.

CYBORG: Such a Stark.

ME: Liar.

CYBORG: Y/n your still a Stark. It's set in stone on your Birth Certificate.

ME: A false birth certificate.

CYBORG: Where are you.

ME: On my way somewhere. 

CYBORG: Great meet you there.

ME: You don't know where I'm going.

CYBORG: Don't be so sure I saw your flip flops.

*you left cyborg on read."

Ass hat. I thought to myself as I packed up my things and made my way to the beach. As I approached the golden sand grains I took off my heels and put on my flip flops. I ventured pretty far down into the beach just close enough for the waves not to touch me but they were close. All in hopes that James wouldn't find me but that failed, because 5 minutes later..

"Hi" A guy approached me his hair flowing in the soft breeze as the sun reflected making his blue eyes almost as clear as the ocean sparkled in the light. 

"James" I looked up smiling "Is this seat taken?" He asked. "Yes actually it's reserved for this guy I'm meeting.." I said with a playful frown. "Tell me about this lucky guy" He asked. "He's tall, sweet, seductive, has a metal arm. Kind of an ass at times but in an intriguing or annoying way." I wandered off. "Oh he sounds like a dick." That last part made us both laugh. 

He sat down and we both just stared out for a while. "Can I ask you a question.?" He asked calmly. "Sure shoot" I replied still looking out. His gaze fell on me as he asked. "You remember the first night we got here?" He started. "Yeah i do" I replied "What was that all about" His question threw me off guard.

"Jet lag." I lied. "The truth." He pushed. "Why does it matter." I said looking down fiddling with my rings. "I'm just trying to make sure your okay. Believe it or not Y/n I care about you." He confessed.

I thought for a second then gave in. "That night was when I was mad at you I had something else on my mind that I was tore between. I've wanted to tell you this whole time but I made a promise not to and that drove me crazy, and when I didn't have an answer to your questions.. It scared me. For once I went blank.." I confessed still looking down.

"You don't have to have all the answers.. No one expects you to.." He gave a reassuring smile. "There's something you should know.." He took hold of my hand and circled his thumb over my finger. "Tell me" 

I took out the dark hold from my bag and handed it to him.

"What's this" He asked confused as he scanned the cover. "The Dark Hold.. In simple terms it's Witches textbook. It has everything about me in there and some stuff about Wanda.." 

"Wanda?" He asked even more confused. "Yeah so funny story it's written that her and I are destined to destroy the world. She's the Scarlett Witch and I'm The Enchantress : Goddess of Chaos." 

He went silent. "Say something." i asked scared for his response. But he just turned my face to his and cupped my face in his hands. "I don't care. That book doesn't determine shit." 

"Your not scared?" "Oh baby girl I've been with you at your worst nothing you can do can scare me. Plus i'm probably the last person to be scared," he said pulling me into a hug and planting a kiss on my forehead. I wanted all time to freeze I never wanted that moment to end it was almost perfect.. 

"One more thing." I started. At this point I was in buckys arms starring out into the sunset.. "This could be nothing but I have a really bad feeling.."I continued "About what?" He asked concerned. "Something's coming.. I can't pinpoint what yet but it's strong. Too strong." I finished. "Are you worried?" He asked. "A little." "Well don't be" He reassured. "Whatever it is we will figure it out" "I know" I replied softly 

"You weren't kidding about this sunset" James chuckled "I know right!" We both sat there arm in arm as the sun faded into the oblivion.

James and I sat there talking for a while before deciding to go back in by the time we got back it was after midnight where everyone was asleep. 

I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel anything for James of course I did..  I just..  Do I really want to risk getting hurt, sometimes maybe having walls are a good thing... right..?

Then it hit me something my mother used to say to me.. Regret is a lot stronger than fear

"Fuck it" I said walking up to him as he heard what I said he turned around to face me when I got to him I paused for a moment. "James." I said looking up at him into his eyes. "Doll" He said looking down into mine. I think we had the same idea because our eyes went from starring at each others down to our lips then back up which plastered a smirk onto his face and a smile on to mine. 

Without another thought our lips smashed together he held the back of my neck with his metal hand sending a shiver down my spine. His tongue was entangled in mine as he thrusted me against the wall not breaking the kiss. My arm was wrapped around his neck while my other hand cupped the left side of his face.

He tugged on my shirt broke the kiss then pulled it off so I was in my trousers and bra. I kicked off my flip flops before kissing him. I broke the kiss so we both could catch our breath. I removed his top revealing his six-pack. Damn. He smirked looking down at me when he realised where i was looking "Like what you see doll?" He said with a cocky tone. "Don't gas yourself." I said in a mocking tone looking up at him.

"You know one night I'm going to fuck that attitude out of you." He said with a deep tone that made my heart flutter.  I gasped as he threw throwing me over his shoulder and onto his bed. "Is that tonight..?" I smirked biting my lip as he towered over me. He clicked his tongue as he pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him as he was sitting up.

I stroked my hand through his hair as his hands were on my back holding me up. He leaned in giving me a wet kiss then pulled away. "Even though i've wanted to since you kicked my ass the first time I wont." He said that left me confused. "Your such a tease." I said playfully,  but then he continued. "I wont. Unless I get to take you on a date first." He demanded. I smiled at him and nodded. This man will be the death of me.

"So what was the point of removing my shirt?" I asked. "I thought you'd look better without it." I chuckled before planting a kiss on his cheek. I was about to get up when he pulled me back down. "Uh no. Doesn't mean you can leave the bed. Your staying here from now." He said with a serious voice. "Yes Sargent" I said giving him a salute. 

"I'm going to go to the bathroom to take off my makeup and get into comfier clothing." I said while getting off Buck. "I know exactly what you can wear" he replied. I looked at him confused. He grabbed his shirt that I took off him earlier and put it on me. It was huge but covered in his scent which i loved. "Okay i'll be back." I left for the bathroom took my makeup off and took my bra and trousers off leaving just my pants and buckys top. 

I opened the door and posed "Ta daa" I said revealing myself. "Oh god i regret the date thing- I just want to rip that thing off you." He confessed as I got into bed. "Tomorrow you can." I winked. "Done. I'll be there."

I snuggled into his arms burring my head into his chest and fell asleep to the sound of his heart beat.. 

A/N: hehe I teased you. No proper smut here. yet..  

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