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Younger y/n: "Let me go! Where are you taking me!! I want my mommy!" I was thrown into a room by a man who wore a mask I couldn't see his face though.. 

"Hello little girl" a voice called out to me from the dark "You wont need your mommy anymore you have us and were going to take good care of you!" The man came out the shadows wearing a long white coat he was bald and wore glasses. 

"W-who are you people? why did my car crash. whats going to happen!" I asked confused scared.

"Were hydra darling. Right the car crash was a bit much but in our defence we couldn't just have your parents murdered it would of caused too much attention so we made it look like an accident and sent our best man to finish the job" the man in the coat said.

I already new my parents were dead.. i felt emptiness, nothingness until i remembered the number my mother gave me- 

"Alright enough chat put her in a cell well begin testing tomorrow." 

"TESTING?" I said while being pulled away.. I kicked and screamed until-


"Y/N! WAKE UP!" I jumped out of bed to see Bucky next to me worried. My heart was racing. I was covered in sweat despite being ice cold just like i had the previous nights. Still panting i look at the clock and it reads 3:54AM. Fuck. 

"I'm sorry im so sorry" I mumbled as he pulled me into a hug "Shh its okay its alright your safe." 

For 5 minutes we stayed like that I didn't know what to say.. 

"I saw a man.. in my dream" I looked at Bucky who tensed up I thought it was just because of his history with hydra. "The same man that.. was with Tony when he was captured.. A Doctor.. a scientist even." Bucky's eased up and let out a sigh of relief I looked at him confused but he said nothing.

"I think for now you should just get back in bed.. And well talk in the morning" He said as he got up and tucked me in. "Okay, Thank you." "Your welcome he replied as he left my room shutting the door and heading back to his own.


*Birds chirping* *A fresh breeze* *a burning smell*.. A BURNING SMELL MY EYES DARTED OPEN I ran out of bed and dashed it to the kitchen with the fire extinguisher just to find James Buchanan Barnes with a frying pan that had smoke coming off the top.

"Surprise?" He said with a I just fucked up smile on his face. I started laughing so hard I think my healed bullet wound was going to open. 

"Why are you laughing." He said seriously "Oh shit sorry sorry my bad it's just I thought we were under attack from Hydra. Turns out we were under attack from your cooking skills" I said cracking out falling onto the floor. 

"Haha very funny i was TRYING to cook you your favorite then i realised i suck at pancakes.." were bucky and I.. getting along? Hell froze over. 

"Alright well how about you clean up whatever this is and I'll make us some pancakes." "deal?" I asked "Deal he said 

I grabbed the ingredients and began. "Hey Barnes? Can u come here for a sec" I had a mischievous look on my face. "Sure" he replied walking over to me "Whats up" "I think you missed a spot" "Where?" and thats when i threw flower in his face. 

"Y/N!!!" "hehehee" I ran away asap before I got my ass beat but he followed me tackling me to the ground with him on top of me. 

"You think this is funny?" he questions. "Yeah i do" I said bawling my eyes out." He shook his head and flower fell all over my face and pjs and then he started laughing. "Seriously." "What its funny" He stated and we both started laughing 

But then something happened I looked into his eyes hes looked back we froze there for a second his face came closer to mine then it came clo-


We looked up to see the pancakes on fire I forgot they were on the stove! "SHIT" We both yelled after getting up he grabbed the water I grabbed the fire extinguisher. 

"WHY ARE YOU GETTING WATER IT MAKES FIRE WORSE!" I YELLED "SINCE WHEN?" he yelled back. We put out the fire using the extinguisher making a huge mess.

"Tonys going to kill us" I said nervously.. "Friday whats the damage done.." Buck asked. "Not much Rust bucket should be cleaned with some soap and a sponge you might need a new pan though." "Rust bucket?" "Yes thats what Mr Stark has you saved as." 

"Don't you dare" He threatens looking at me as i'm on the verge of dying of laughter.

"I didn't say anything" I put my hands up in defence. "Lets clean!" 

After cleaning we ordered breakfast from outside and just sat and ate after i loaded the dish washer Bucky approached me. 

"Hey.." "Hi" i replied softly "Are you okay?" I ask he looks nervous. "Yeah uhm" He clears his throat. "I think we need to talk about last night.." "There's nothing to talk about I'm fine." I try to end the conversation.

"I know you don't want to talk about it but it's just going to get worse trust me." "Listen Barnes the teams should be back today so I'm going to go shower." I say coldly and walk off. 

"Its about your parents death y/n." 

*death* the word hits my head like a brick 

I freeze where I am, head spinning just alone from that sentence. 

"Y/n?" I hear but not clearly i can feel Bucky coming up behind me. He comes in front of me. My vision blurs, legs turn to jelly and i almost drop to the floor but he catches me. "Y/N?" he steadies me and then i snap back to reality. 

"Looks like your always catching me"  I chuckle he smiles. "Give me an hour to get changed and shower then well talk alright?" I ask. He nods and I walk away. 

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