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We got back from the mission late last night.. Bucky and I haven't really spoken since we landed.. Honestly I'm avoiding. I know If I go back to London he will hate me again, but I also have duties there. I also know I have no business being here.. not anymore.. 

I walk into the common room to see everyone but Bucky. "Morning guys." I say with a warm smile. They all give me a sweet greeting before i start. "Steve can I talk to you?" I ask in a soft tone with my arms folded.

"Sure y/n" he says getting up. "I'm sorry what-? Steve?" Tony says in disbelief. We all look at Tony confused. "Since when did you call him Steve what happened to Capsicle and Frost man and fossil." he says shocked. 

"I think our girls matured a little." says nat sipping her coffee. "Maybe." I say with a smile. I take steve arm and I take him to a balcony outside that has two chairs. It was a weirdly warm morning for January but I wont complain. We sat down and then he started. "What's up y/n it's not like you to be this quiet. Did something happen on the mission?" he asked concernedly

"No, no. it was not like that.. it's just now were back.. I have a decision to make. Leave or Stay... truthfully Steve I want to go. I have no business here, back there in London I'm Director of the UK Shield HQ. However back here there's obviously you all.., and then there's him. Tell me what to do please i'm lost." i confess cluelessly.

"I can't tell you what to do Y/n. I can guide you though and it seems that deep down you've made up your mind." he says with a smile before continuing. 

"Look y/n Bucky will always be here. If you want to go don't let him stop you. He's a grown man he can bloody deal with it. If he loves you like he says he does then he shouldn't hold you back" he finishes confidently.

"I guess your ri- wait.. he loves me?" i say confused. "Is it not obvious." he says slightly chuckling. "Go speak to him." he says taking my hand and helping me up.

I give him a massive hug before pulling away. "Thanks capsicle" I say winking as I walk away. "There she is." i hear him say as I walk towards buckys room.

I take a deep breath before knocking on the door. "Who is it." he says. "Your future wife dumbass" i reply jokingly. He opens the door and lets me in "I thought you were steve" he says with a smile. "He's your future wife?" I say in a sarcastic shocked expression. "Dam rogers." i reply laughing. 

"Okay on a serious note I need to talk to you." i say sitting on his bed and patting the spot next to me gesturing him to sit.

i take his hands and hold them in mine. "So we know I only came here for the mission.-" "Y/n." he cut me off. "No don't i need to tell you this." i pause before continuing. I can't beat around the bush.

"I'm going back to London."  i say sternly. I brace myself for his cold response. I wait for him to yell, be disappointed or throw something. I waited for him to hate me all over again.

But instead of hate.. when I looked into his eyes I saw warmth.. his eyes softened as they met mine.. "I know sweetheart." he says lovingly "Now it's my turn to speak. I know you, and I know you have a duty to those people in London your not one to bail on them... I also know that you love that job. I never want to be the guy that holds you back from doing something you love.. Plus if you love something you let it go right." he says wiping the tear of my cheek that I didn't even know fell.

"I'm sorry.." I say quietly. "No don't be. I'm sorry of how I acted last time you left. I had no right to be so angry for you taking time for yourself. I was wrong. I was just scared of losing you but now i realise that... no matter how far apart we are or how much time we spent apart you and i... Well always find a way back to each other." he says gently rubbing his thumb on my cheek

"C'mere." he says pulling my into him.  My head rests on his chest as he strokes my hair. I wrap my arms around him and we just sit like that for a little bit.

"Well call and text everyday i promise." i say into his shirt. "Oh you better or i'm flying down there understand?" he says seriously. "Well it would give you and excuse to visit..." i trail off in thought. "god dont tempt me." he says seriously. 

"Your really okay with me leaving?" I say looking up at him. He looks down t me and smiles. "Yeah i'll be okay. I want you to be happy." he says planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

"For the record we aren't breaking up. We can do long distance." he says confidently. "Were datiing?" i look up confused. "For the love of g- doll. seriously. Were just bloody married." he says with a sigh. "Okay thats married not dating." i say rolling my eyes. "Fine ur right" he replies reluctantly. "Oh please! I'm always right" I say cockily. "No. just no." he says with a serious face.

I pull myself out of his grasp and lightly punch him in the arm. "Oh you wanna go?" he says standing up. "Yeah come" I say standing up. 

He swings at me and I dodge by ducking  he throws another punch just the opposite arm. I catch his punch and pull his arm pulling him forward. My one hand stays pulling his arm forward the other lightly drips his neck. "Got you." I say with a smirk. "Do you?" he says using his free arm to grab my arm that has his neck and he lightly twists it back to the point where i let go of his other arm he continues to hold my arm and twists me round so now im in a head lock. 

"Now what?" he says cockily. "See I could headbutt you, or jab an elbow to your ribs but then you could knee me in my lower stomach." while i'm busy waffling i don't notice but his stance shifts so now his arms are around my waste. "What are y-" he picks me up and throws me on the bed. 

He towers over me as he says.. "I love you.." 

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