Chapter 3- You Know You Really Wanna Lay It Down. (Vince Neil)

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-September Diary Entry (September 25, 1983?)-

Oh, that NIGHT the other night.... the days have since FLOWN by. In reality it could have been weeks, a nights and days tend to be a blur, well mainly the nights anyway. I don't remember.... i think it WAS September 9, and its still September and according to the calendar...anyway, shit...I've spent FAR too much time with Tommy, that loveable fucker. But ah, THAT night....course, I ended the night laid....but before then, things were interesting shall we say....seeing Ratt on stage....meeting Stephen, the lead singer....who called me a 'pretty lady' and I snapped at him, and I started crying...didn't even realize it...THAT I remember and then he ACTUALLY apologizes, still teasing one another, Tommy showed up....the rest of Stephen's band showed up...minus his rhythm guitarist whom fucked the HELL out of Nikki, as I've just heard from Tommy literally yesterday.....hmm, and I THOUGHT Nikki would do the dominating. Although honestly, I've always had an inkling IT WAS THE OTHER way around.

Things got blurry that night, and I didn't know up from down....snorted coke off some chick's backside or was it a dude? But SOME moments did actually stand out....Stephen, making out with some random chick....and I gotta admit I was jealous...or maybe it was really hurt. And I think I may have bothers me, it really bothers me....and I don't know where he lives or what bed he's waking up in....its not like I'll ever see him again is it? Not like I want him....

And as I said I ended the night laid....waking up in bed with a stranger, feeling so cold.....and....Stephen Pearcy wont leave my thoughts. Course the dreams don't help.....and random thought, the guys would bust my balls for writing in a diary....Nikki actually might not, Tommy would fuck with me, Mick probably wouldn't care that i do this...but anyway, the dreams....

for example: me writhing beneath him in pleasure, running my nails down his back, leaving scratches up and down his back...the air heavily scented with the musk of us having SCREAMING broken syllables of his name....him, taking me apart piece by piece....and I only want more. There is more than just lust to it, I love him...I love him. And there are other sex dreams, and I wake up hornier than hell...sexually frustrated, but then the tears follow. There are dreams of him holding me, him being jealous of my friendship with Sixx. And then there are the ones we're screaming at each other, me discovering he's cheated on me, and one in which he's accusing me of sleeping with Nikki and one that haunts me....a fight, that seems to be the which I leave part because of Nikki it seems, because I'd felt or so it seems that I'd done the right thing in defending him, beating the shit out of Robbin on Nikki's behalf and he'd been the one to introduce Nikki to the worst of all drugs Heroin, and not only that....seems Robbin in his haze told Nikki to get rid of it and abandoned him for the entirety....of...his pregnancy...Nikki's....and in that dream, it seems too late Stephan realizes his mistake and its THIS one, that FUCKING HURTS...especially when I awake. Confusing as fuck, love hurting...I...---


I am interrupted by several loud and I do mean loud bangs on my door as I hastily shove my diary in its drawer and race to the door of my apartment to find: Tommy (Naturally), Nikki and surprisingly Mick? And Paul Stanley? A shy Paul Stanley Who clarifies...

"Um....hope its ok, I uh thought, I'd come with Mick. He said, you have a band" I interrupt apologizing as I do so...

"Sorry to interrupt man.... you're all right really...we aren't going to hurt you, I'm sure the hell not. I can see your good for Mick....and I never really thanked you for saving us from getting kicked off the tour...." And here I turn to Nikki, "Band Meeting?"

Nikki smirks and rolls his eyes, "Yes....i left messages....what the fuck were you doing anyway?...never mind, don't wanna know." Nikki, it seems answers his own question.

"Dudes, we gonna stand here all day?" Tommy fidgets, I sigh and invite everyone in. I feel a pang, as I see how tender Mick is being with Paul. Paul is nothing like the public sees him as. He brings out the best in Mick.

After finding seats, Mick and Paul basically cuddling and me and the guys taking turns ribbing one another, I venture to ask....

"I was distracted, and I forgot..." Slowly remembering we do indeed have a band meeting but can't remember the reason. "Why are we having this again? The Second leg or...was it a tour for 'shout at the devil'?"

I'd turned to Nikki since he's technically or is band leader.... but surprisingly Mick answers and my heart stops practically at the look on his face: weary, but angry...VERY. And it hits eyes wide....and mentally smacking myself: DOC, THAT FUCKER!! DOUCHE BAG!

"I take it Vince...." Uh-Oh, this IS serious. Usually Mick calls me 'blondie' or 'singer' and usually to fuck with me. ....., "That you realize what or WHO this is about. Doc...he's fucking HISTORY." Mick continues not holding back the growl/snarl coming from his throat. "He...well among other things like trying to swindle us out of money.... did something I CAN NEVER forgive.... Paul.... rape him......" Mick stammers over every word, so unlike him, but it's because he is so ANGRY....and in tears, a sight to give ANYONE pause. A gentle hand on Mick's face...Paul's hand.

"Mick.... I know baby I know. have done something no one has ever done for me. You LOVE me...all parts of me.... you stopped HIM..." Paul whispers. He turns briefly to us, him still holding Mick in his way as he explains in tears, "It was not long before our wedding. ON our wedding day.... Doc couldn't stand.... that.... i was in love with a man.... he's.... evil." We all sit with stunned and wide eyes. Paul turns back to Mick, kissing him.... murmuring to him.

No one else dares to make a sound....and finally the meeting continues, which is mainly discussing a replacement manager......i.e., Doug, some aspects of the tour next year and then Nikki clears his throat...

"Guys? Well, you know that band we saw the other night. Ratt?"

"Fucking Killer band dude!" Tommy. Of course, interrupts Nikki glares but continues...

"They need to get signed.... see how EVERYONE was falling all over them? The buzz? And the music, as Tommy would say is killer."

I smirk WIDELY.... very widely. And I am SO about to take the piss with Nikki. "I agree Sixx...." Then still smirking say silkily, "This wouldn't ALSO have to do with the fact that their Rhythm guitarist fucked your brains out in the men's bathroom and you're hoping that this will lead to you somehow getting a repeat performance?"

"Go fuck yourself Vincent." Nikki flips me off, looking angry.... but hmm, well.... whatdya know? He is BLUSHING. I merely continue to take the piss for a bit and before I know it everyone splits, and I find myself alone again....

And I pick up my diary....and continue my earlier entry....

-Hello again.... Dear Diary-

Well great, I lost my train of thought.....but....i have news for you. So Doc tried to rape Mick's husband...and god, I've never seen Mick so hurt....and Paul Stanley....i cant imagine....maybe we are slowly becoming friends with him. But....i should have seen the shit with Doc coming....he maybe its not only because of our sexual preferences, its we cant be tamed. We are a Mӧtley Crϋe for a reason. And now, my thoughts are drifting back to Ratt, Sixx was right about the band....course, I maintain it DOES have to do with something that Nikki wouldn't admit to....he's hoping it will lead him back to that blond guitarist. Must have been a hell of a lay....or, could it be THE Nikki SIxx catching feelings?

Stephen....god my dreams....and....great even thinking of them...I can feel my self-getting turned on beyond belief.....

-see you next time... -

A/N: A Band meeting...a motley diary entry and more. Next chapter will see Nikki Sixx's POV and a time skip perhaps. Stay tuned!

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now