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"Director Stark. Director Fury requires you in the common room in 10 minutes" Friday announced on the speaker. "Thanks Friday." 

When I walked into the common room I was greeted with Tony and Nick. "What's the problem?" I asked standing by the table .

"Where just waiting for one more he sho-" Nick was cut off when someone walked into the room. I scoffed when I saw the man in front of me. "What does he have to do with this." i asked pointlessly. "Calm it. Stark play nice." Fury commanded. 


"Okay so, I know you both hate each other for some unknown ass reason, but I have a mission for the pair of you. We need you to go down to Miami undercover as Mr and Mrs Smith." he paused to see our reactions.

"For how long." i asked. "Bout a month." He replied. "WHAT" Bucky and I both exclaimed. "So we have to pretend to be married??" he asked confused. "Yeah. For a month. Mr and Mrs Walker are taking a trip to Miami there they have the chip because there's going to be a whole trade on the 29th night." Fury finished.

"We have to live with each other for a month." I said disgustingly. "Yes." Fury replied. "No." I snapped back but calmly.

"Are you defying a direct order?" he said taking a step close to me. "Well do it." Barnes stepped in before Nick could get any uhm... well scarier.

"Fine. When do we leave." I huffed. 

"Two days from now." Tony replied. "So after new years?" Barnes asked. "Yes." Nick replied sounding fed up of dumb questions.

"Oh and there's a new years party tomorrow be there, and look presentable." Tony finished. "Copy." I said leaving the room. 

A/N: slightly late but Happy New Year my loves. Hope your enjoying the story.. I have something very fun planned for the party.... 


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