The Rescue Mission

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I started wondering how tony was but as i realised that wasn't gonna do anyone any good I snapped out of it not realising how fast i was walking with a strong pace trying not to think of what torturous things could be happening to him.

Just then without even realising anyone was there *BANG* I stumbled backwards only then to feel a cold metal sensation gripping my arm. I looked up to see him. Bucky.                                           "You know you should really watch where your going." He said with a smirk on his face. "Apologies your highness" I sarcastically said "I mean it Stark." He pulled me closer our lips practically touching his breathing increased just as mine did. 

"Ahem" We turned around to see Sam and Steve standing there. "What you two doing" Sam said with a smirk of your face. With that I turned to Barnes who was still holding my arm kicked him in the stomach which released his drip turned back to Sam and said. "Nothing watch out or your next." I said strutting off into my room. Just as I was about to shut the door i heard Bucky " A thank you would of been nice asshole." I laughed to myself before I went into my closet and suited up.


"A thank you would of been nice asshole." I said as i heard her door shut. Ow- fucking bitch kicked me. I fucking saved her ass from falling and she kicks me. Such a stark- "What are you dumbasses looking at" I said to Steve and Sam who are snickering in front of me. I turned around and walked straight into my room slamming my door. Sadly my rooms literally opposite her room for some fucked up reason. Whatever shes a bitch. Ignoring recent events i showered and suited up. 


"Something tells me them two are going to end up fucking." Sam said randomly. "You think?" I said " I doubt it she abuses him its just a matter of time for him to snap back they'd never dare." "Wanna bet Steve? There soulmates, opposites attract." "Yeah ill bet 20" i said. "Done" Sam said and there we shook on it.



I sat there not saying a word trying to figure out how the hell we were gonna pull this off. As long as we get Tony out that's the goal. No matter the cost. 

"You okay Y/n" Nat asked. "Yeah perfectly fine!" I exclaimed happily "Tell that to your restless leg" I heard Barnes say from the other side of the quinjet. I forgot he was here. "Piss off Barnes. You know it was a lot better when you just stared." I hissed. "Oh don't worry doll I'll still stare." "Stop calling me doll" "Whatever you say.. Doll.." He had a smirk on his face i wasn't bloody having it. Before i could get over there a push his ancient ass out the plane Steve got in my way.

"Be smart y/n we need all hands on deck." "Tell that to tin can over there" "I will but you need to chill to" I rolled my eyes at the two old men in front of me one acting like a child the other trying to be a peace maker. For the rest of the flight i sat in silence.  


"Were here." Announced Rogers. "Okay lets go over the plan. Steve, Sam Wanda. Go to the west side and take out the guards. Nat and Barnes your on the East side. The re-" I was interrupted no surprise from who.

"And what will you be doing?" he said. "I'll be going in north the front gate/entrance its me he wants so he won't kill me on sight." I replied. "What if they get you.." Bucky said almost sounding concerned. "They wont. Okay everyone lets go." I commanded 

Everyone left the Jet Barnes and I were the last ones on I was about to leave when he pulled my arm. "What?" i snapped. "Your going into this not knowing if your coming out of it alive aren't you?" He asked. Fucking hell no one else caught on why did he have to become a smart ass all of a sudden. "I will be fine plus even if that's true you'll be celebrating." I said walking away but he grabbed my arm again this time not turning around. "Be careful Doll." He whispered in my ear and walked away. What the hell just happened. 


As she started to walk off again  without thinking I grabbed her arm again this time she didn't turn around. I knew she was walking into this not knowing if she was coming out I don't understand how she fooled everyone else. I don't know why i cared maybe because she meant something to Steve he seemed to care or what. I just whispered "Be careful doll." and walked away. 


Focus y/n no time for distractions i thought to myself "Everyone copy?" i asked into coms "yeah" everyone agreed but barnes. "Barnes?" "Yeah im here." Great lets get this over with. 

I approached the gate that swung open as soon as i came close. Without hesitation I strutted in. "Helloooooo anyone homee?" I got no reply. *BANG* The door slammed behind me scaring the shit out of me. It was pitch black. "Ohh okay i get it you want to do this with the lights off a bit kinky if you ask me." I then heard giggles over the coms.  "Alright are we going this or what i'm on a tight schedule and today was the only day I can fit hydra in so..." The mans voice from the video played from some kind of speaker system. "Oh don't you worry about time darling now that your here. Follow the lights if you want your brother to live."  

Which I did I walked along the spooky corridor it was something straight out of scooby doo bloody hell I then walked into a room where i saw Tony. Slight worry struck my face seeing him like that. He was tied up unconscious and bleeding and bruised and all gross it was a horrific scene seeing your elder brother the last of your family tied the a chair is never a good sight. 

"Finally. Y/n Stark god i've missed you." A man in a white coat said. "Do i know you?" I asked confused "Oh you don't know me not right now of course before however that's a different story.." he tried explaining. "Listen baldy I don't know what crack your on I don't know you I'm just here for my brother release him and he can go." I protested. 

"Y/n I need you to stall all the guards are almost gone keep talking so we can get to you both." I heard Steve say over the intercom. I didn't reply otherwise that would compromise my position. 

"So doctor. Why do you want me so badly am I that hot?" I said smirking. "Yes. and you have something we want." "Right the serum and so if u got your hands on this serum what would u do with it" i asked. "Okay this is frustrating first off. its not a serum it's more an energy." "Energy?" I puzzled. "Enough talking" he said as if he said too much. He then signaled for his men to raise there guns. I put my hands up looking at tony. He became conscious and saw that i was here and started saying something but with the rope around his mouth it was muffled. He shook his head at me as if saying not to do this. 

"TIE HER UP" The scientist ordered. "Listen boys we can talk about this!" I waffled. His men closed in on me. They kept coming closer. "Okay we can't talk? Alright then." I grabbed on of the guards gun and they all came at me I shot one in the leg while smacking the other with the handle of the gun. I dropped the gun pulled out my daggers and stabbed a couple 

"GET HER WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!" The scientist ordered more of his men.

More came at me and I knocked most of them out I struck one in his crotch then one tried shooting me so i shielded behind a hydra agent. "2 birds with one stone I guess." 

"Y/N!" i looked over to where my name was screamed seeing the doctor hold a gun to Tonys head.  "Move and I swear to god he dies. We don't need him letting him go was us being generous but you even dare more and I will shoot." "Fine fine i'm not moving" My i could of swore my heartrate increased as i felt something hard hit my head and I blacked out 

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