Left Alone

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"Miss Stark?" Friday chimes in on the speaker. "Miss stark? I've been requested to inform you Mr Stark would like to see you in the conference room asap" 

I groaned as i shoved my bed covers over my head "Friday what time is it?" "8:23AM ma'am." "Oh yeah well tell Stark I said piss off." " Right away Miss stark." 


"Boss Miss Y/n informed me to tell you to piss off sir." Friday let me know. "Oh she said that did she. Tell her either she gets out of bed the easy way or the hard way." With that I signaled to Pietro who had just come back from another mission last night to go get her. Him and her were quite close why not be dragged out of bed by your best friend that you haven't seen in ages!


"Mr stark said either you get out of bed the easy way or the hard way." "Friday mute." Friday was now silenced meaning i could go back to sleep. Or so i thought faster than lightning my door was slammed open and I blue flash picked me up and took me to the conference room. 

"WHAT THE HELL- Oh shit Pietro hey!!" I said while hugging him "You too y/n!" he replied. Then I punched him in the arm.. "That's what you get for dragging me out of bed." "What we had to get you here some way and you muted Friday." "I guess." i replied not really interested in the conversation anymore. 

I turned to see all the Avengers behind me laughing. "Looks like the whole clown cars here." I glared at tony. "What's this about." i asked. "Well y/n if you didn't ignore Friday maybe you could of got dressed and not look like you just rolled out of bed" he said trying to be a smartass "I did just get out of bed idiot." I hissed back before taking a seat. I heard Barnes mumble something but after the past 3 weeks of him dodging me and me doing the same it was so awkward between us. I just rolled my eyes at the metal man sitting in the corner of the room and proceeded to listen to tony. 

*30 minutes later* 

"So that's the mission now to who's going.." Tony looked over at me suspiciously. I knew that look whatever he said he was up to something and it was never a good thing. "Everyone's going but y/n.." Tony said. "Haha" Bucky said from the corner. "Why am I not going i-" i tried to protest but was cut off by tony. "Because I know you think you all healed but I don't want you getting hurt again. Plus knowing Hydra there still out there so the safest place for you would be here. Maybe after once this whole hydra thing blows over you can go back to London but for now Sorry kiddo." He explained "Haha looks like little miss princess has been benched from missions at least you wont get in the way now" Bucky said chuckling. "Don't get so happy Barnes you staying with her." "WHAT" Buck and I said at the same time. "ABSOLUTLEY NOT." I argued but Tonys mind was made up. "Yes y/n we need someone to stay with you he's the best person for it." 

" I don't need to be babysat." I protested again trying to stand my ground. "Well.." Tony started but he was cut off. by Steve. "Its settled Bucky and Y/n will stay here under house arrest and y/ns not to leave the compound for her own safety. Lets go." "I-" "Fuck sake" said Barnes from the corner as he got up and left.  

"What the fuck Tony. You him and I don't get along literally anyone else would be fine!" "Everyone else I need on the mission y/n I'm sorry its for your own safety." Without another word i left the room making my way to the kitchen to make a coffee. 

"Maybe if i'm high on caffeine this will make the time go faster" I said to myself while making a coffee. "Good Idea y/n but I don't think it works like that." I heard Steve say behind me. "Sup fossil you want one?" "Y/n" he sighed "What these nicknames just flow out you cant stop them!" I started chuckling so did he. "Yeah well I think I know something we could stop..?" "What would that be?" "You killing Bucky. Look I know you pair don't get along but please for my sake don't hurt each other." "Seriously Steve I can't make that promise." "Why not." "Because he pisses me off" I hissed. "That's not A good reason for murder! Oh y/n why'd you kill him? oh because he annoy'd me! See how dumb that sounds. "Whatever rogers." I said walking back brushing my shoulder on his. "Good luck by the way" I mumbled going back to my room.

