Chapter 2-What's YOUR name baby? (Stephen Pearcy)

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Some things.... or a lot of things depending on the time, the place and the person are unforgettable. You couldn't forget them if you tried....and chief among them? Vince Neil. And more specifically the night we met on September 9, 1983. I honestly at first thought he was a chick...he got that a lot, I didn't know who he really was at first and naturally I layed on the charm....all I knew initially attractive as fuck and someone I'd LOVE to get to know better. We got off to an interesting start, my calling him a 'pretty lady'....and he let me have it and then he started crying.....and that didn't sit well with me.....

I've just flirted....whatever you wanna call it...and now I've made HIM cry...not she, and I regardless never meant to do that....and I finally realize just WHO it is tearfully downing tequila.

That bleach blonde hair....those eyes, like whiskey and sunshine mixed together......oh shit, no wonder they LOOK so familiar! Vince Neil.... lead singer of Mӧtley Crϋe...gotta be.... I'd caught his eye earlier while on stage.... i winked at him.... it's hard to NOT notice him...but I feel guilty for how I acted.... i should.... apologize....the way he moved those hips.....FOCUS STEPHEN!!

"Shit....look I'm...I'm sorry....i thought you were a chick. I didn't mean to..." He cuts me off, tearfully and sighs.

"To be fair....i LOOK like one...have the body of one...but whatever, it doesn't matter...." He mutters.

"Still, it's not right.... i was kind of a jerk...and I am sorry really." He doesn't look at me, curling a bit on himself before sighing.

"I get that a lot....i should be used to it." Dejected.

"Still, it's not right.... i mean that you...get treated like that. You're not an object." It is here he looks at me, and a small smile graces his features.

"Thank're a stubborn ass....anyone ever tell you that?" Amused and grateful and the tension seemingly gone.

I chuckle, "You certainly wouldn't be the first." And I add on, "You're Vince Neil aren't you? It took me a while to realize."

"Yeah, that's me.... now I've told you my name.... what's YOUR name baby?" Sly...amused, a little bit wary but flirting a bit.

"Stephen Pearcy.... lead singer of Ratt." Still feeling a little guilty, "I feel like I should make up for making you cry.... buy you a drink?"

"You guys generate a lot of buzz man.... you guys should be signed....and I think my bassist..." Vince looks around, "Well he WAS talking to that blonde haired tall guy in your band.... i don't see him now...and who the fuck knows where the other half of the terror twins is." Vince's eyes sparkle, "But yeah buy me a drink....rum and coke?"

Those eyes.... that spirit...there is a vulnerability there.... i struck a nerve yeah...but there IS something about him....and he thinks our band should be signed? That fucking blows my mind, a lot of things about him blow my mind....

I grin and hold up my hands to show I mean no harm, "A drink you got it....and you must have meant....Tommy Lee right?" A nod, "That tall guy is the heart of our band....Robbin Crosby, rhythm guitarist." I order the drinks, paying despite his protests and we continue to talk. Him responding to what I'd just said.

Allow me to interject, Robbin was...IS like a brother, but what is coming down the line, it would drive a wedge between Vince and I...and I didn't help matters with my OWN vices and insecurities and that shit haunts me to this day....and I didn't know that night, that it would take me two YEARS to see him in person again and he never once left my mind, I couldn't let him go....

"Ah, so do the rest of them have names?" A teasing grin plays upon his painted lips.

I huff, blowing some hair into my eyes and reply silkily, "Maaayybee.... what's it to you?"

"Aren't you older than me? Look like it....but you sounded like you were 12." Vince is starting to slur his words and oh I am getting there believe you me.

"Are you saying I'm an old man?" I deadpan, I shake my head in mock disappointment. "Well, I still got it baby cakes.... I'm a couple of years older than you."

"Baby cakes? Really?" Vince is very unimpressed with that I can tell. "I'm cheesy as fuck, and if I were you I'd get new pick up lines." There is more banter, me telling him about 'the guys': Warren, the lead guitarist.....Juan Croucier on bass, Bobby Blotzer on drums and after I don't know how much time, Warren comes back....wild-eyed....high, but says two guys are fucking each other's brains out in the bathroom and admist the Chaos, Vince's erstwhile drummer shows up and we all get increasingly fucked up, and I cant tell which way is up or which way is down.....and the last thing I recall.....vaguely....was breaking glass and making out heavily with somebody, girl...guy couldn't remember.

Next thing I know is I wake to a stranger, and I feel a sense of disappointment when I realize several things: One, its not Vince Neil, Two, why does that bother me so much? 3, its definitely a chick and the fuck did I end up here? Hungover as fuck, regret...and the musky odor of sex permeates the air.....i send her packing once she wakes up and find some Tylenol and take a cold shower, groaning....

I remember, kind of Tommy Lee showing up....Warren, Robbin fucking disappeared....i figure we all ended the night laid if nothing else, never mind getting fucked up. Love em and leave em.... Vince Neil, I mistook him for a chick, and I once I quit being an ass.... felt bad, seemed sensitive about it.... but those whiskey eyes, that smile once he did smile, that laugh.... sense of humor, the notorious front man....and I find myself wanting to see him again. Should be fun right?

As it turns out, those two guys Warren said were banging each other's brains out in the bathroom? Were none other than Nikki Sixx and Robbin....yeah they had a one night stand, and we'd all come to find they had chemistry, Sixx had a past....and once they DID encounter each other again....all they'd do was have sex and do drugs whenever they would come together......and Nikki deep down wanted more, though he wouldn't admit it....Robbin would introduce Nikki to Heroin in 1985....and its THAT, that would come to have consequences for us all....and again, I didn't help matters and that's all I'll say on that for now. I WILL tell you, I would come to accuse Vince of something I regret with every fiber of my being not trusting him on...jealousy is its own vice as well.

A few months after that fateful September night that set everything in motion....Ratt would be signed and it was all thanks to Mӧtley Crϋe, and its because of that...and both bands extremely busy schedules that we wouldn't see each other for so always until we met again....all I could think of...or my thoughts would, always....always go back to Vince...come back to him. My encounter with him....and Robbin's with Sixx, would for our debut album provide a LOT of inspiration, so what I'd figured if it was the lustful kind...well at least for the most part.

Its funny, or maybe not so I had NO idea that I'd met the person....the man that would eventually come to be the love of my was easy to find love for a time, but not to keep it...

A/N: More of the story and a taste of things to come and there's lots of wild stuff and more coming. Stay tuned! 

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now