Happy New Year.

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The next day an hour before the party. WANDAS ROOM.

"Wait what." Nat asked from the bathroom. "I have to live with the fucking cyborg for a month!" I complained. "Oh honey" Wanda said sitting down next to me embracing me into a hug. "What even happened with you to." Nat asked curiously.

"Well you know 3 months ago the hydra shit then he begged me to stay and I didn't now he's a cold arrogant fuck." i replied. 

"Hm well realistically he wont be like that forever, you two got passed the enemies stage before you can do it again." Wanda reassured. 

"I don't know if I want to." I confessed. "Well love you never know." Nat replied winking at me. "Hey when do Pietro and Sam get back from that mission?" I asked curiously as I haven't seen my best friend in like 4 months. 

"They'll be back for the party. Oh and Thor will be there." Wanda replied as she finished getting ready. 

I wore a silver dress with silver butterfly jewellery. Nat wore the same but in black. Wanda also wore the same dress but in red.

"We look fucking hot." I said as we admired ourselves in the mirror. 


We were all fashionably late, as we walked in the doors we were welcomed with a huge crowd of people. "Why does my brother have to throw the biggest of parties. I actually can't be arsed." I said annoyed as we walked down the stairs. "Hey I'm not complaining free booze!" Nat exclaimed. We all started laughing. "Oh and to be fair it is New years" Wanda said reasonably. 

The girls walked up to the bar, I told them I'd catch up with them in minute as I saw Tony and Thor. "Brother." I said walking up to them. "Ahh Lady Y/n! How is one doing on this fine evening." Thor asked "I'm quite alright thank you, How is Asgard." I asked. "Ah it is thriving just well thank you! Must I say how ravishing you look in that dress." he said with a warming smile. "Watch it point break." Tony threatened. "Woah woah were all related remember?" I pointed out. 

"Oh yeah." Tony replied realising..  "Ah yes Y/n is my half sister! So your like my half brother!" Thor said excitedly 

A/N: For anyone confused when they were in costa rica they found out that Y/n is related to the goddess of death Thors sister Hela.. Making her the Goddess of Chaos. xx


"oh god." Tony said sighing realising who it was. He straight for me and picked me up zooming me around the room. "SPEEDY!!!" I exclaimed giving him the biggest of hugs. "Y/N!! IT'S BEEN TOO LONG." He said finally putting me down. "trust me god-" i replied.

"I've actually missed you so much." I said pulling him into another hug. "Me too. You look beautiful by the way." he complimented. "Thank you Pietro" I smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek before continuing. "You've grown." I said taking a step back to see how much taller he had gotten. "So did someone start listening and start eating his vegetables." I stated.

"Oh please!! I was always taller than you." he said laughing. "Hm pictures don't lie.." i said as we both chuckled. 

"Right I have to go see Wanda, but before I leave" he said grabbing my hand and making me do a 360. "God I've always said you looked hot in silver. Anyways princess" He said kissing my hand then leaving. 

I walked up to the Bar where Nat was. "Hey babe" she said as she started pouring me a drink. "Heyy hows the party." I asked as she handed me my normal. "It's great!" she replied taking a sip of her drink before continuing. "You do know Barnes has been staring at you since you walked into the room." she finished. "I haven't even seen him yet.." i replied.

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