Sitting by my bay window drinking my coffee and looking outside was always a pleasure to do in the mornings.. Spotting the birds, watching the trees sway in the wind, how with too much of a strong breeze the leafs would fall. It was all so beautiful. Untill..

*Knock knock* "Come in." " Oh god its you." I turn to see Bucky leaning against my door frame. "What do you want cyborg I was enjoying the view till about 5 seconds ago.. Oh wait that's when i saw you." I pulled a sarcastic shocked face followed by a smirk. 

"Tony wanted me to tell you your a brat." He said plainly. Obviously that's not what he was gonna say. "As if Barnes spit it out what does he really want to tell me." "That your a brat." "You came all the way to my room just to tell me that when Tony could of easily told me through friday? Yh i'mma call your bluff." "Fine he said there leaving in 20 mins if u want to go say bye." He said with that and left. 

I left my room making my way to the living room where everyone was discussing the plan again.

"Hey" I said. Everyone turned around and smiled "Buck I need to talk to you before we go." Tony said before making his way over to barnes. "Oh no is someone in trouble" I pouted "Y/n." What rogers just having a bit of fun.."  I said walking towards Nat and Wanda embracing them into a huge hug "Be safe girls. okay." "Sweetheart you have a better chance of dying at home by bucky than we do on a mission." Wanda said with one hand on my cheek. "Okay  not your best way of putting it Wanda but yes she right were going to be fine!" Nat said giving me one more hug. "I know you 2 can handle yourselves" I winked and walked up to Steve and Sam who were in the corner whispering. 

"Do you think with this time alone they'll hook up?" asked sam to steve. "A month ago I would of agreed but these 2 have been ignoring each other for ages the only comments they make is digs at each other so no probably not." 

They shushed as i walked up to them. "What are you two girlies whispering about." "Girlies? excuse me we are men." Sam said firmly.. Steve and I snickered. "Well your gossiping like teenage girls." "I-" Sam had no defence. 


Tony took me into the kitchen I actually thought I was in trouble for a second.  "Look Bucky I know you and Y/n don't get along but If anything happens to her one your watch I will string you up like a little puppet at my next party. Which is in 2 days by the way your coming to that right?" 

"Yeah I am, and I will do my best to take care of the bra-" Tony looked at me as if my next words were attempted assassination shots. "Y/n I will take care of y/n." tony face relaxed I put on my fakest smile even gave him a little salute as he turned to the others. 

"This is going to be a long 2 days." I mumbled before joining the rest.

"Buck!" Steve called while walking up to me. "Yeah?" Before he said anything "Yeah yeah I know don't kill her I get it." "How'd you know that was what I was going to say." "Sorry pal Tony just beat you to it." "RIght.." Steve said. "Stay safe" I said before being pulled into a forced hug. "Personal space much." I snapped. "You'll get over it." Steve replied. 


"So your actually leaving me with metal man." I frowned as Tony walked up to me. "Hey I heard that" Barked Barnes who was standing next to Steve. "I don't care" I said as I flipped him off. 

"I'm afraid so please don't kill him." "Why does everyone assume I will kill him." "Because your you and they know you can get provoked." I went silent. "And just like that you know I'm right. 

"Why are you even going on any missions you were kidnapped less than 4 weeks ago." I hissed "Its not fair you get kidnapped but can still go out I get shot and I'm on house arrest." "This isn't up for discussion." Tony said walking away from me.

"You know your starting to sound a lot like dad! Looks like the old age is getting to you." "Well y/n dad was smart. So if anything that was a compliment." "Screw you!" I yelled walking back to my room slamming the door. 


"Well that was fun. Right everyone lets go. Buck remember- " I cut tony off. "No killing Y/n yeah yeah i know!" 

With that I also went into my room in all hopes to avoid y/n if that was even possible." 

A/N : I can't tell if these chapters are too short or too long..

Here are the first couple chapters I'll be releasing more hopefully soon so for now sit tight and enjoy x

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