Chapter 50-You're in-Love Part 3(Vince Neil-Pearcy)

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Mine and Stephen's honeymoon and wedding were VERY memorable, for the obvious reasons: discovering I was pregnant, the morning sickness and struggling with not only those things but the feelings of guilt for feeling like I'd ruined things. My hormones sure the fuck didn't help matters, however.... i had my Stephen thru it all, taking care of me...right by my side. And we did have many sweet moments like with Stephen and I walking on the beach, laying upon the sand, cuddles, sex, romance....and what really made me emotional too was: him talking to our baby, cuddling with our firstborn and me. So many priceless moments....

Where you next find us, a week will have passed, and we will be at the beginning of the second week of our honeymoon....

This past week has been a fucking blur, an emotional roller coaster...surreal, you name it. I mean I am married.... married to the love of my life and I NEVER imagined our lives would turn out the way they have but am finding that I love that. One thing I could do without my morning sickness, which brings me to now...heaving and sobbing over the toilet.... i think maybe its morning and Stephen insisted on fixing me breakfast or rather that's what the sweetest note he left for me said....and I know too he's worried about me....

He's been the sweetest husband, but still, I am struggling with my emotions right now, and feeling overwhelmed.... it's been so rough that Stephen took me to the emergency room the other day, turns out the baby is ok, they will be and really that's all I could ask for....and my Stephen? I couldn't ask for a better partner than him, he is upholding his vows and then some, he loves me and our baby so much.... I couldn't do this without him, couldn't LIVE without him and I know I won't have to.

Ugh, I just WISH I could or would stop puking! I hate.... getting sick so much....i really, really do....

I hear footsteps, RUNNING ones as I am still heaving and therefore, I can't fucking respond, next thing I know, Stephen.... holding my hair back and soothing me, doing his best too.

"Oh Vinny, shh.... i know you're feeling so rough and overwhelmed.... I hate to see you struggle so much baby doll. I can't help but worry about you."

FINALLY, I come up for air and manage to croak out, "I-I—I hate this! B-being sick an' tired all the time!"

"Hey, I know you do baby...." I think I'm done puking my guts out, as I lean against my husband who is supporting me, and I feel so shaky as he stands with me in his hold, helping me rinse my mouth out, "Let's get you hydrated and maybe get some food in you." I manage a nod, crying as Stephen cradles me bridal style to his chest and helps me in bed, making sure I am comfortable as I can be as I continue to cry, "Sugar Cookie.... things are rough for you right now, and I fucking hate that, and I know you sure as hell do, but baby doll I aint goin' anywhere. I'm gonna be right by your side, talk to me.... tell me everything."

"I love you." I whisper, just needing him and he gets my message and then he helps me eat and I each as much as I can before declaring that I am done, Stephen has me guzzle two bottles of water and then I have to piss, get a little dizzy and am back in bed, armed with a cooled cup of tea and some cucumber, Stephen with his arms wrapped around me. "C-Can I...we talk?" I squeak finally, taking a sip of tea and munching on a cucumber.

"Oh, baby doll, course we can."

I put down my cucumber and burrow into my husband's embrace, "I hate my mood swings, I hate feeling guilty about everything.... hormones ain't fucking helping. Mentally, its.... v-very overwhelming...a-and i..." Here I break down, "I-I should b-be happy....and.... i DO love having a baby....and.... you're not gonna leave me, are you?" I practically whisper the last part, my hormones are on overdrive right now...Stephen tightens his embrace being mindful of course of our unborn child and tilts my face up to where I am looking at him, his eyes shiny with tears.

"Vince.... I would NEVER leave you. I already 'left' you once...let you go, never again. I ain't gonna leave you no matter what sugar cookie, that's a promise. Things are hard on you right now with the pregnancy mentally and physically and you can't help that shit. I KNOW though you are happy, I see that spark in your eyes when I talk to our baby.... the way you look like I've given you gold taking care of you. I know you're happy....and all this you're going thru wont last forever and I am gonna love you thru it all. Cause I love YOU Vinny...and I love our little sugar cookie. Now.... Let's get you some sleep ok baby. And when you're feeling well enough, we'll go on one of our beach walks."

My husband's words have touched me to my core, and it takes me a moment to form words....

"I love I will rest, but can we please talk some more? It helps."

Stephen smiles, "I can never say 'no' to you.... course we can and I love you too." I close my eyes as he leans in and kisses me, just loving the feel of him and then he kisses my stomach where our child lay growing.

"Do you remember when we reunited? When you said the dreams you had of me, the things we did were illegal in all 50 states?"

I feel more than I see Stephen smirk at that, but his reply though is fond, "Oh I remember....and I dare say we've broken some laws at it were somewhere." His tone grows a little bit heated at that and oh what that's doing to me right now and his next words though are highly amused, "Crosby and Sixx though? Have DEFINETLY broken some laws."

I snort in amusement at that, "No shit.... i think they get off on being adventurous and the thrill of getting caught."

"What say we give them a run for their money?" Stephen purrs his gazed heated and loving both.

"Hell yes...." As I pull him down to me.

Yep, we had sex.... wild, passionate, and afterwards I immediately fell asleep, sucked because I wanted to stay awake for 'cuddle' talk as I call it. The rest of our honeymoon was just as memorable as the first week had been with morning sickness and just spending time together, exploring our love and being loved and cared for. Looking back, I cherished ALL moments, I Do I mean. It was perfect, it was memorable, and it strengthened mine and my husband's bond and love. Our whole family was growing and thriving, and I will go ahead and tell you that it wouldn't be too long from this point in time when Stephen and I weren't the only ones getting married.

A/N: Part 3 is up! Next the Crosby-Sixx clan and a glimpse of their lives and just maybe what Vince mentioned here will happen, so stay tuned! 

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now