Chapter 72-An Early Star is Born (Mick Mars)

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Our son Les Paul loves that name by the way, but seriously I love all my children my beloved Star has given me. Anyway, Les Paul came a month freaked me out and it especially freaked my poor husband out. Though I was a wreck, all that mattered was that Paul needed me and it was the middle of the night, a rainy night in fact that Les would arrive on February 20, 1987....and where you join me, US rather...well you will see.

My poor husband has hardly moved today, well he did earlier determine to play with Hope and spend time with her, but it wore him out. He kept grimacing the whole time worrying me, especially since he'd complained about cramps earlier in the day or not it was last week. Things here lately have been a bit hectic, with everyone needing time which I don't blame them for wanting or needing time to themselves, but there has also been the fact that Mӧtley.... groundwork has been laid for a tour/working on an album a bit later this year...likely around fall, if not it doesn't fucking matter.... Paul and my children are very important.

Paul is in bed, and I am in our daughter's bedroom, she'd climbed out of her toddler bed and wound up on my side of the bed and said she had a 'scawy dweam' aka scary dream and now, I am trying to soothe her and get her to go back to sleep, even though I have a feeling.... that nagging feeling about Paul....Turns out, Les as I have said, will make his entrance here before long....

"Shh star princess, the dream can't hurt you...daddy wont let it. I promise it will be ok. Let's get you back to sleep, ok? Little girls need lots of sleep." Hope only clings to me tighter.

"Daddy no sweep!" Hope trembles. "Scawy dweam...bout mommy!!" Ah so that's it, I should have poor little girl, she's like me with her 'feelings'. She is part alien after all.

"Mommy will be ok honey.... daddy won't let anything happen to mommy.... you wanna tell daddy about your dream?" My heart drops at the look on her face, but before I can say anything else, I hear and then see Paul, a heavily panting and PANICKED Paul, clutching at his well swollen stomach. "---PAUL? Oh god..."

"HURTS....t-think contraction.... I...SCARED.... oh S-SHIT." Paul pants out groaning as I notice the growing puddle at his feet. "S-SORRY...." He bursts into tears. Hope, somehow has managed to climb down from my arms, thankfully she is ok, but she is upset for her mother, as I spring into action and somehow manage to grab Paul's overnight bags, soothe Hope, change Paul's underwear, and desperately call his bandmate: Gene, Eric Carr answering telling us they'll meet us at the hospital....and soon, I have Paul sitting on towels in the car, Hope in her car seat and I hightail it to the hospital.

Paul clutches at my free hand like a lifeline.... sobbing, which breaks my fucking heart!

"Hey, hey.... I know it's too early, just eager to meet us. Try and calm as much as you can, ok? Baby, I know it's hard.... but I want you to know, I PROMISE you and our son will be ok...I promise." My voice cracks due to the onset of tears. Meanwhile, meanwhile sniffles from the backseat, still refusing to go to sleep.

"I F-FEEL like m-my fault.... Mick.... you're r-right...but..." Paul groans, desperately trying to calm as much as he can.

"Its NOT your fault my star...Gene and Eric are meeting us at the hospital to take Hope. And I am right here with you every step of the way. I love you."

Paul bites back a scream in response to me, due to a contraction....and after an eternity we arrive at the hospital, Paul is admitted and a frantic and concerned Gene and Eric arrives, Eric who looks pale.... hmm...

"Thanks for doing this, I know it's the middle of the night.... i can't or couldn't get Hope back to sleep, I mean she's worried about Paul....and quick.... Eric? Are you...." I trail off, Hope in my arms.

To my surprise Gene smiles, God...he's changed SO much. "He IS pregnant, about 2 months as it turns out, now go be with Paul.... keep us updated as you can." I hand over Hope and her bag, telling my little princess it will be ok and try and get some sleep, and I break down and then race back to Paul....

I enter just in time, to help him thru a contraction and once it passes....

"H-Hope.... s-she, ok?" Paul pants and is in tears, and my poor husband is covered in sweat, which I try and wipe off, pulling his hair back.

"I-I t told her it will be ok....and to try and get some sleep. She's worried about you Paul." I pause a moment, biting back a sob. "She'd had a scary dream about you, she told me. She I think KNEW...."

Paul manages a pain filled smile, "Well she is part alien." He breaks down, "Despite YOU being scared too, here you are right by my side. Y-you've been amazing always are."

I kiss him and rub his swollen stomach in slow and firm circles, tears streaming down my face.

"I love you...God, do I love you....and thank you."

No other words need be spoken.... the hours that pass is long and painful for my beloved Star, but I stay right by his side and sometime in the afternoon, early afternoon.... its TIME, time for Paul to push and he looks to me fearfully, crying out....

"MICK.... I...I don't know if I can do HURTS!!"

"Shh, I know it hurts baby.... I wish I could take away your pain and I know you are scared. But Paul, you can do this...bring our son into the world. You've fucking got this." I encourage, us sharing a kiss as Paul then bears down, screaming bloody murder and lucky him it doesn't take exceptionally long before our son: Les Paul greets us with a loud cry and its truly a beautiful site, and Paul no lie looks like a goddess....

"Mick! Mick...he's, he's here...and...he's got my lungs!" Paul laughs and cries both, as Les is then placed on Paul's chest for skin-to-skin contact, and I place a gentle hand on my son's head.

"He's beautiful Paul.... he looks so much me, but he has your stunning raven curls..." I cry.

"I bet money he has your eyes too, and by the way.... i LOVE that he looks so much like you Mick." Softly, Paul's wrecked voice sounds out......Les is taken to be cleaned and measured, Paul cried, and so did I and all told, Les is a little small but otherwise is healthy and soon is back in Paul's arms fussing.

"He's...he's perfect. And Paul? You did so well, I know it was scary as hell...but I am so damn proud of you, my star. I love you."

"I love you too Mick, more than you could ever know." As carefully we manage to share a kiss.

So many times, I ask myself, 'how'd I get so lucky?' PAUL, it's always been Paul and it always will be, he SEES me...we see each other. He gave me his heart...and two children, Hope, and our newborn Son: Les Paul.... i have never loved him more......

"Oh! Found out your drummer is pregnant..." I finally think to mention to Paul.

"About damn time.... Gene says how far along?"

"2 months I think." I tell him...., "I wish Les would open his eyes..." and as if on cue Les does open his eyes and they are MY eyes.

"They're like sapphires..." Paul murmurs and says to our son, "Welcome to this world was scary I can't lie, but it was more than worth it. Daddy is and has been my absolute rock. I see so much of him in you.... We love you so much. And just wait till you meet your older sister Hope, she's been so eager to meet you." Paul gently kisses Les' forehead, and I reach out and he grips my finger in his tiny hand, and I am lost.... lost and found. I can never get enough of this feeling, its just like with Hope....

A/N: Mick and Paul's son is early, but he is and will be fine and next chapter its almost time for the Neil-Pearcy twins to arrive!

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now