Chapter 78- Delilah and Jamison's first Birthday (Vince Neil-Pearcy)

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This past year has been a fucking whirl wind, it's been chaotic somehow managing to record, do shows, promotional shit etc. yet too it's been EVERYTHING. Our family, ENTIRE family everyone thriving and all our babies growing up too damn fast. For example, all these toddlers or budding ones: Austin Lee, Juan and Bobby's son being what I think a year old, the de-martini Lee twins being 2, Les Paul is a year and a half, Hope is like 3, 3! Kingston is 2, Frankie Nicole will turn one in August this year, and Gene and Eric Carr's daughter will also turn one. All these precious, precious babies...all of us have come so far in our lives, careers, and friendships in the past year...or really years. And Stephen and me? Still fucking going strong, perhaps more so than ever and OUR twins Jamison and Delilah are one today, one...for its May 13, 1988, and its bitter-sweet, its moving...its everything....

I am brought out of my reverie for two PRECIOUS reasons: One I've just entered my son and Daughter's nursery and two, they both squeal with joy and make grabby hands upon seeing me. Stephen, meanwhile, is fixing breakfast....and he's been working with all the guys on Jamison and Delilah's birthday party, he wouldn't budge on the details telling me he wanted it to be a surprise and make it special for me and our children...anyway....

"Mommy! Mommy!" They chant in unison, making me laugh and smile both before I scoop them both up in my arms holding my children tightly to me. Delilah already takes after Stephen though she looks like us both, though to me I see so much of him in her and Jamison is a combo again of Stephen and I, but to me he looks much more like my husband but already seems to have my personality...all I know is Stephen and I could be in a lot of trouble when they are older and I find I very much love that, so very much....

"Mama, daddy?" Jamison asks pouting, doing his best not to cry.

"He's downstairs fixing us breakfast, yours, and your sisters favorites.... today is a very special day today." I soothed him and Delilah both who were starting to get upset because her brother is upset.

"Why pecial'?" Delilah asks meaning why today is so very special and I hold back tears as I answer...

"A year ago, today I gave birth to you and your brother, today is your birthday...its very special because daddy gave me the two of you and I gave him another chance, if I hadn't've done that, then you wouldn't be here. I everyday am so glad that I gave daddy another chance, I love him just like I love the two of you...THAT is why today is so special." The tears I was holding back fall and my children did their best to make me smile and feel better, my precious little sugar cookies. I do manage to get them both dressed and changed...potty visits included and finally join my husband downstairs in the kitchen, get the twins settled and Stephen greets me with a kiss and by the look in his eyes he KNOWS.

Breakfast is delicious, Delilah and Jamison make a huge mess so naturally that means they get cleaned again...and time passes in a blur and before I know it, all of us are in the car headed to the twin's birthday party, which is a surprise to them and ME.... Stephen holding one of my hands as he drives....

"I hope you love what I have in store for you and Delilah and Jamison babe."

"I know I will." Is my reply, "I don't know how the hell we managed to record albums, tour and all...Dr. Feel good is gonna be a huge hit, I just know it and so is your bands album....and I know you didn't want to do that song I'd written...." I trail off, feeling guilty...Stephen squeezes my hand and sighs.

"I decided in the end along with the guys, to record 'shame, shame, shame' as a reminder of what happened, what I lost for a time...what Robbin and I both wrote it Vinny, because that was how you felt for a time...and it DOES suit Ratt."

"You know I love you right? So much and not just for doing that song...for everything." I whisper.

"I love you too sugar cookie." Stephen whispers back....nothing more is said for a time, other than us talking about and too our children and when we get close to our destination, my husband tells me to close my eyes and our children follow suit believing it's a game...and the anticipation is killing thing I know is that, I feel my self being led...tiny little hands hold tightly to each of mine and it warms my heart and then I HEAR....the crashing of the waves and then when I and my children up our eyes, mine widen in shock....awe, you name it as I take in the set up....

Its OUR spot...OUR spot! A pavilion erected, my favorite colors...roses....and Delilah and Jamison's favorite colors as well, our ENTIRE and all, greeted with cheers...kid friendly and adult food....presents....i let the tears fall freely now, as I holding Delilah and Jamison find my self greeting and hugging everyone, husband helping me working in tandem with one another to eat, feed our children and celebrate them....

"Tank ebbyone fa (for) paty (party)!" Deliah choruses.

"What sissy said!" Jamison adds on causing lots of giggles and laughter.

"It was so hard to keep Stephen from telling you what he had in mind..." Robbin smirks before softening his gaze, glancing tenderly at Nikki and his own children before looking back at me. "—and to tell the truth myself, the enthusiasm was catching. We all chipped in...and I mean man LOOK at all of us, thriving...healthy, ALIVE. I mean we still have our days...but today, is very special ya know? Today is the day you officially made Stephen a father and you guys became a family...Happy birthday To Jamison and Deliah!" EVERYONE echoes the final words....

I gape at Robbin a moment and I get up and hug him, damn have he and I come A LONG way.... enemies to friends, no enemies to FAMILY...

Stephen and I manage to share kisses, take care of our children....cake is brought out and they amazingly don't make a huge mess, meaning Delilah and Jamison and time is standing still yet rushing by and I am cherishing every moment, every precious moment....presents are opened and then all the adults gather around and watching the children all play together, and we talk about anything and everything....then comes a moment that gets every one's attention....Kingston walks cutely, practically strutting for a 2 year old...a smirk that mirror's Robbin's on his face and approaches Delilah and Nikki and Robbin are highly amused and even I have to admit that what happens next is adorable....

"Hey Liwa' (Delilah), Happy Birday and you da cutest an I wanna give kissy as peasant..." Kingston trails off as he plants one on Deliah.

"That's my boy!" Robbin laughs, practically rolling and he smirks at me, "Just think we will be in laws one day!" He was right, you know as it turns out.

"Crosby, they're toddlers!" I snap playfully.

Meanwhile.... Delilah kisses Kingston back shyly.

"Tank ew king.... for kissy!" She says.

Stephen wraps an arm around my waist, as we share a kiss and he leans into whisper in my ear, "I love you Vince, today has been magical....and I wish time would slow down, but ya know? What matters is we are here together, and you and I created two of the most beautiful human beings, you're my heart. And today is their birthday.... it's a celebration of US really, the day we became a family of four and there is NO ONE I would rather raise children with, OUR children Vinny than YOU and we have a lifetime together with them and each other."

Truer words have never been spoken.... i look forward to our future together, our family thriving...watching our children grow, and someday we will expand our family....

A/N: Jamison and Delilah are one, all the children...everyone growing and thriving. And sadly there are just two chapters left and they are basically the epilogue chapters, so stay tuned for those!!

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