Drama -_-

540 13 14


I came back into my room dropping all the bags on the side of the bed and flopping face first onto the bed. 

"Party's in 2 hours!" Said Friday. Tony probably put a alert on. Might as well start to get ready. I shut my door and locked it don't want anyone walking in on me I can't be arsed to deal with that 

"Friday darling play my less depressing music" I ask. "Yes boss playing I'm a badass and everyone knows it now." Sped up songs began playing the best music for when you need it. 

On that note I got into the shower and took off my makeup. 


Okay now that that's all done hair time. I plugged my curling iron into the socket and let that heat up while it did so I got applied some Anti-Heat damage to protect my hair and started working around my whole head until I was at the last section. 


"Okayy done with that" I said to the mirror while putting the Iron away. My h/c hair framed my face perfectly it wasn't too curly which I preferred it was wavy. It trickled down past my shoulders to a the middle of my back. "Wow I didn't realise how long my hair was" I was while looking in the mirror. 

I applied hair spray then moved on to makeup. 

Once I had finished my base I applied my eye shadow. 

I applied a coat of cream to the corner of my eye that was then blended into a light brown which faded into a darker brown. So it was like a smokey eye but not at all..

Then I did a winged black liner on top was a sliver liner to top that and then on the top of the eye under the eye brow was another line of silver.

Then I did a winged black liner on top was a sliver liner to top that and then on the top of the eye under the eye brow was another line of silver

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Basically like that

 Then I put on some eye lash extensions as mine are already long then applied mascara I did a soft red lip with a load of clear gloss as the top coat then all that was left was the dress.

I slipped into the dress took one final look and made my way to where everyone was.


I entered the room to a load of chatter but that stopped as they all turned there heads where I was stood. "Hey"  I waved my hand as I made my way to the bar I was to sober for this- 

"There she is!! See I told you Bucky would love it he hasn't taken his eyes off you since you walked into the room" Nat said from behind the bar while already knowing what I wanted. 

"Thanks Nat you look stunning yourself holy shit you know.. I'm not the only person being eyed by a super soldier" I motioned over to Steve. Her cheeks went red as she looked away. "Natasha Romanoff. You and him??? and You didn't tell me :O" I said disappointed. 

"It was a one time thing!" "YOU FUCked?" I said lowering my voice as she took a swig of beer. "Naughty girl" I said as we both started chuckling. "Does wanda know?" "Nah since you know i'm going to tell her later." Alright. I said downing my vodka shot then taking my martini from her and going up to Steve. 

"Break her heart and I break your face Rogers." I gave him glares then walked away I saw vision and Thor talking over by the window. 

"BOYS!" I said running up to them and hugging them I hadn't seen them both in so long. "How are you lady Y/n" "Fantastic! What about the two of you." They were both fine. "Right so it's come to my attention of your powers Y/n. I th-" "Im going to stop you right there it's a party no power talk i'm lazy." I walked away. "ALSO VISION WANDA MISSED YOU!" I screamed as my distance increased. 

I felt Bucky's glares from the other side of the room fucking hell you could feel the burn even in Antarctica!. 

"Metal man would you kindly tell your other metal companion that starring is rude." I motioned to Tony who was standing with him. "Bucky stop starring at my sister it's creepy." Buck just smirked and continued I gave him a dirty look and went back to the bar I finished my drink I needed more. 

"Nat another pleaseeeeeeeee" My words started to slur I was drunk. "Here Y/n last one your almost passed out." "No you!" I hissed as she gave me another martini. "Thank youuu love youu." 

I walked over to the sofa where everyone was. "Jesus Y/n are you already drunk it's only been 43 minutes.." Asked Tony. "I'm not drunk!" "Oh your not drunk?" "no!" I hissed. "Okay" He looked over at the time. " Can you tell the time." I turned to the clock and pointed. "I'm not fucking drunk!". 

Everyone cracked up. Clint spat his drink out. "Bloody hell Y/n" Steve said while on the floor almost passing out from laughter. "Okay maybe I'm drunk you know y'all are mean I'm going to the bar!" 

Bucky followed me. I sat down he sat next to me. 

"Doll your drunk" "Why does everyone keep sayin tha i'm fineeee" "Why don't we get you to bed." He stands up offering his hand. "If your going to be in it then sureee" He sighed "Not like this" He said under his breathe. "Come on up your going in time out" "Ooo kinky I like it" he slapped his hand onto his forehead I started laughing.

"I don't want to leave yett It hasn't even been an hour." "Okay how about this by the time I go to the bathroom and grab your slippers because them heels look painful" He pointed to my 4 inch red heels that matched my dress. 

"And then i'll take you to your room and you can go to sleep" He said putting my hair behind my ear. "I am tiredd" "Exactly" "Deal?" "Deal." "Okay finish your drink I'll be back. 

I sat there drinking my drink trying not to fall asleep when:

"Hey beautiful." A guy said sitting next to me at first I didn't recognise him but then.. 

"Ohh Hotel guy!!! Heyy!" "So I probably should of told you I was a shield agent." "Oh it's okay people lie to me all the time!" I said happily "I'm sorry how about I repay by buying you a drink?" "Okay!" Free drinks are always the best.

After 2 shots "Hey why don't you come back to mine and we can get to know each other better!" He said over the music. 

"I don't know I'm waiting for my babysitter!" I replied back over the music. He came closer putting his hand on mine. "I don't see him around" "Trueeee But-" "You listen to everything people tell you? Come on take a trip to the wild side it will be funn" he added. 

He was harmless whats the worse that could happen!

"Okay hurry lets leave!" We snuck out through the back of the party then down the fire exit giggling but shushing each other at the same time. 

"Okay I think we-" *Muffled noises* 

A bag was thrown over my head then everything went black. 


It took forever finding her slippers i thought to myself as I walked back into the party. I made sure to get the red ones so she didn't complain about them not matching.

"Y/n?" I went over to the bar but no one was there. I scanned the party but saw nothing. 

"Wanda have you seen Y/n?" "No why?" "She was meant to be by the bar.." "Maybe she went to the bathroom its probably fine!" Wanda reassured me. 

"Oh Barnes i'm sure I just saw her sneak out with some cute guy i'm sure she'll be back by tomorrow!" Natasha informed me. 

"Guy huh." I scoffed and went back to my room for the rest of the night.

My blood boiled.

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