Chapter 43- For the First Time in My Life (Vince Neil)

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How things change! Stephen breaking my heart, taking me for granted, cheating...the lies, just breaking ME and now...Now, here we are our spot. Stephen has just asked me to marry him, and I've said 'yes'. Things have changed for the better, both of us have....

Stephen stops spinning me around, both of us breathless and he though is still holding me, and I really don't want him to let me go.... ever, he rests his forehead against mine.

"Thank you, Vinny...just for well giving me a second chance, giving me your heart. I fell for you all over again, even more." Sheer emotion in his voice, my FIANCEES and a voice husky from tears.

"I love you so much.... I never really stopped, even when I hated you and now. God, I mean here we are you think we'll always be this happy?" I murmur tearfully.

A gentle hand tilts my chin up and I find myself looking into Stephen's dark eyes, "YES.... because I swear to you, I will NEVER make the same mistakes that's cost me you.... twice. neither of us could survive another time. I PROMISE you, always sugar cookie we will be happy. True arguments may happen, but I promise to LISTEN to you, love you no matter what."

For the first time in my life.... I am in LOVE. And I have more, being a 'man-whore'.... All it took was Stephen, my LOVE.

"I love you." My voice shakes, just overcome. "Can w-we walk along the shore?"

"Baby, we can do whatever you want...." Softly, "Ever do it on the beach?" Stephen smirks.

"Knowing my luck, I'd end up shitting out a pearl.... sand would get where I DON'T want it.... now, Sixx and Robbin? Yeah, they would." I quip.

Stephen throws his head back and laughs, "If they do it in a piss covered stall...I don't think they'd care." Stephen's look turns tender as he takes my hand that my engagement ring is on, "This...looks so beautiful on your hand, Vinny it belongs there."

"It DOES." I agree before smirking, "Now I as your FIANCEE was promised a romantic beach stroll." Stephen leans in voice dropping an octave, and I shiver from the tone. "Your wish is my command, Vince."

Damn, he's good! Though the tone was lustful, it was loving too....and I see in his eyes, he'd wait for me if he had too.... though, I don't know how much longer I can hold out....

After a wee bit more banter, Stephen and I walk hand in hand, fingers entwined in the surf.... the waves licking at our feet, and I feel on top of the world, for the first time in a LONG time.

I sigh blissfully...

"Ya knows I really love seeing you happy Vinny." Stephen's voice floats to me.

"I am.... very much for the first time in my life.... like everything's brand new." And I suddenly feel the onset of tears. "Um...." I start feeling nervous about what I wanna ask, because although it's something I would love, it's also something we haven't really discussed per say as Stephen and I both have concentrated on our issues and falling in love again. "I-I.... don't know how to...I mean..." I stammer, in tears. And I feel us stop and find Stephen has his arms wrapped around me and I look up into those eyes I love so well, in tears.

"Breathe, I can tell there's something you wanna ask me and I promise whatever it will be ok."

"W-We haven't really discussed.... but...well, N-Nikki and Robbin are.... looking at places and are g-gonna move in together...and...h-have you...thought about it....and, when did you wanna get married? It's going to b-be busy recording....and shows here before long And I..." I ramble.

"Vince, I have thought about that everyday since I've met you....and especially since we've been together and an ACTUAL couple. I would love to live with you, us to live together if you feel ready.... just say the words. And as for getting married?" Stephen is very emotional like me, but he smiles, "How about here? At our spot? I think it would be perfect.... Vinny, I wanna give you the wedding of your dreams.... Maybe we could get married in the fall? Like September?"

"That sounds PERFECT." Quietly but I find myself frowning, "What about finding a place?"

"Hey, we still have some time before we get busy with our bands and all and even then.... YOU are my greatest priority. You and I Vinny...You and I."

I have never loved him MORE than I do in this moment.... he's so sincere, honest....and I swear I am falling in love with him even more...with every touch, every word...every MOMENT.

We spend a few minutes kissing before resuming our walk, just basking in one another...excited about our future together, before finally returning to our picnic spot to gather my flowers and what remains, and I find myself in Stephen's car and he asks me a question that touches me and makes me nervous.... but in a good way.

"Will you stay with me tonight? If you want. I know we haven't.... done that in a while. I just...would love to hold you in my arms tonight."

In response to those words, I take one of his free hands in mine, "I-I...would love to. I just want to let Mick and Paul...ya know the fam know."

Stephen's smile is wide, "It means so much to me and we can do that."

And so it goes, we stop along the way to Stephen's place and find a pay phone.... Paul answers, knowing before I even get the words out...he IS the mate of the Alien after all.

Upon arrival at Stephen's apartment, I quickly realize I don't have any clothes....

"Shit! I don't have clothes..."

A finger pressed to my lips and OH what that's doing to me! "You can sleep in my clothes....and hmm, I rather LOVE the idea of you showing your mine in this way."

I can feel my self blush heavily in response, like seriously...damn he's good. I look around, hardly believing all this is real, its been so long since I was last here...and now, now here I am: not only here with Stephen, but he's asked me to marry him...and I said 'yes'....I lose it when we enter his bedroom, cause framed and proudly I may add are all our old pictures we took together, the one's of me....

Stephen wraps his arms around me from behind, his chin on my shoulder.

"I.... even when I was so BLIND, and I thought it was too late.... Vinny, I couldn't let you go, I HAD to keep them. And now...we have already made so many new memories together and will keep making them...we have a lifetime together. It's really...amazing."

"It really is." I agree before turning in his arms kissing him and the world around us disappears.

Stephen was true to his words the night he proposed to me, and we ended up making love that night for the first time in what felt like forever...for us then, it was. I wouldn't yet have one of my greatest dreams come true until around the time Stephen and I got married...well you'll see.

More changes for our family are coming.... good ones and things would get busy, but it was always made sure to put us and our family first.

A/N: Part 2 to the proposal, romantic and emotional moments, and a taste of things to come. The Next chapters will see a time skip I think to September and possibly there could be signs of one of Vince's greatest dreams.... coming true. 

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now