Chapter 75- Twin Arrivals Part 3 (Vince Neil-Pearcy)

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It's hard to believe I am a mother, a PARENT. One of my greatest dreams made a reality.... I'd always wanted that with Stephen from the beginning, and then for a time I lost hope.... heart and all reason. Now, look at this moment in time, Jamison, and Delilah my children are nursing from me, family....MY family is coming to see me. But most of all? The reason or reasons I am here NOW in this moment: I opened my heart again to Stephen, he made things right and we worked on/out our issues and after all the fire, all the rain.... here we are, turns out is fucking worth it.

"Vinny? Sugar cookie? You, ok? You're crying..." My husband's concerned voice floats to me, I didn't even realize the fact I was crying, and it seems Stephen KNOWS why. "---Oh Vinny, I know that look, it's like your greatest dream has come true and that I..." Here Stephen breaks down, "—I mean you opened your heart to me again, that...I finally DID things right and after the hell I put you the end it led to THIS moment...US here, all FOUR of us." Stephen echoing my thoughts exactly, me loving how in tune we are with one another.

"Fucking worth it babe. I love you, never doubt that. I love our children...just THANK you." I say quietly so as not to disturb our children, who are staring up at me like I hung the moon, me loving the feel of them, their last both babies are full and burped and start making the cutest cooing noises, Stephen holding us all as he can in his embrace, "—when is everyone coming again?" I think to ask.

"Soon Vinny, and I know how much they mean to you....and they mean to ME. "softly, as he leans over carefully to capture my lips and no sooner, we do that, then a series of knocks sound at the door, "Come in." Stephen calls and everyone files in, our family...babies and all. Robbin fussing over Nikki along with their son, Tommy meanwhile can barely contain himself...practically vibrating with happiness and restraining himself from getting to hold my precious newborns first.

Surprisingly Juan and Bobby kick things off first with Juan Exclaiming, "Wow, they are adorable! Little Heartbreakers already." Stephen I can FEEL his amusement. He smirks.

"What can I say? It's a gift..." My husband smirks widely before his tone turns tender, "They are SO beautiful, so beautiful man."

Everyone echoes similar words and thoughts.... All I know is the babies in my arms, coo with delight, and I know they can feel the love in this room.

Mick clears his throat, eyes shiny with tears which gets me started. "Congratulations to you both, I tell ya.... i can NEVER get over that feeling, that feeling of home.... that bond with your children. I am proud of you both, and so happy." Here Mick smirks, "Thanks Stephen for taking such good care of jr. here."

"Hey!" I protest laughing before telling Mick, "I can....and I know Stephen feels the same and Paul, you're like my parents.... mine and Nikki's especially. And it means so much that you took me in, and it led me in the end to HERE ya know?"

"I sure the hell can second that." Nikki chimes in tearfully, Robbin rubbing his swollen stomach...after all Stephen and I aren't the only ones that have come such a long way.

"Ditto." Robbin echoes softly.

Hope meanwhile tugs frantically at Mick's shirt asking, "Daddy can I hold?"

"You can honey, but you gotta ask first, ok?"

Kingston is doing much the same to Robbin who tells him he will have a turn, gentle yet firm. He really is a good father, words I never thought I'd say. In the end after some debate among the adults present, the children...are the ones to 'hold' Jamison and Delilah really meaning their parents helped them, but that don't fucking was adorable as hell and so many pictures were taken....and then Jamison and Deliah made their rounds starting with Mick and Paul, Stephen holding me and he and I watching everyone like hawks, cant help that being new parents after all.

"Well, it looks like Deliah takes after both her parents looks wise, while Jamison favors Vince a lot." Paul remarks, carefully cradling both of my children. Les Paul meanwhile is asleep in his carrier.

"See Sugar Cookie? Gonna be in a lot of trouble when they get older." Stephen whispers in my ear.

"Hmm, I DO see...and I look forward to that. I love you."

"I love you more Sugar Cookie, always."

Paul ends up switching off with Mick, Hope watching on in fascination and alternating between that and checking on her little brother. EVERYONE after a while has held Delilah and Jamison, and I fucking lose it when they come to take them to the nursery for a bit.

"W-Why did they take them.... they will bring them back, right?" I sob into Stephen's chest.

"I can PROMISE you they will bring them back Vince, and they took them to be bathed and checked on, just making sure they will be happy and healthy little babies." Stephen soothes me and I manage to calm Down. And I feel SO tired and of course everyone notices.

"Vince man, I know the feeling.... get you some sleep, I'd say you've more than earned it." Nikki punctuates his words with a yawn.

"I'm not the only one Nikki."

"He's right babe, let's get you and the kids home." Robbin says quietly.

"B-But.... i...wanna be here for them!" Nikki cries, Robbin gently strokes Nikki's face.

"YOU ARE...and they more than understand baby. And you after all get tired so easily, don't worry. I will take care of you and our children, ok? I Love you and we can come back, we will...I promise you."

Nikki agrees, barely able to stay awake...and Robbin calls for a wheelchair and gathers his son and his husband in practically one move and soon they are gone....and so am sleep that is....

Until I find myself waking up after I don't know how long to the sounds of Delilah and Jamison fussing and I realize that Stephen is changing them both and singing lowly to them, and God if that doesn't tug at the heart strings!

"There now you two have fresh diapers and clothes.... I love you two so much, I hope you know that." Stephen tells them.

"They DO know that I know I do." I speak softly and Stephen smiles.

"I love that...and if you are wondering everyone went home to rest and all...they left lots of gifts for the twins and stuff for us as well."

"Sounds wonderful."

"Meantime, two of the most precious little sugar cookies need to be fed." Stephen grins.

"Well, how can I say 'no' to that." I smile softly, as soon I am holding my children in my arms, my husband at my side as I feed my children, and I am lost...lost in feeling, in happiness...and in joy.

I love the music; I love what I do...I have for around 40 years now and then some. But most of all? I love my family, more than words can ever say...that's number one. So, I love the music yes, it means so much to family though is number one in my book.

A/N: I enjoyed writing this chapter so much!! Next chapter I am thinking about a bit of a time skip, we shall see for sure what I come up with!

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