Chapter 53-A Brief Visit, Dancing on the edge (Vince Neil-Pearcy/Stephen Pearcy)

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Ugh, I've been up all night.... i didn't wanna be, part of it was I'd TRIED to sleep in another room to give Stephen peace. Worried out of his mind, he carried me back to bed and I snapped at him and then burst into tears. Ultimately, he went back to sleep, and I still couldn't...I'd managed to sneak out of the bed once more, and to one of our guest bathrooms where I'd spent the rest of the night morning sickness, being such a mother-fucker and it all worries me, that and the fact...that well, I SWEAR SOMETHING IS WRONG....and my stomach has already grown...ever changing....

And now, I desperately trying to hide my exhaustion...the fact that I feel ill, and the guilt of it all.... for we are here despite my husband's protests, and we'd had an argument.... anyway, we're here to visit and see the DeMartini twins: Tommy's little girls...Athena and Diana.

Paul & Mick came by earlier, I was told....and maybe Nikki and Robbin?

I find myself in tears, I didn't WANT this suck ass, but it is...cause of ME. I am holding Diana and Athena both, Warren is worried...Tommy is concerned, and my husband went to get some ginger-ale or something for me from the cafeteria and I feel like he's mad at me.... we've been here a bit, and I feel Warren take his daughters from my arms....

"No...please...s-sorry.... i...ruined things.... Stephens pissed at me...and...." I ramble, sobbing my head in my hands.

"Vinny, dude calm down.... now, why'd you think he's pissed at you?" Tommy soothes and questions me both.

"W-We...argued...and...I had a rough night, I just...really wanted to be here!" I wail.

"Vince, look.... You're really having a rough time; you haven't slept I can tell. You're morning sickness is bad, and I know you wanna be here, we love having you...but its more important you take it easy right now. We more than understand."

The room is swimming, I breathe deeply, and it passes but then Stephen comes back, his expression worried and hard, his tone firm. "Vince, let's get you home, ok?"

"But...but I wanna stay.... please?" I beg.

"Vince, please LISTEN to me. You haven't slept and you need lots of sleep, you keep getting ill and I know you cant help this. I just want to take care of you. I wish you'd quit being so stubborn. Think of the baby, this isn't good for them or you." An edge of frustration creeps into his voice and I take it the wrong way.

"Excuse me asshole....'Stubborn?'! and how fucking dare you to suggest I think of the baby! That's all I ever think about! I am fucking trying, ok?!" I brush past him, muttering an apology to Warren and Tommy and Stephen is of course hot on my heels.

"Vince...PLEASE.... I am sorry, I really didn't mean it like that. I just am worried about you is all, I am more frustrated with myself, because...I hate putting you thru this and I feel like I'm not taking good care of you Sugar cookie. you try and do too much, I don't wanna lose you or our baby...I..."

"Fuck you!" I hiss, "Stay away from me..." I back up, "Don't follow me."

Stephen takes me in his hold, and I fight him, feeling like shit...and that he's.... god, he'll leave me.... I squirm feeling guilty and nauseous, but he doesn't let me go, I sob into his chest, and I hear his tears. Mood swings....part of it.... but he's right, I am being stubborn...God, what am I doing?!!

"Vinny.... sugar cookie, I am SORRY. I never meant to hurt you, I shouldn't have called you stubborn and made you feel guilty or worse than you already do. Truly I am sorry baby, I just...feel like a lousy husband for not taking better care of you. I need you to breathe and I just want to love and take care of you."

"I-I don't...feel good..." I sob and then managed to continue, "I...took it the w-wrong way. Mood swings're right. I am being stubborn; I haven't listened to you...or my body. I just want to feel...I dunno useful and be there for you and everyone. I am SCARED as fuck, my stomach....and.... that something is WRONG.... why is everything so hard and bad?" I finally venture to look up at Stephen, "I love you.... please...don't leave me, I know you're mad or I felt you were, and I..."

Stephen cuts me off, kissing me.... before then caressing my face with a free hand. "I was never truly mad at you baby doll; I never could be. And I will never leave you, EVER. I let you go more than once, and I vowed never again.... now let's get you checked out, ok? We'll see a doctor, and see if you can be given something safe to help you sleep..."

Dizziness hits me, darkness lining my vision and I hear my husband screaming my name....

I am sorry I've failed you...and lost our baby....

-Stephen Pov-

My screaming has alerted Doctor's and Nurses. Who come I tearfully and frantically explain what happened and what's been going on and i break they take him, they take my heart from me...and I fucking hope, that I don't lose him or our baby.

I stumble my way, to Warren and Tommy.... who apparently heard of the commotion...the twins now in the nursery and they are desperately trying to calm me down, as I sob and shake.

"W-We...argued, m-mood swings...he passed out.... he probably blames himself, it's MY fault. He's had such a rough time...and...I don't wanna lose him or our baby!" The nurses by the way knew where I was and were told to find me as soon as they had news...since sadly I couldn't go with Vince.

"Hey, its not your fault man. It wont be. I promise you and Vince will get through this. Your baby will be fine." Warren hugs me, and I wish it was Vince...God, do I wish it was.

"Vinny will be fine. He's always been stubborn, and I know how he feels...mood swings don't help. You're doing everything you can to be there for him, to help him and love him." Tommy yawns.

"Go to sleep Sweet T, ok? You're exhausted. I love you." Tommy murmurs he loves Warren too before he's out like a light and so I wait and wait with Warren and every minute that passes feels like an eternity before fucking finally a doctor comes in and my tears start anew.

" he ok? Please, tell me he's gonna be ok....and our baby? Please tell me..." I am unable to finish that thought.

"We gave him something to help him sleep that would be safe for him. he did not and we believe will not miscarry, we found the cause for his severe morning sickness that initially was not picked up on.... Mr. Pearcy, your partner is carrying twins as it turns out. Vince may be asleep for awhile and as far as we are able to tell, they are ok. You can see him now."

I manage a nod, my mind reeling in shock...desperately wanting to see my sugar cookie...and now, as it turns out our unborn CHILDREN. Warren tells me to go, and he'll come when he can and will let Tommy and everyone know.

When I enter the room, my husband is in, I note how pale he a deep sleep and I sit down and take his hands, exhaling shakily.

"Sugar Cookie, God...I am sorry. I've been so worried, I am....and if you can hear me, you didn't lose the baby, you won't....and well, you didn't lose the babies as it turns out. Sleep as much as you need too baby, and I promise you things will get better, I love you...God, I love you and our children." I whisper tearfully, kissing his lips him not stirring and then I kiss his already round little stomach, that beautiful stomach where our children lay. "Daddy loves you...and I'm glad you're both ok. So, fucking glad."

A/N: Angst and an epic surprise. Next chapter perhaps a few days will have passed and Stephen will have to deliver the news....Vince is carrying twins. 

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now