Chapter 60-A Ratt 'n' Roll Honeymoon (Robbin Crosby)

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Oh Our Honeymoon, let me start by saying and I don't give a fuck if it sounds cheesy it ain't to me, only made me fall more in love with Nikki and I remember very well when we arrived at the property I'd rented....the look on his face, words failing grabbing his hand, him continuing to snap pictures with the camera I'd gifted him with....tears in his eyes and mine, that feeling of peace.....and upon arrival at the house? Well Nikki and I immediately christened every room in the was wild, it was was loving or i.e., PERFECTION. Nikki and I missed Kingston dearly, both of us talking about how much we'd love to bring him out to Jackson Hole, and I wasn't thru with my surprises for my husband, you will see and no its not my already having gotten him pregnant the day of our arrival....

Where you will find Nikki and I is on the river fishing.... having the time of our lives, bundled well against the cold, though Nikki was all I needed to keep me warm....

How has it been a few days? 2-3? I'm not sure, it doesn't fucking matter.... all that matters is the man I can't take my eyes from.... spiky raven hair, silky.... ripped jeans, boots.... face flushed a bit from the cold.... He is glowing. Currently we are fishing, and we've caught 2 luckily so far.... Nikki wanted to catch more for dinner....and I....

"Robbin.... you're staring at me again." Nikki's voice breaks me out of my reverie, and I note the blush dusting his cheeks making those jade eyes of his pop.

"Hmm, I LOVE what I see." I smirk before my tone and look turns tender, "You...are glowing with happiness, you look so damn beautiful."

"So do you." Nikki counters and goes to say something when his line tugs and he excitedly reels in a fish, "Damn that was fast!" Laughing and breathless.

Right after that I happen to catch a fish and mine and his combined laughter, echoes up and down the river, and I feel so at much in love....

We drive back up to the house.... revealing in the warmth and set the fish on ice and take a nice warm shower, and yes, we end up having sex in the shower.... sue me. Afterwards, we change into comfy clothes, and I join my husband in the kitchen as he starts to work on cleaning and prepping the fish for dinner, humming one of Ratt's songs.

"Babe? Can I help you with dinner?" I venture to ask.

Nikki smiles, "I'd love that....and I would also love a kiss."

"Hmm, I can do that..." I hop up from my chair and proceed to do just that, kissing Nikki slowly. We part only for breath as Nikki then shows me how to clean the fish and cut it into portions. We opt to grill it, lots of lemon and garlic....with roast vegetables and strawberries and cream for dessert, and the whole time I cant quit stealing kisses, and I am enjoying spending time with my husband and of course we talk the whole time. "Do you know how much I love you?"

Nikki pauses a moment especially since I can feel tears in my eyes and now, I see them in his, "More than words could ever say, I SEE and FEEL it. This feels like the greatest of dreams, you and together. We have a family, we ARE one. Things I never could have imagined but can never live without." Oh, that did it, as the tears one another were holding back fall...and I thumb his away as he does mine, sharing a kiss.... Nikki's hand over my heart....

Dinner is done at last and before we can dish it up and dig in and Nikki and I look at each other in excitement...KINGSTON, its our son...and sure enough, it IS. There is a line in the kitchen and Nikki and I both manage to listen to the voice on the end of the line. First its Stephen telling me Vince is sleeping and then after inquiring how mine and Nikki's honeymoon, the sweetest little voice in the world comes across the line, my husband and I bawling.

"Hey da-da, momma!"

"Hey buddy! Doing, ok? Being good for Stephen and Vince?" I choke out, wrapping an arm tightly around Nikki's waist.

"Wes!" He giggles, saying his version of 'yes'. "Wuv!" He exclaims.

"We love you too Kingston, daddy and I miss you SO much." Nikki's voice trembles.

"We'll be home soon ok buddy? Thinking about you." My voice cracks.

We 'chat' with Kingston another minute or two, before profusely thanking Stephen and Vince both and then I take Nikki in my arms, both of us clinging to one another....

We cry for a bit and then dish up dinner and dessert and sit down to eat at the kitchen table, the whole time I hold my husband's hand, or one of them refusing to let go...

"I-I am having...such.... a wonderful time. Its.... r-really a dream come true, its.... i really miss him, the most time I've ever spent apart from him." Nikki whispers, and my heart breaks at the sound of his voice AND because.... for a time, I wasn't there.

"I understand how you feel...." I pause, "I.... missed out on SO much, taking care of him...of YOU. I am.... i wish I could change.... the past." I sob, my voice filled with pain.

"Shit babe, I am sorry...."

"Nikki, I know you never meant to hurt me...make me feel bad, I cant help but feel guilty though. I LOST you; I was lost.... i didn't feel him move, kick...none of that. and the first month of his life.... i had to help take care of him from afar, but..."

This time Nikki cuts me off, "You STEPPED up.... I called you desperate. I don't know how many nights cause I couldn't get our son to sleep, you never once complained. And yes, the past fucking hurts but it's the PAST and you've changed baby. I love you, never doubt that. never doubt that you are an amazing father and partner."

My husband's words are beautiful, and we share a slow and loving kiss, just needing to feel one another.... we do manage to eat the very delicious dinner and dessert and we cuddle together on the couch after cleaning everything up underneath a blanket, feeling so very cozy and loved.

And for some reason, I lay a hand gently on Nikki's stomach.... Maybe, it was instinct, and I didn't realize at the time, maybe it was because I made Nikki a promise, a promise that I very much kept...


Nikki cranes his head carefully to look into my eyes....

"---I promise, I' there from the start for when we have another child. A child I very much want. I wanted Kingston, I just didn't know it."

Nikki's hand joins mine, "I love you babe and thank you."

The world around his disappears, just he and I locked into one another.... our hearts beating in time....

The rest of our honeymoon was spent exploring more than just the depth of our intimacy and love, but Jackson Hole.... doing things and doing them together. It was perfect, perfect, it was was and is everything. And that day we'd gone fishing? Well, that NIGHT.... I surprised Nikki by romancing him and with the fact that I BOUGHT the property and obviously we still own it today and live there. For a time, we would divide our time between our LA Home and Our Wyoming one, so many precious and amazing memories made....

And where you next find Nikki and I in our tale? A month will have passed, Christmas just around the corner and we'd find out and see signs.... that Nikki was pregnant.

A/N: I really enjoyed this chapter; it had a bit of everything. Next chapter, Robbin and Nikki just may very well be expanding their family, so stay tuned!

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now