Were here! DAY 1

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"Fuck off!" I yelled at my door which was being banged by some asshole. "No wake up you lazy shit were leaving in an hour!" Replied a rough cold voice "Barnes." I sighed. 

I rolled out of bed. showered, threw on the softest material of clothing I had which was some baggy black joggers and a stretchy strap black shirt got my luggage and made my way to the car

"Good Morning sunshine!" Steve said slamming the car boot after taking my luggage. "Hey Rogers." "What's with the doom and gloom come on I'm not that bad to ride with" "It's not that I just actually can't be arsed right now" "Fair enough" He chuckled.

I got into the front seat buckled up then put on my headphones and closed my eyes.



"Ow what the fuck-" I turned my neck to see the metal twat behind me. "When the fuck did you get in the car." "Right after you doll now can you move your seat up." "No piss off." He rolled his eyes as I turned to face forward.

"You know maybe if you two didn't bicker the whole time you could actually be friends." said Steve from the front seat. "Steve I tried being her friend! She's the one who can't stop with the bitchy attitude." "I have my reasons dickhead." "Really please continue what are the reason that make you an ass." "Don't worry about it doll" I replied mockingly rolling my eyes right after.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He asked. "So what?" "You just wait." "For what?" "Don't worry about it doll" He winked. 


"Hey Steve remember the bet?" Said nat from the back seat. "Wait Nat when did you get here?" I questioned. "I've been here the whole time." "Interesting..." I replied.


"Y/NNNNNN" Pietro called from the other side of the plane "What!" "I'm bored." "I don't care." "Why not" "Because I don't" "wow" Pietro replied.

"Don't worry speedy she's being a bitch to everyone" Added Bucky from the middle seat.

"Can you not Barnes were on a public plane and no one wants to hear your voice" I hissed. I got no reply but that's not a surprise. 

The rest of the flight was okay I kept feeling Bucky's glares but he can keep starring all he wants if he thinks he can get away with lying he can fuck right off.


"Were here!" Exclaimed Tony

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"Were here!" Exclaimed Tony. "Wow this is beautiful!" Added Wanda.  "Well according to research the material it was made with ensured it to be beautiful" Vision replied.

"Gee thanks Vis because we had no idea!" I said sarcastically. "Your we- That was sarcasm right." "Your a fast learner!" I added.

"Alright kids go unpack and well decide what to do later" Steve said "Who put you in charge?" Asked Tony. 

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