Lets Get Wasted. DAY 2

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*8 HOURS LATER : 17:00PM*

"Okay guys I have a place booked get ready well leave for 7PM"  Tony announced. 

We all said okay and went to our rooms a bit after I went in to mine Barnes walked in and shut the door. 

"Hey" I said smiling at him "Hi" he said "Everything okay..?" I asked in a concerned voice as I walked a bit closer to him.

"Why'd you keep calling me James" He asked. I let out a sigh of relief "A bit dramatic love I thought something bad had happened" I walked away and looked through my clothes.

"I'm being serious. Why" he asked again. "Because it's cute." "It's not." "It is James" I said smirking straight at him. "Whatever you say Doll" That wiped the smirk right off my face. I got my outfit a red top with rhinestone straps and leather pants I went into the bathroom to do my makeup which was just a normal base with my highlighter and blush popping. I had simply silver gel glitter for my eye shadow and did a lined wing with a nude lip.

I then put on my outfit which I paired nicely with a rhinestone choker and diamond earrings by now it was about 6. I walked out the bathroom as Bucky walked into the room looking in his wardrobe.

I walked over to the mirror to check how i looked I wasn't too sure on the top it was a bit.. much

"Hey James?" "Yeah?" He looked over at me. "What do you think of this outfit your a guy, does it seem too... revealing?" I asked. "Are you comfortable in it?" I was thrown off by his question but I replied "I guess yeah it's cute but what does that have to do with that" "Well then it doesn't matter, wear what you want I can fight" He said walking into the bathroom and shutting the door.

I was left SHOOK. I turned over to the doorway where I saw Wanda with a huge smile on her face. We ran up to each other and silently jumped up and down. 

But then Bucky walked back into the bedroom. As we heard the door open we stopped and tried to act casual but we looked like idiots. 

"Yall okay?" He asked "Mhm" We both said as he got his belt and went back into the bathroom. "Oh my oatmeal that was so cute!!" Wanda whispered. "I knowww wait what am I saying ahh" "Do you like him" "No. Yes. No. I don't know!" "You sooo like himmm and he soo likes you" "You think?" "Yes!! Anyway I'm going to go get ready see you later!" "Okay bye Wanda!" 

Could Wanda be right? I mean me and bucky? Nah that can't be possible... Could it..? Ah what am I saying probably not. I brushed my thoughts off and completed my look with lace up boots and left to Wanda and Nats room. 

I knocked on there door. "Hey girls are you decent?" "Yeah Y/n come in" replied Nat. I walked in to see Nat in a cute short black dress and Wanda with a cute floral summer dress. 

"Damn" I said looking at the two beautiful girls in front of me

"What?" They asked. "Nothing you both look hot" I said almost speechless. "Oh I thought it was too much you look good too y/n" replied Nat who was chuckling. "Yeah what she said" Wanda added.

"So are we ready?" I asked. "Yeah we have about 20 minutes before we have to leave lets go wait in the living room for the guys" Nat suggested. "Why not let's go" added Wanda. 

We left to the living  room where all the guys were already ready.

"And here I thought we were early.." I said looking at Nat and Wanda. "Well there goes our gossip lesson" Nat said disappointed.

"So you girls finally ready?" Asked Steve "Finally? We have 20 miniates left!" I snapped back furrowing my eyebrows giving him a bitch please look.

"Alright alright my bad let's go" Steve said as everyone got up. "Okay kids lets go get wasted Pointbreak your driving!" Tony said while leaving the house. 

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