Chapter 80-Our Lives, Our Love, Our Journey Part 2

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-Vince Neil-Pearcy POV-

Love, at one point in time was only meant for fairy tales....and all life was about was sex, drugs, and rock n roll...or so I'd thought. That all began to change that fateful (God listen to me, but it's true) that fateful night of September 9, 1983. It was a night that forever changed my destiny, mine, and Nikki's especially. I NEVER saw any of what's happened to me in the last forty years coming...but again that night, I met Stephen my husband of the past few decades at this point. I remember he thought I was a chick, which was fair because I did look and dress like one, a glorified stripper to be more exact.... Then there was the moment he'd winked at me on stage, but our actual meeting he'd called me 'a pretty lady', which really bothered me, made me cry then he APOLOGIZED and there were sparks such sparks. Our chemistry was insane and so began one of the craziest, hardest, PAINFUL, rewarding journey's.... then, life got in the way. He was busy with Ratt, I had Mӧtley. So, for more than a year, we'd never meet...then of course came another fateful night, January 19, 1985. Stephen and I at long last reunited, Robbin aka that fucker (again it became and is now a term of affection) and Nikki REALLY reunited in what came to be known as the 'Crosby-Sixx' stall at the Starwood.... Stephen and I our chemistry was reunited, I was was he, but we both wanted it...needed it and it led to a hot a steamy night. I didn't see my husband had jealous tendencies till that day I saw Robbin introducing Nikki to Heroin, I didn't see that I wasn't cherished, loved...the heartache that soon followed. February fucking February things started to go to shit all the way around, Nikki began drifting from us...Stephen and I fought, however there were those special romantic moments like our first date that I still remember to this day. But I was losing my way...already, months passed after February 85, we were careening towards July 23, 1985.... I discovered Stephen cheating on me, things were said that hurt, he let me GO, he'd always been jealous of Nikki back then. I did what I thought was right and defended Nikki, whom needed someone in his corner and especially since Nikki was pregnant and abandoned at the time by Robbin who was consumed by his addiction to Heroin.....and I headed down a dark and stormy path, I accidentally killed Razzle....god, I never meant to, Razzle knew...I knew, but I had NO ONE...I didn't have Stephen, he wasn't there for me and after jail I tried to take my own life. Mick Mars SAVED me, if it wasn't for him, I'd be dead, he and Paul took me in and Nikki too and eventually it led us back to our loves and falling in love with our respective partners, getting sober, working on our issues, becoming the best versions of ourselves and Stephen and I marrying, having children...friendships, lives repaired and rebuilt. Enemies becoming friends to becoming FAMILY. Stephen and me? He's my soulmate, I fully believe that...sure we took the long hard road but, in the end, it was and is fucking worth it.

Now we share grandchildren with Robbin and Nikki, Deliah having married Kingston. We live near Nikki and Robbin in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and still we are kicking ass (See what I did there? Kick Start my Heart reference, which funnily enough I wrote with Robbin). Sex, Crϋe and Ratt n Roll, there's nothing like it, I tell ya. My life, not my heart, is like an open book for the whole world to read and I'd have it no other way, Stephen as ever is at my side, and he always will be.

-Stephen Pearcy POV-

My journey to Love, to a life with my Sugar Cookie Vince...well as you know now it was a long, rough, heartbroken and at times brutal road. It was easy to find love, but not to keep it. I in 83' was the typical budding rockstar, ya know fucking anything that promised a good time. September 9, 1983, though? God, what a night...the night I met Vince, I thought he was a chick and then I made him cry and that didn't sit well with me, I apologized and so it began. He never left my thoughts for more than a year, I wasn't kidding when I told him the things, he did in my dreams are illegal in all 50 states, I still tell him that now as a matter of sue me. Anyway by 1985, things would really begin to change, and I don't mean like with Ratt although if it wasn't for Sixx and Vince we may never have been signed as soon as we were. Ah yes, where the hell was I? Vince and I, our reunion January 10th 1985.... A long and hot night for us would follow and there was more than just lust between us. I didn't treasure Vince then, I took him for granted, I let my jealousy of Nikki get in the way and I cheated on Vince then I let him go and it was the worst mistake or mistakes I'd ever made. I KILLED him that year, I killed his spirit, I killed his heart, because of ME he made a serious error in judgment that still to this day he struggles with....then after I'd let him go in July of 85' I made things even worse, I was selfish thinking I'd make things worse when I would have made them better just to reach out in any way, my world and the world in general lost some of its brightness, and because of me...Vince nearly succeeded in taking his own life and it hurt then and now to think that it took THAT to make me see just how much I truly loved and needed Vince, and I swore that I'd never again let him go and I kept that promise. I owe a huge thank you to Mick Mars and Paul Stanley, without them Vince and I may not have made it or be together. I was determined to get and deserve a second chance with Vince, and you don't know how much it means to me that I DID. I even too became friends with Sixx and gave him a huge apology to say the least....

After all the fire and rain, Vince and I slowly but surely became an actual couple, we worked on our issues, got sober together and fell really fucking hard for each other. All we went through in the end led to us getting married and Vince getting pregnant with our twins, he and I thriving personally and professionally. I learned what It means to be a true partner, to love and cherish my sugar be a friend.

Vince and I did have more children after Delilah and Jamison, two to be exact...another son and a daughter.... Now, life has come full circle. I wake up every day to the love of my life, my other half, my sugar cookie, the mother of my children and I realize how fucking lucky am I? Sure, I love what I do for a living, sure I am a music legend as is my sugar cookie and my family, a family forged...but the greatest feeling or what I love most of all is having my Vinny at my side, watching our grandchildren grow...doing what I love with the one I love.

So sadly, ends this story of Sex, Crϋe & Ratt n Roll...well here at least, the story ain't truly over...there is plenty of life, of love for Vince and I... after all we still have a lifetime left together.

A/N: and so, ends the story. It's very bitter-sweet, means so much all the love and support! 

Sex, Crϋe and Ratt 'N' Roll, A Ratt & Mӧtley TaleWhere stories live. Discover now