Need Rescuing

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Young y/n: "Mommy? Daddy? Where are we going it's so late.."

Mom: Darling don't worry just a night drive its okay."

Young Y/n: "I'm tired mommy"

Mom: "I know darling its alright go to sleep for a bit well wake you later."

Young Y/n: "Okay" 

Just like that i drifted off...     *PRESENT NOW.*

...My eyes started to open my vision blurred, most my senses numb a horrid ringing in my hear and I had a splitting headache I looked around to see what was going on I just saw hydra agents starring at me Tony was making some muffled noise honestly I don't know what was going on...


Nat and I came to the East wing of the building knocking out any guards we saw. "Nat on your left!" I yelled. "Cheers Bucky" she said as we took out the last of them. "Okay now we need to re group the north side of the building then we bust y/n and Tony out." Nat said. "I nodded." "You alright buck?" she asked. "Yeah why wouldn't I be." "He's gonna be fine you know." " It's not him i'm worried about"  I said as i continued making my way to the North side. 

"Wait up so does this mean you like y/n???" Nat asked. "Absolutely not. Shes a brat. Who thinks she can do whatever the hell she wants like walk into a fucking mission she doesn't know if she can get out off!" without realising i yelled. "What do you mean." Nat said grabbing my arm she wanted elaboration I said too much. "Her plan was never to escape she was always planning to sacrifice herself." "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK THAT WAS INFO TO SHARE WITH THE GROUP?" I went silent. Nat radioed in letting everyone know whats up. "Y/N?" she asked over coms *no reply* "Fuck" she said. "Come on buck we gotta go get her you have no idea what will happen if they get there hands on her" she sounded worried.. 

Steve's POV

"Right were done here lets go meet Nat and Buck" I said Everyone agreed but then Nat told us Y/ns true plan. "Sugar we have to go guys now!" We all ran to where Tony and Y/n were using y/ns tracker. 

We met up with everyone and kicked the door down to where they were.


*BANG* the door swung open agents charged at the avengers who were fighting.. Starting to come to my senses i remembered i had a dagger in my back pocket which i reached for.. ..but couldn't quite grab.. "Come on.." i said to myself... then.. finally. "yes!" I got it i cut the ropes. Then went to cut Tony's ro- *BANG* 

A stinging pain shot through my stomach.. fuck the bastard shot me. I put my left hand onto my wound hoping that would help the blood stop but it kept gushing out. All i could hear was the ringing of god knows what and all i felt was hot liquid spewing from me that was fun. While i was still mobile i went behind tony and gave him the dagger which he freed himself from and then... just like that.. "Oh shit." it all went dark. "Y/N!" i heard screaming and that was it.


*BANG* *Y/N!* She got shot. I got my gun out and shot the person who shot her some ass wanker of a guard. I looked at Steve who gave me a look to go get her out of here asap. "Come on doll hang on for 5 more minutes please" She was un responsive . So I picked her up and rushed out I turned to see Steve who had tony with everyone else covering them. 

We rushed them back into the quinjet and left. "Steve!!" I yelled. "Yeah everything okay?" "Her pulse is slowing! What do we do how much longer.!" "10 minutes"! "Okay doll please 10 more minutes okay your gonna be fine." I whispered into her ear hoping she'd hear me.  "Bucky?" Tony called me? "Yeah?" "Is she okay?" "She's going to be fine you both are injured best not to move save your energy."  I snapped quickly thinking if he didn't get his arse kidnapped she wouldn't have been here. It seems Tony listened because i didn't hear anything from him all the way home. 

"B-barnes?" her voice distraught but still there. "Yeah doll it's okay your safe now its okay." "The base.. ton-" I cut her off " Don't worry everythings okay everyones okay just lets focus on getting thats stitched up" I said while carrying her inside. 


I woke up feeling absolutely drained. I was in my room with someone next to me.. "Hey.." "Doll." it was barnes. "I told you not to call me that" I chuckled. "i know but it annoys you. " he softly said. "Wait. Oh MY GOD wheres Tony D-did he get out??!!?" I said while trying to get up but fell right back into my pillow feeling very tight stitches that were threatening me saying if you get up I will hurt you. "Shh shh don't move hes fine he's here." " I want to see him" I demanded. "Later when your not dying then yeah." Barnes said. "I'm going to see my brother end off." I flop out of bed which i then stumble but just then bucky zooms to my side of the room and catches me.


We lock eyes. 

He helps me up..

I help her up. 

We stay there staring into each others eyes.. 

"Ahem" Sam clears his throat standing with yet again Steve. "Steve looks like you going to be owing me 20 dollars real soon!!" sam said.. Bucky and I looked at each other confused. 


"okay whatever that means.."  I give the confused look to Sam but he gives me the *don't worry about it look*. 

"Y/n it's good to see your alright!" Steve said. "Thank you capsicle. but where is he" "He's with bruce he wants to see you though." "great lets go." 

With buckys support i limped to the lab where Tony and bruce where chatting.

"Big brother"  I said while limping in trying to act cool.

"Little sister." Tony said smiling "Now a little birdy told me you came all the way here to save me." he said "I was simply forced." I fired back. "Uh huh" tony said. Moments after we hugged 

"No seriously Y/n thankyou." "I'd do it all over again" I said that and i walked out. 

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