I'm not mad about it okay. Now let's get wet! DAY 5

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I woke up, the suns light practically screaming in my face as if telling me to wake up. As I came back to my senses I suddenly felt Bucky's arm around me and remembered what had happened last night.. A smile spread across my face as I slowly turned around to face Bucky. 

"Good Morning" He said in his sleepy rough voice with his eyes closed. "Morning" I said all cheery. "Looks like someone's happy about last night" He added. "Don't flatter yourself but maybe..." I started off strong and then said shyly at that last part. He opened his eyes and we just looked at each other. 

"hi" I said softly "hey" he replied. I leant in and gave him a kiss. I pulled away to the sound of my phone going off. 

It was Wanda she was asking about the date probably should talk to her soon..

*KNOCK KNOCK* Suddenly the door knocked making Buck and I jump. No one knew about us so if they saw us together.. naked... in one bed they'd freak. "ONE MINIUTE." Barnes yelled. "What do we do!?" He asked in a panic. "Uhh don't worry! Invisique!" I said as I went invisible it was one of my many spells I had learnt at the Library god I didn't know it worked. "COME IN" Bucky yelled again probably confused but i'll answer later.

"Hey Buck I-" He looked over to my bed which was neat and tidy. "Where's Y/n?" He asked confused "..Bathroom!" He said quickly. "Oh okay it's just it's 8AM and her beds done she's normally messy. Rude cow. I thought as Bucky thought of a reply. "Yeah she felt like being productive." He tried to shake it off.

"Right so when you see her let her know that were all going to be at the pool at 9 and have a pool morning" Steve said excitedly.  "Sure Steve" Buck replied in a relief he brought the lie. "One more thing.." Steve began. "Are you and Y/n a thing?" Finished Rogers.

Bucky stuttered. "I- No why would you thing that.." He said nervously. "Oh come on you and a hot girl sleeping on one room.. It's just Sam this-" Steve continued but Bucky cut him off "I don't care what Sam thinks nothing's going on with me and Y/n. She's a.-a brat!" He finally spat out. 

I punched him under the sheets "OWH!" He exclaimed. "okay okay are you ok?" Steve asked concerned. "Yes I just uh.. got a leg cramp.." he covered up. "Uh okay I'm going to go see you at the pool." Steve said in the doorway "Okay bye." Bucky said as Steve left.

I waited a few seconds before shutting the door with my magic and re appearing. "Brat?" I asked annoyed. "I don't mean it. I had to get him off our trail!" He protested. "Just kidding god barnes  your such an old man." I joked as I got up. "Could and old man do what I did last night." He said as I put his first back on." I blushed before saying "I don't know I haven't fucked and old man other than you". I then started to walk but when I began I stumbled a little.  Fuck this guy i said rubbing my sore legs as I heard him chuckle watching me try to walk. I ignored him then shut the bathroom door and started to get ready.


Some of the avengers were already outside when I came after putting a blue bikini on I scanned the pool to see Bucky but I guess he wasn't here yet.

"Hey guys!" I said walking down the patio part of the yard. "Morning Y/n!" Nat said looking up from the sun chair she was laying down in. She patted the bed next to her signaling me to come sit which i did. 

"Heyy Y/n!" Wanda said in the chair next to mine. "Heyy!" "Y/n!! You made it!" Steve said coming up from the water. "Yeahh so whats the plan for today." I said laying down. "Well a pool morning and then I think were going out." replied Steve. "Okay!" 

"Y/n.." Nat said in a suspicious tone.. "Yeah.." I replied nervously. "Your glowing." She stated. shit. "Oh uh I used a new body lotion!" I lied. "Well it looks Fantastic!" Wanda added I think she new what was up.

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